Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil

Top 10 Cursed Objects That Are Pure Evil

 coming in at number 10 we have the die  Buck box a normal object turns  Supernatural turned cursed what a  journey the dieback box is said to be a  haunted wine cabinet filled with a  Restless Spirit interestingly the wine  cabinet had a Jewish prayer carved into  the back of it which is maybe What  attracted the ghoul the spirit in  question is allegedly a holocaust  Survivor haveka who escapes to Spain the  box was famously sold on eBay in 2003  and has spent the past 16 years bouncing  between owners who don't want it and I  can understand why it seems each owner  has fallen on a horrifying Misfortune  and suffered reoccurring nightmares one  owner suffered a stroke shortly after  receiving the box as a gift apparently  the box has now been hidden by Jewish  rabbis thank goodness the Box actually  has a connected film with it the  possession which came out in 2012. I  think it was based on the wine box  events coming at number nine we have the  occult Museum voodoo dolls voodles in  general are Supernatural items they're  little Effigies created in magical kind  of practices and for the person on the  receiving end they're bad juju pins are  placed in the door in order to harm the  subject which isn't great not great at  all so with that in mind a supernatural  object used to invoke a curse do you  want to see the voodoo dolls from the Ed  and Lorraine Warren Museum guys you  don't know how hard it is to say Ed and  Lorraine Warren in one go it's a tongue  twister Ed and Lorraine Warren by the  way voodoo dolls so there is actually a  noose on the neck of one of the Dolls  which kind of indicates that somebody  might have died the other one has its  eyes gouged out which isn't great either  visually scary but also actually scary  it seems that the doll collector came  across these doors and bought them home  only to find that her son's Health began  deteriorating it seems that some of the  witches voodoo doll magic had been  retained and it was picked up the boy as  a new vessel The Collector contacted the  warrants who remove the doll after which  the boy made a full recovery thank  goodness however it seems that the story  continues there was a visitor to the  museum and they broke the rules by  touching one of the dolls and later they  were involved in a horrifying accident  who's to blame here coming in at number  eight we have the bassano vars at first  the basano vars is a sight to behold  it's a beautifully carved silver vase  from the 15th century it's antique but  as it's on this list you may have  realized that actually it's a  supernatural antique with a curse The  Story Goes that the vars was made for an  Italian wedding as a gift to the bride  who is to be wed in a traditional  ceremony in Napoli on her wedding night  she was excited but unfortunately an  intruder broke in and stabbed her she  was found bleeding to death clutching  the bars the legend has it that she  promised to return and seek Vengeance on  the person who stopped her marrying her  love after her death the vars was passed  down through the family but anyone who  came in contact with it mysteriously  fell ill or they were met with serious  Misfortune following that of ours was  wrapped up and packed away but  unfortunately it was Unearthed again  hundreds of years later in the late 80s  when it also started making headlines  for continuing its Spate of deadly bad  luck newspaper reports indicate that the  vars was buried again in an undisclosed  location hoping that it would stay out  of the way with human contact forever  this time coming in at number seven we  have the evil eye ah the curse of the  evil eye although actually this is an  interesting twist at this point because  these objects MOST CURSED OBJECTS actually protect against  curses the evil eye is a curse cast by a  malevolent and malicious glare given to  a person when they aren't looking if an  evil eye is cast upon you you are  susceptible to injury or Misfortune it  could even mean that you're set upon by  animals to protect yourself from the  evil eye usually people carry a Talisman  with an eye on it which in themselves  look pretty terrifying but actually  they're there to stare down a curse the  evil eye has been incorporated into a  lot of protective objects most popularly  jewelry also there are a lot of evil eye  wall hangings and wind chimes I feel  like I'd quite like an evil eye bracelet  so it can stare down a few evil eyes  I've been looking my way recently like  reflected Curse coming in at number six  we have cursed tarot cards tarot cards  aren't used in divination for  forecasting rather than predicting  usually a person formulates a question  and seeks an answer from the cards a  deck of 78 individual cards with  different meanings the most famous cards  are death the Tower and the devil all  thought to be bad Omens but of course  that depends on your interpretation some  people are convinced that their tarot  decks can become cursed and that  everything that's forecast will actually  happen badly there is also a  Superstition that burning tarot cards  will bring a curse upon you it seems  that the only way to be rid of a cursed  deck of tarots is to drown them soak  them all face down in water honestly I'm  not so sure about that I think they work MOST BIZARRE CURSES  by energy so if you have bad energy  maybe you'll get bad cards coming in at  number five we have Maori masks Maori is  the name of the indigenous people of New  Zealand and Polynesia masks are made to  honor their ancestors and they're often  beautifully carved and slightly  intimidating to look at the masks are  thought to contain the souls of Warriors  who died in battle so pretty  Supernatural and ghostly if you ask me  while men are fine to be going around  touching a Maori mask females have a  much more uncertain time Legend has it  you should never seek out a Maori mask  if you're pregnant or menstruating  because you could invoke an ancient  curse in October 2010 a museum in New  Zealand made headlines when it told a  pregnant woman to stay away from the  sacred artifacts speaking of sacred at  number four we have Uluru is a rock  formation an object either way I'm  putting it on this list  Uluru or airs rock is both sacred and  cursed