Starcraft 2: Wings Of Liberty

Starcraft 2: Wings Of Liberty


StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty is the sequel to the hit video game dating from 1998 of Blizzard Entertainment, StarCraft. It was considered by players and industry experts from around the world as one of the best RTS games of all time. StarCraft II will focus once again on the battle between the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg: each of these factions line up their favorite units taken directly from the original StarCraft, along with many of their updated versions, brand new units and abilities that will allow unprecedented clashes strategic and always interesting. The new 3D graphics engine the game will maintain the speed and responsiveness of the control system of its predecessor, while supporting hundreds of units on the game screen allowing huge armies clashing.

The single player campaign in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty continues the epic saga of StarCraft: Brood War left off exactly where it was. The story recounts the exploits of Jim Raynor, a former sergeant became head of the rebels, and will include new heroes and familiar faces. Players will be able to adjust their game experience dynamically, choosing your own path through the 29 missions of the campaign.

Several challenges in the form of mini-games will be included in the game and will be primarily focused on facilitating the understanding of the basic strategies of the multiplayer side of the game. In addition, dozens of multiplayer maps will be available for competitive matches through the new version of Battle.Net, which will launch with StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. This new version of the service was built from scratch to offer online gaming experience never seen before, with new features like the ability to communicate via voice chat, character profiles, achievements, statistics and leaderboards collected in competitions, storage of files Cloud gaming through technology, and more.


The best strategy back richer than ever.
Three distinct races: Protoss, Terran, and Zerg.
Characterization of the units and gameplay mechanics specific to each breed.
Shocking single player campaign.
A new graphics engine that can handle a disproportionate number of units of size and detail never achieved.
Full multiplayer support, with new possibilities and challenges directly dall'ineguagliato
Very complete editor to make the gaming experience almost infinite.

Compatible with MAC OS.


Starcraft 2 is a masterpiece.
The single player is great attention to detail and the campaign will keep you glued to the screen until the end, catturandovi with fantastic movies and more diverse missions.
The multi player, with a division in the alloys you to face your opponents level. Have a game to become good players, or just plain do some anceh coopetativa friendly or against the AI ??with your friends. You can also play games 2vs2, 4vs4 3vs or teaming with other players.
From a graphical point of view the title is very pleasant and can be enjoyed on your non-performing exaggerated. In conclusion, Starcraft 2 is a well maintained, balanced, up to date not even a lover rts readily appreciate.


I can not even understand and share the reviews above.
Small premise is a title with record sales around the world and a solid implementation and support accrued over years of experience, in short, give 1 star is a rating out of place regardless.

The game is engaging and easy to learn already from the start thanks to the single player campaign step by step. The missions are varied and even follow a common core, will be the player to choose from time to time so the alternative to be followed leading to a more long duration of the game.
All this is told by a beautiful plot surrounded by numerous interludes and ingame movies that take you to finish it as soon as possible to know the ending.
In multiplayer the game becomes much more competitive and actually to get good results it takes hours of play, though, thanks to the b-net, is very fast and practical to start playing immediately and practice. Just create an account and start searching for your match based on your criteria, 2v2 1v1 etc.., In a moment you will enter into the action (at the beginning you can attend a fixed number of unranked matches to make the hand: the League Cadets). Surely an important part of the game are the custom map, the maps created by players and by the same blizzard that in most cases turn this game into something totally new and different.
SC2 thus becomes a fps, a card game, a race of cooks, an rpg and more .. all free.

SC2 has also introduced elements that can be annoying and it has definitely innovated the genre, but cisellato and updated as best we can what has been one of the best rts ever created: the first Starcraft, also saw two other expansions that will be produced and given the large amount of updates bisgna consider this game as a building site and not as a finished work.
So this is a game that I recommend highly for anyone who loves strategy titles as it represents a point of reference regardless of tastes.

With reference to the first review: the author complains that the game lacks the RTS component (ie the strategy and decisions in real time) and then says that the battles are resolved in direct confrontation on the field where the strategies planned lose any importance compared to the speed and quickness, their characteristics belonging to the genus rts .... This already seems like a contradiction, which among other things also denotes a lack of knowledge of this game, because there are many ways to play and who plays the same scheme using short-lived. The other person complains that there are too many patches ... Watch you do not know what you're talking, you should be happy because this means a constant and continuous support to the game that nowadays is rare. On this I would like to point out that buying a blizzard title implies support sometimes for more than 10 years, is a game that is constantly renewed thanks to the mod, the fans and the blizzard itself, in short, those 50 euros worth much more than those spent in the last pes 20xx ... that is left as it exits the new ...

We clear on the fact of having to always be connected to the internet ...
You have 2 possibilities: play the campaign and save it on your computer as you normally do in other games, or create an account online with which to play both the campaign and the multiplayer gameplay in this case, all progress is saved on the server blizzard. In the second case you can continue your game (campaign or multiplayer gameplay) from any PC with sc2 installatovi above and you will have access to the trophies in style ps3 or xbox live ...


Low voter does not understand anything about this game, the single player is a mere prelude to what is the true essence of this game, and that is the PvP multiplayer.
We are then talking about RTS excellence, go yourselves for a ride on youtube and see how many people follow the starcraft community ... is probably the only game where people spend more time watching the games of top players and to study and refine strategies with respect to time playing ... just to make people understand what is the difficulty and admiration for those who can play levels monstrous ...
Go to the channel day9tv, or HDstarcraft Huskystarcraft ... watch the games people like TLO, WhiteRa, Hydra, QXC, OGSMC, Boxer, Puma, Spanishiwa ...
Follow a very technical review and then venitemi to say if there is no strategy ...
But the gentlemen mentioned above are probably in bronze league and they finished the campaign on easy ...
Arrive at the diamond or master who then talk about it ...


You know Starcraft 1? This is the same but with better graphics.
It is NOT a strategy game, because there is always reduced to "pile up resources and build units and send them to random waves against the enemy" for those who like it says ZERGARE.
The singleplayer campaign is boring beyond all human comprehension and artificial intelligence of computers is embarrassing.
The multiplayer ... Well we are reduced to being brain-injured to play, it's all about mnemonics, you just have to remember the maps and the exact order of production units to do in those times in order to secure the victory. Honestly, the way he was heralded in recent years I would have expected more from Blizzard, but they have repackaged the first and thrown on the market, times change and the tastes of the public could do much more. Another negative note are the video highlight of the Blizzard, this time made ??a series of 3D grafichetta B. .. it seems that they did not want to do it I'm game.
The only positive about pretty graphics with cool effects for the kind of light ... If you like the lights, get a Strobosfera ... may well cost you less.
