Breathe easy

Conventional solutions like surgery don’t actually address the real cause of sleep apnoea, says naturopath Shannon Flavell.

SLEEP apnoea is a 10 อันดับ chronic condition involving the temporary collapse of the upper airway during sleep, which blocks air flow and results in snoring, uneven sleeping patterns, and daytime fatigue. It is a frustrating disorder, and, if untreated, can lead to fatal cardiovascular problems. A diagnosis is usually arrived at after undertaking a sleep evaluation study. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended, especially if there is a blockage or structural abnormality, possibly due to injury or an inherited trait, such as a longer soft palate. However, this จัดอันดับ can be painful, with a lengthy recovery path, and results are inconsistent, with some sources suggesting that an operation to increase airway width by removing soft tissue at the back of the throat is only 50 percent effective. A Continuous Positive Airway Pressure breathing mask that forces air into the lungs during sleep may also be suggested.

Inside insulin
Advancing age, being male, smoking and drinking alcohol are all associated with sleep apnoea, but the strongest risk factor is obesity, especially if the weight is around the midsection. This is because excess abdominal fat significantly reduces lung volume, creating a reduced ‘pull’ on the trachea, so narrowing the airway. It’s also problematic if there is excess fat around the windpipe in the neck, as this reduces airway size. Losing weight is an essential first step.

Not so well known, however, is the strong association between insulin resistance and sleep apnoea, first flagged in a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2000. Since abdominal obesity is linked with both insulin resistance, unstable
blood sugar, and sleep apnoea, this association makes sense. As exercise reduces both insulin resistance and obesity, it’s a strong contender for treating sleep apnoea.

Dietary considerations are important:
Decreasing intake of foods จัดอันดับ that may cause nasal congestion, such as dairy products, may relieve symptoms by keeping airways clear of mucus. Food sensitivities may worsen sleep apnoea, because foods causing allergic or intolerance reactions are known to increase heart rate, hence they can cause or aggravate insomnia. A drop in the level of sugar in the bloodstream during the night will cause the body to secrete certain hormones, notably
adrenaline (which increases arousal) to correct this.

An สิบอันดับ evening meal based on protein (meat, fish, eggs), vegetables, and a limited amount of starch should help. Herbs can help: Valerian combines well with St John’s wort for any kind of sleep disturbance, including sleep apnoea, which is often linked with depression due
to the poor quality sleep and repeated waking. It should go without saying that smoking should be stopped, and alcohol consumption at least curtailed, especially if the condition is worsening