if the stories are to be believed  the large Sandstone monolith in the  Northern Territory of central Australia  is sacred to Aboriginal try times the  first people of the land they believe  that it is inhabited by The ancestral  spirits of the land the Rocks started  forming 550 million years ago and it's  believed that if a visitor takes a rock  from the spot they will suffer serious  Misfortune sometimes even grave  Misfortune there have been reports that  people were returning stones that  they've taken from airs Rock to try and  end their suffering shouldn't be taking  the rocks in the first place coming in  at number three we have the Terracotta  Army I kind of believe that the  Terracotta Army have an heir of the  supernatural about them they were after  all a work of funeral art that were  buried with the purpose of protecting an  emperor in the afterlife the thousands  of terracotta Figures were buried with  the first emperor of China in 210 BCE  but they were rediscovered by local  farmers thousands of years later in 1974  in Yang Villages rural land for them  though the discovery was actually a  curse the government didn't pay them  well for their findings and then they  took their land and their home terms of  them in order to build a tourist center  the government made a lot of money they  didn't one of the farmers who discovered  the soldiers actually killed himself and  the others were met with bad luck many  of whom have died penniless coming into  number two whatever you do do not touch  the demon book the book of soyga is an  early 16th century treaties on  demonology written in Latin there are  only two copies of the book in the world  known to us and one was possessed by the  Elizabethan scholar John D D spent his  life trying to interpret the text which  was filled with spells and rituals he  had a good understanding of what was  happening apart from the final 36 Pages  which he just couldn't decipher he and  his trusted friend Edward Kelly summoned  the spirit of oriel to tell them the  meaning of the last pages the legend  says the Oriole then possessed Kelly and  spoke through him he claimed that the  book came into existence when Adam  entered paradise and that it could only  be properly interpreted by the arch and  Angel Michael himself he also said that  whoever deciphers the meaning of the  last 36 pages will be destined to die  two and a half years later why two and a  half we don't know but I wouldn't want  to be reading that book finally climbing  into number one we have the deli purple  sapphire also known as The Gem of Sorrow  the Delhi purple sapphire was housed in  a sacred temple in India the Temple of  Indra in kanpur Indra by the way is the  Hindu god of war and thunderstorms amid  the british-led turmoil in India it  wasn't uncommon for soldiers to loot  sacred temples stealing their jewels and  smuggling them back to Britain this is  exactly what happened with the purple  sapphire in question Colonel W Ferris  took it back to England only to be met  with terrible terrible luck Financial  misfortunes befell him his family got  very sick things started to fall apart  he gave the stone away and the person  who received it committed the next owner  of the sapphire was Edward Herron Allen  who was also met with really bad luck he  bound the stone with silver and attached  two scarab beetles and it seemed like  the bad luck was contained however his  dreams were frequently haunted by Hindu  yogis until he gave the stone away the  stone then was returned to him so he  threw it in Regent's canal in London no  prizes for guessing that actually it  came back the story continues over  another hundred or so years more  recently it found its way to a museum  and one night the museum curator was  traveling with the stone only to be  injured by a terrible storm with his  wife  on this list in our number 10 spot we  have Anna Baker's wedding dress in 1836  a man named Elias Baker purchased a  mansion in Altoona Pennsylvania and  moved his small family in Elias's oldest  daughter was named Anna and when she  fell in love with a steel worker things  took a very dark turn Anna's father  didn't want her dating this man but she  kept doing it in secret The Story Goes  that Anna and the man planned a secret  wedding and they were going to elope  unfortunately Elias found out and  freaked out he apparently purchased the  steel mill that this man worked for and  then forced him to have to move to an  entirely different city so as to prevent  him from being able to continue seeing  Anna Anna of course was furious with her  father and I'm sure this was only made  worse by his decision to offer other men  to her to which she of course declined  because that's just weird Anna instead  locked herself in her room with her  wedding dress that she never got to wear  Anna unfortunately never married after  that and spent the rest of her life  being terribly upset about out the whole  incident after her death it is said that  her anger and despair ended up going  into the wedding dress members of the  baker family reported seeing the dress  in different places around the house  despite no one moving it themselves some  have even reported seeing Anna's Spirit  dressed in the Gown around the house as  well in our number nine spot today we  have the hands resist him the hands  resist him as a painting created by  artist Bill Stoneham and it is supposed  to represent the doorway that connects  our world with the world of the spirits  the doorway to the other side this is  extra suspicious considering owners of  the painting have claimed that they have  seen the characters in the painting move  or sometimes even disappear at night the  painting is said to depict bill as a  child looking quite sad with a doll with  creepy hollow eyes in the background you  can see mysterious hands reaching out  towards the boy the creepiness of the  painting is only elevated when we hear  the stories of the reported three people  who passed away after coming into  contact with the painting it ended up  kind of appearing for around 15 years  until it popped back up on eBay even  then the seller warned potential buyers  that the painting was haunted and  claimed that the boy in the painting  would come out of it and scare their  child the painting ended up being sold  for 1025 dollars to a buyer in Michigan  and at this point it's unclear if  they've had any troubles with the  rumored hauntings and curses in our  number 8 spot today we have the cursed phone number I didn't know a phone  number could be cursed but apparently  it's true and I know a phone number  technically isn't an object but I still  feel like this had to be included today  because it's just too crazy to not there  was a Bulgarian phone number that is  said to have been in use for 10 years  before it was closed the reason why it  ended up being closed and put out of use  is because it is rumored to have  belonged to three separate people who  all died of mysterious circumstances  after having been assigned to the phone  number apparently all of the deaths took  place shortly after the person had been  assigned to the number and they were all  seemingly a bit suspicious thus the  rumors of the cursed telephone number  began to spread after this the company  made the decision to suspend the phone  number and they didn't give out details  as to why I wonder if the two are  related in our number seven support  today we have the Belcourt Castle chairs  Belcourt Castle is located in Newport  Rhode Island and it is a former summer  Cottage construction on the cottage  started in 1891 with it being completed  in 1894 and inside there is a ballroom  the ballroom is important because it is  said that it holds a group of haunted  chairs people who have visited the  castle have reported a ton of strange  happenings regarding this specific set  of chairs the reports include things  like feeling chills racing up and down  their spines or feeling a strange  sensation in a shift of energy while  standing near the chairs and some people  have even explained how they have been  pushed out of the chairs by an invisible  force I feel like just hearing stories  might be enough to explain the energy  shift some people are feeling but  actually being pushed out of a chair by  some sort of invisible force would be  absolutely terrifying in our number six  spot today we have the anguished man  while it is unknown who or when it was  created this painting is said to carry  some kind of a curse it is rumored that  whoever created it mixed his blood with  the oil paint and when he finished  creating it he ended up taking his own  life when a woman who is referred to as  Mrs Robinson originally took possession  of the painting after it was given to  her by a family friend she immediately  knew that something was wrong with it  she ended up passing it along to her  grandson Sean Who currently still owns  the painting when Sean hung the painting  up they apparently started experiencing  paranormal events the Robinson family  has reported many different strange  events that have happened in relation to  the painting such as hearing screams and  groans coming from it as well as hearing  Doris creaking when no one is around  them and being awoken in the middle of  the night by blood curdling screams that  they can't find the source of Sean has  even uploaded videos to YouTube where he  shows these paranormal events and it has  been reported that the family now keeps  the painting hidden away in the basement  which is probably for the best in our  number five spot today we have the dark  mirror this mirror now resides within  the traveling Museum of the Paranormal  and occult and just that alone is enough  to know it deserves a spot on today's  list the museum received this mirror  from the owner who had purchased it from  a psychic fair It is believed that this  mirror was created sometime around the  1820s or 30s and it is actually quite  beautiful to look at despite the  Sinister things it seems to hold the  owner who gave it to the museum  explained that every time they peered  into the mirror they saw these extremely  upsetting things while looking into the  dark mirror's reflection the museum has  said that since they added the mirror to  their collection there have been guests  who have also reported the same kind of  things guests have claimed to see things  reflected back at them like sightings of  their own corpse in our number four spot  today we have old Nick old Nick is often  referred to as the Swansea devil and his  story dates back to the 1890s although  he now resides in the Swansea Museum so  back in the 1890s there was the  prestigious Saint Mary's church located  right in the center of town the church  decided to do some Renovations and they  put out some ads to hire someone when a  local Builder applied for the job and  was turned down he had a major  overreaction and decided he want to get  some kind of Revenge he went and bought  the row of cottages that lay next to the  church and then demolished them all in  their place he built large brick offices  and then commissioned the carving of old  Nick and placed him right on top of the  office building looking down at Saint  Mary's Church Legend goes that he even  placed the curse himself by saying quote  when your church is destroyed and burnt  to the ground my devil will remain  laughing end quote some years later  during World War II a German Blitz came  through the town and it left most of it  including Saint Mary's completely  destroyed and burnt to the ground but  the office building with old Nick was  undamaged and remained standing for a  while old Nick seemed to kind of  disappear but once he resurfaced the  there was a petition to put him back to  where he was before as well as a  subsequent counter petition to put him  far far away from the rebuilt Saint  Mary's Church as of now old Nick resides  behind glass in the Swansea Museum and  it is said that he is enclosed in glass  more for our protection rather than his  in our number three spot today we have  the cursed portrait Bernardo de Galvez  was born in Spain in 1746 and he went on  to become a military leader he became  well known for helping American colonies  during the war of independence before he  apparently passed away under mysterious  circumstances in 1786. there is a  portrait of Bernardo that resides in the  Galvez hotel in Galveston Texas which is  said to be one of the most haunted  hotels in the world and that makes sense  because this portrait is said to be one  of the cursed objects that gives the  hotel its spooky title the portrait is  located at the end of a hallway in the  hotel and guests have reported the eyes  following their every move people also  report a cold or uncomfortable feeling  when they get close to the painting and  this is said to be bernardo's Spirit  some people even swear they can feel him  following them around the hotel it is  also said that any picture you try to  take of the portrait will come out  blurry and distorted unless you ask  Bernardo for permission first in our  number two spot today we have the  Kohinoor Diamond this diamond has an  extremely controversial history and is  the source of a lot of debate but  regardless of the ongoing conversations  over who really owns it we are here to  talk about the curse that this stone is  set to hold this diamond dates back  thousands of years and its curse is said  to only affect men it is said that the  jewel can bring about great wealth but  it can also bring great Misfortune as  well to those who own it folklore states  that he who owns this diamond will own  the world but will also know all of its  misfortunes only God or women can wear  it with impunity throughout the history  of the diamond it was passed among many  people and rulers who all fought bloody  battles while in possession of it every  prince who had it is said to have  ultimately lost either their power or  their life while in possession of it as  well part of the controversy of the  diamond is how it ended up in the hands  of the British royal family during  colonization in the 1800s ever since  then it has only been worn by female  monarchs including Queen Victoria and  Queen Elizabeth in our number one spot  today we have James Dean's car okay this  one might seem like a bit of a wild card  but hear me out famous actor James Dean  passed away from a car accident on  September 30th 1955. at the time he was  driving his silver Porsche 550 spider  which he had just recently purchased  this was only the beginning of the car's  curse however as after James passing the  remnants of the totaled car were bought  by a man named George Barris he decided  to sell parts of the car to James fans  but when the car was being worked on and  taken apart it ended up falling on a  mechanic and it crushed him to death  these two incidents are more than enough  to now consider the car cursed but it  still continues on once the people who  had purchased some of the car parts  began receiving them more strange things  happened three of the people who  received Parts ended up in car accidents  all of which were sadly quite severe the  shell of the car was also stolen and to  this day it has never been recovered in  our number 10 spot today we have the  divk box the box which was originally  just a plain old wine box is said to  have been possessed by a dybic which in  Jewish mythology is a malicious demon  that takes over the bodies of living  people and uses them for evil the Box  began to gain attention in 2001 when it  was being auctioned off on eBay the  seller explained that he had bought it  at an estate sale of a woman who had  survived the Holocaust when he first  opened the box he found two 1920s  pennies a lock of blonde hair bound with  a cord a lock of black hair bound with a  cord a small statue engraved with the  Hebrew word Shalom a small golden wine  goblet one dried Rosebud and a single  candle holder with four octopus shaped  legs since he bought the box he reported  that strange things began happening such  as really horrific nightmares for him  and anyone who would stay date around or  touched the box and when he gave the box  to his mother as a birthday gift she  suffered a stroke the same day the Box  ended up in the hands of Zach Bagan who  was a Paranormal Investigator and it now  resides in his haunted Museum the box  also gained even more attention in 2018  when post Malone touched it and has  apparently been dealing with the  repercussions of that ever since in our  number nine spot today we have the  Iceman okay this one is not an object  because it is rather a mummy who was  once a real living person but I still  had to include him on this list today  because this story is wild The Mummy of  oatsi who is also referred to as the  Iceman was found in 1991 in the outsole  Alps in Italy It is believed that oatsi  lived around 3000 BCE and his body  became mummified and preserved because  of the glacier that surrounded him  post-mortem while this is an incredibly  interesting Discovery the finding of  oatsi may have come in a package with an  old curse just waiting to be released  here's the thing the people who helped  with the discovery of otsi are all dying  under mystery serious circumstances I  mean we're currently at person number  seven within one year so that's very  suspicious when molecular archaeologist  Tom Loy was writing a book about otsi he  passed away from a blood related  condition that he was diagnosed with  shortly after becoming involved with the  Iceman the German tourist helmet Simon  who discovered the mummy fell to his  death while hiking in the same spot he  saw otsi Dieter Warnick who was the head  of the Mountain Rescue Team that was  assigned to find the mummy died of a  heart attack at age 45 just an hour  after Simon's funeral to avoid this  becoming an hour-long list I'll stop  here but that is just half of those who  seemingly fell victim to the curse of  the Iceman I don't know maybe disturbing  a man who's been in the same spot for 53  centuries wasn't the best idea anyone  has ever had in our number eight spot  today we have the Hope Diamond this  gorgeous unusually large diamond is a  blue color and worth an insane 250  million dollars in the off chance you  have that kind of money laying around I  still wouldn't recommend purchasing it  because it is said to be cursed the  curse dates back to the 17th century and  it is said that whoever wears the  diamond will have great Misfortune and  misery Legend goes that the diamond was  stolen from the eye of a sculpted statue  of the Hindu goddess Sita and since then  it has been cursing whoever owns or  possesses the 115 carat diamond stories  of the horrible fates of those who have  since owned the diamond include people  taking their own lives people being  killed intentionally by others and some  accounts even claim that the owner was  quote Torn to Pieces which sounds like  one of the worst Fates out there there  have since been replicas made of the  stone and I think just to be as safe as  possible I'll probably stay away from  those just in case in our number seven  spot today we have Robert the doll  Annabelle gets a lot of attention for  being a haunted doll but Robert is just  as terrifying Robert the doll was a  childhood birthday gift from a  grandfather to his grandson who was also  named Robert but more often went by Gene  the story claims that while growing up  with Robert Jean would often be heard by  his parents in his bedrooms having  conversations with himself in two  entirely different voices his parents  would sometimes be woken up in the  middle of the night to the sound of Gene  screaming only to find him completely  frightened in bed with overturned  furniture around him Gene would then  blame Robert for all of the strange  happenings and at the time no one really  believed him Gene kept Robert into  adulthood and it became what people  would describe as an unhealthy  relationship apparently Gene took Robert  everywhere with him and spoke as if he  was a living entity rather than a doll  okay this story is already not great but  it gets worse Jean lived in a house as  an adult that was called the artist's  house Robert would be left in the  upstairs window where children in the  area reported seeing the doll disappear  and reappear and they all chose to just  stay clear of the house after Gene  passed away in 1974 a woman named Myrtle  purchased the house and apparently  Robert as well visitors of the house  could swear that they could hear  footsteps and giggling coming from the  attic where Robert was and some even  claimed to see the doll's expression  changed if someone spoke poorly of Gene  Myrtle reported Robert moving around the  house on his own and after 20 years she  decided she had had enough and donated  him to a museum Robert still lives in  the museum where he is safely locked up  but it is said that he still likes to  place a little curse on those who take  his photo without permission the walls  of the museum near Robert's Glass case  are riddled with notes from previous  visitors and naysayers who are begging  Robert for his forgiveness and asking  him to remove any curse he has placed on  them in our number six spot today we  have the Atlantis ring the Atlantis ring  was originally made of clay and it was  found in 1860 in the Valley of the Kings  in a tomb of an Egyptian high priest it  was then passed on to Howard Carter who  kept it until he passed away in 1939.  the ring was believed to be at least  five thousand years old and it had  geometric symbols carved into it that  were unlike anything known in Egypt  here's where the story gets a little  weird though Howard is one of the people  who discovered King Tut's tomb and he  would later tell people he was wearing a  Talisman when the tomb was was opened  also known as the Atlantis ring he  claimed that the ring gave him  protection and that just might be true  because he is the only member of the  team who didn't die a mysterious death  after the opening of the Tomb even those  who visited shortly after the opening of  the tomb were subject to this curse with  a total of 18 victims in the end Howard  said that the ring is what protected him  against whatever evil forces were at  play so I guess maybe the Atlantis ring  is more like an anti-cursed object I  don't know but what I do know is that it  is all quite curious there are now  replicas that are sold but I'm not sure  if any hold the power of the real deal  in our number 5 spot today we have  Thomas Busby's chair Thomas was a man  who lived in thirsk North Yorkshire and  wasn't known as a very nice man but he  really loved his chair I guess we all  gotta have something in 1702 he found  his father-in-law sitting in it and it  sparked an argument between the two the  father-in-law threatened to take his  daughter back which like should have  never been a threat considering she's a  own woman but I guess that's what went  on in 1702 anyway that's when Busby  kicked him out of the house after this  Busby ended up going over to the  father-in-law's house and actually  killed him with a hammer and then hid  his body in the woods of course the body  ended up being found and this led to  Busby getting convicted and sentenced to  death it is said that on his ride to the  execution he asked to stop by his  favorite Pub for a beer and this request  was fulfilled apparently as he finished  his drink he said May sudden death come  to anyone who dares sit in my chair I  really don't know what it is with this  guy in his chair but while it currently  resides in The Thirst Museum it has been  recorded that many terrible Fates have  been met by the people who have sat in  the chair in 1972 it was decided to hang  the chair from the ceiling so that no  one could ever sit in it again which is  probably for the best so now knowing  this story I want you to let me know in  the comments if you had the chance would  you sit in the chair I wouldn't  in our number four spot today we have  Annabelle the doll when I saw the 2014  Annabelle movie I had no idea it was  actually based on a real life doll but  since starting my job here at most  amazing top 10 I know all about the real  story this doll now resides inside of  the Warrens occult Museum where it  absolutely belongs but this story starts  off with a college student named Donna  who received the doll as a gift from her  mother who had purchased it from an  antique store Donna and her roommate  started to notice some pretty creepy  things happening and swore that the doll  was moving they said it would appear in  different places and positions  throughout their apartment before things  began to escalate Donna began to find  notes that said help in her apartment  and one night found the doll in a  different position and covered in some  sort of red substance the girls then  decided to contact a medium who  solidified all of their beliefs and told  them that the doll had been possessed by  the spirit of someone who was killed in  their apartment building for some reason  the girls didn't immediately get rid of  the doll and The Story Goes that their  friend Lou Who was at the girl's  apartment her heard strange noises one  night and went to investigate and he was  then attacked and killed by Annabelle  the girls finally contacted a priest who  told them that the doll was possessed by  a demon Straight From Hell and then put  them in contact with Ed and Lorraine  Warren they tried to do an exorcism on  the doll but it apparently failed and  now it is kept in a glass box in the  museum where it hopefully cannot and  will never do any more damage in our  number three spot today we have the  Uluru Rock the Uluru rock is a large  Sandstone formation that is located in  the southern part of the Northern  Territory in Australia it is sometimes  known as Ayers Rock but regardless of  what it is called this area is sacred  for the people indigenous to this place  this is part of the reason that those  who visit the rock are asked not to take  anything from the site despite this  people of course still choose to smuggle  pieces of the rock out of the area and  home with them well other than the Bad  Karma and just in general feeling like a  bad person for doing the one thing  you're asked not to do as it turns out  this rock may hold a more sinister or  secret those who have stolen rocks from  the Uluru have experienced things like  extremely bad luck severe illness and  even sometimes the death of those they  love the curse these rocks hold is  seemingly so bad that it is very common  for the company that runs the tours of  the formation to receive letters of  apology that contain the stolen rocks  apparently these letters come so often  at least one a day is expected maybe  this is a weird coincidence but it just  seems to be happening a little too often  for that to be the explanation in our  number two spot today we have the bizano  vase the bizano vase was cast from  Silver in the 15th century and was  apparently a wedding present for a bride  who lived in a small village in Napoli  on the wedding night however the bride  was found dying on the floor with her  hands wrapped around the vase with her  last breath she vowed to have her  revenge and at this point it became  unclear whether the vase was already  cursed or perhaps if this may be what  caused the curse in the first place as  time went on the vase was handed from  person to person within her family and  with each new owner came a mysterious  death because of this the family decided  to hide the vase away in some sort of  secret location and this worked for a  while until the vase was Unearthed once  more in 1988. the vase also contained a  piece of paper from the family that  warned beware this vase brings death  well of course whoever found the vase  did not listen and instead they sold it  once again the first buyer who is said  to have been a pharmacist owned the vase  for three months before passing away  under mysterious circumstances then  there was the 37 year old surgeon who  died after having the vase for two  months after this was the archaeologist  who only made it three months with this  vase in his possession and at this point  you get where this is going we don't  know exactly where the vase ended up but  I'm hoping it's somewhere deep  underground or maybe in space or maybe  in the Mariana Trench just anywhere far  away from all of us in our number one  spot today we have the goddess of death  this statue is sometimes also known as  the woman from Lem this artifact made  out of limestone was created aided  sometime around 3500 BC and it was found  in Cyprus in 1878. over the years it has  belonged to many different families who  have all been ruined and dismantled by  death after the first six years of  ownership all seven members of The First  Family died it then moved on to a second  owner and after four years death began  to come to him and his family there was  then a long period where it was  unclaimed but once the third family got  a hold of it several members of that  family began to die as well the third  family ended up turning it over to the  Royal Scottish Museum where it  thankfully still resides however the  museum curator who handled the item was  mysteriously killed a few days after it  is clear whatever curse this statue  holds it is strong and frightening  number 10 the Busby stoop chair yeah  we're kicking this haunted list off with  a chair it's pretty spooky let's do it  the Busby stoop chair comes from 1702 10  years after the Salem witch trial so  take this one with a grain of salt you  know what I mean people made odd choices  back then women were witches and chairs  were evil welcome to 1702 folks  Englishman Thomas Bubsy had some issues  with his father-in-law and he didn't  handle them too well so now he has to be  you know hanged for it yeah you can't  just kill people for no reason Thomas  what is this 1692 he was hanged near the  humble Inn ironic but a chair that was  nearby is now said to hold a spirit of  one Thomas Busby if you sit on this  chair you are set to die in a frightful  accident so the chair was declared  haunted but did anything actually happen  honestly yeah kind of locals say that  during World War II Airmen from a nearby  base came to the pub the Inn rather and  those who sat on it never returned in  the 70s more accidents were connected  but they still kept the chair around  until 1978. it stayed in the Inn for  that long until it was donated to The  Thirst Museum honestly it's not even a  rocking chair it looks like it should be  a rocking chair but it's not a rocking  chair that's the scariest part if you  ask me number nine the hands resist him  I listed off some dark paintings not too  long ago but somehow I forgot the hands  resisting him painter Bill Stoneham  created this work of art back in 1972.  it's most famously belonged to actor  John Marley from the Godfather he's the  guy who wakes up with the horse's head  in his bed in case you have seen that  movie so that actor got this painting at  one point but later it was found on eBay  with claims that it was cursed from an  anonymous previous seller and the  painting was found abandoned in an alley  behind a brewery so that sounds pretty  promising almost immediately the new  owner of the painting The Family their  daughter claimed to have seen people in  the painting move yeah on top of that  apparently the figures would leave the  painting and mess up the house I mean as  far as excuses go that's not bad for a  messy house oh I cleaned up earlier but  those damn paintings number eight curse  phone number the song  867-5309 has been stuck in my head for  about 18 years now that song is a banger  honestly great jingle too if a pizza  place had thought of that jingle at  first would have been game over if you  ask me a cursed phone number is there  such a thing apparently yes 359 888 and  then a bunch of eights afterwards I  don't want to say it out loud you know  so what's the deal here well anybody  who's had this phone number in the last  20 years or so has met their fate almost  immediately after CEO of a Bulgarian  phone company cancer at 48 that's how he  passed away two criminals later on both  a little more mysterious than cancer  they both passed away afterwards all  these deaths happened within four years  that's the cursed aspect of it all the  phone number was suspended so nobody's  able to use it now in case you're  thinking about it don't do it maybe it's  because of this curse or maybe it has  ties to Crime either way  867-5309 is still stuck in my head I'm  gonna go down with that song right as  soon as we're done here number seven the  basanovas this base  18th century it made for an excellent  wedding gift in Italy but the night  before the big day the bride sadly lost  her life with the vase still in her  hands the family kept it afterwards of  course but as the vase was passed down  the family line a pattern began to  unveil itself whomever held possession  of the pasano vase died shortly  afterwards now keep in mind this was the  15th century so the average lifespan  around then was like I don't know 30  years old but after that many deaths in  the family it was packed away for good  just to be safe or so they thought the  vase showed up again in 1988 alongside a  note the note was pretty to the point it  said Beware this base it brings death  whoever found it was probably like okay  they continued on with the vase and  later it was auctioned for over two  thousand dollars Sans note of course you  don't want to throw that in there the  pharmacist who won the auction you  guessed it passed away within months  number six Baker's wedding dress why is  it in so many horror movies that The  Ghost is always a lady in a white dress  why are there so many ghosts and  nightgowns what's going on why are you  also sleepy maybe they're taken out  before their wedding night over a Vaz or  maybe it's this one back in 1849 in the  small town town of Altoona Pennsylvania  Elias Baker and his wife Hedy lived in  the baker Mansion they had two sons and  one daughter named Anna and had fallen  in love with one of her father's  employees another steel worker but after  her father wouldn't allow the  relationship to take off classic and a  vowed to never marry anybody she locked  herself away in her room now when her  father passed away in 1848 she went to  go find her true love again but he had  since settled down with somebody else so  she spent the rest of her days behaving  erratically and her soul still haunts  that same wedding dress today the  wedding dress she never ended abusing  not just a dress the Mansion is haunted  as well guests would report furniture  moving around by itself honestly it's  not a bad haunting if you ask me moving  couches that would be a great help I  have a terrible back I would love that  number five the crying Boy painting just  the name alone okay I want nothing to do  with this one yeah we're back with  another haunted painting what is this  Hogwarts why are so many paintings  moving around at night this English  curse kicked off in the 50s now this is  a reproduction of Bruno amadio's the  crying Boy painting but this painting is  apparently responsible for lots of fires  in September 1985 a family's home burnt  down everything was gone but the  painting looked untouched British  tabloid the sun even published a story  on it which I'm sure helped the  situation it read blazing curse at the  crying boy picture now we laugh at  beliefs from the Middle Ages and all  that but we're not really much further  here are we people smoking in every  house in the 50s we're like yeah maybe  it was a painting it was probably that  number four the Hope Diamond coming from  the 1660s this curse began when a gem  dealer named Jean Baptiste tavarnier  bought this large Diamond when visiting  India he bought it apparently okay the  origins of the diamond were unknown but  it didn't matter this beauty was just  sitting there and he had to well later  on after tavarnier got the diamond rumor  spread throughout Europe and the United  States that Tavernier actually stole the  diamond from the statue of a Hindu  goddess the newspapers actually kicked  this one off by publishing the Hope  Diamond as an ancient curse the diamond  at one point ended up in the hands of  King Louis XVI and his wife Marie  Antoinette now if you don't know about  them in history they were they lost  their lives during the French Revolution  we'll say that the old Guillotine Dream  Team this Stone then went to Lord  France's Hope come 1839 and by that  point it was deemed cursed officially  this is when it got the name the Hope  Diamond right they ended up selling the  diamond shortly after being reduced to  Poverty then Evelyn Walsh McLean bought  the stone in 1912. shortly after her son  was killed in a car accident so just bad  news all around when the stone was  delivered to its final and current home  the Smithsonian back in 1958 the driver  delivering the package was later hit by  a truck he survived but shortly after  his house caught fire moral of the story  you don't need diamonds for more reasons  than one number three the anguished man  historical paintings are cool but this  is the first time I've read up on the  anguished man myself gotta admit it's  pretty unsettling wow it's considered  one of the most haunted objects in the  world and it looks like it too  definitely would I would guess I'd pick  it out of the crowd this oil painting  was created by an unknown artist but the  actual paint is mixed with their blood  so their legit DNA is in this painting  Blood Sweat and Tears literally not much  is known to the Artist as he passed away  shortly after but the current owner is  Sean Robinson from Cumbria England his  grandmother had given him the painting  there wasn't much known beforehand but  his grandmother warned him that it was  cursed hey here's some Werther's  Originals and a cursed painting classic  grandmas you know how they do Sean had  to leave it in his basement at first  because his wife wasn't a fan more than  fair but when the basement flooded which  is also mysterious and that sucks okay I  did then move it upstairs after that  point the couple heard crying screams  Whispering all throughout the house  things you don't want to hear alone in a  house with a haunted painting it got so  bad Robinson uploaded time-lapse footage  to YouTube in 2011 and it shows the door  closing by itself next to the painting  check it out also yeah keep this in the  basement for sure I agree with the  misses on this one number two broken  mirrors it doesn't matter who you are  you've heard of this one at some point  you break a mirror and what do you get  bad luck he had seven years of bad luck  has this happened to you if so what year  are you on are you close how close are  you to the seven year mark we got your  back you got this you're so close  ancient Romans kicked this one off  they'll believe that the human soul  would renew every seven years that's  where the whole seven year thing comes  into play it takes time to repair the  human soul apparently that combined with  the belief that Amira's reflection was a  way into the soil while now we have one  guy who feels really bad for breaking a  mirror essentially therefore a curse if  you break a mirror you're tearing the  soul from the body and abandoning it in  Kazakhstan if you break a mirror evil  spirits would haunt the person  responsible for the damage that's a  pretty scary deal you gotta keep those  hands grippy they say you can't look  into broken mirror pieces afterwards or  else that's bad luck in itself there's  too many mirrors now honestly cut to  today I'm sure ancient Romans had no  idea what 2022 would look like we have  phone cases with mirrors in them now  that's a lot of bad luck and Jean  Pockets my friends and coming in number  one curse of the billy goat can a team  be cursed is that such a thing here we  go I mean I live in Toronto home of the  Maple Leafs and we don't we don't see a  lot of winds on that side but the  Chicago Cubs curse well that was a huge  deal for a very long time the Chicago  Cubs curse comes from 1945 when a man  named Bill Sionis nicknamed billy goat  he was kicked out of a Chicago Cubs game  yeah he actually didn't even get into  game four to begin with was he too  intoxicated no did he bring a live go  with him to this game yes that was why  yeah Bill brought with him his pet goat  for good luck so after the staff said no  you can't enter the the 1945 World  Series with a live goat he then cursed  the club over and over on the way out  what a guy saying the Cubs ain't gonna  win no more over and over again and that  was the game that they dropped the ball  so something kind of happened the  Detroit Tigers won in the curse of the  billy goat kicked off and it got so out  of hand that come 1994. the Cubs had  lost 12 games in a row their worst home  start in history so Sam sayanus went to  Wrigley Field everybody was chanting to  let the goat in and then the Cubs won  5-2 I don't know humans in the 1700s  were like oh that woman's cursed she's a  witch for sure then humans stay or like  ah that Stadium's cursed for sure cursed  we haven't changed moral the story I  don't know starting off this list in our  number 10 spot we have the Belcourt  Castle chairs Belcourt Castle is located  in Newport Rhode Island and it is a  former summer Cottage construction on  the cottage started in 1891 with it  being completed in 1894 and inside there  is a ballroom this Ballroom is important  because it is said that it holds a group  of haunted chairs people who have  visited the castle have reported a ton  of strange happenings regarding this  specific set of chairs the report  includes things like feeling chills  racing up and down their spines or  feeling a strange sensation in a shift  of energy while standing near the chairs  and some people have even explained how  they have been pushed out of the chairs  by an invisible force I feel  hearing these stories might be enough to  explain the energy shift some people are  feeling but I actually being pushed out  of a chair by some sort of invisible  force would be absolutely terrifying and  simply unexplainable what's going on  there in our number nine spot today we  have the orphan story this is a book  that was originally written in the early  1600s but it didn't end up getting  published until 2018. the orphan story  is about a 14 year old Spanish boy who  heads to the Americas you know a classic  kind of coming-of-age feel-good story  right well not exactly and that is  exactly the reason it took so long for  this book to be published while the  curse in this book doesn't come from the  story itself there is something dark  lurking in those pages the book's  publisher Belinda Palacios who worked on  the book for two years explained that  throughout those years she was often  warned of the cursed book and how every  publisher who had tried to work on it  before ended up passing away in a  mysterious way before they could finish  the book when Belinda looked into this  it turned out to be true her research  showed that those who had tried to edit  the book before her either found  themselves in horrible accidents or with  strange illnesses luckily Belinda made  it through the process unscathed so  let's hope that maybe the curse has been  lifted either way it's probably one I'll  personally stay away from in our number  8 spot today we have the divot box this  box which was originally just a plain  old wine box is said to have been  possessed by a divok which in Jewish  mythology is a malicious demon that  takes over the bodies of living people  and uses them for evil the Box began to  gain attention in 2001 when it was being  auctioned off on eBay the seller  explained that he had bought it at an  estate sale of a woman who had survive  to the Holocaust when he first opened  the box he found two 1920s pennies a  lock of blonde hair bound with a cord a  lock of black or brown hair bound with a  cord a small statue engraved with the  Hebrew word Shalom a small golden wine  goblet one dried Rosebud and a single  candle holder with four octopus shaped  legs since he bought the box he reported  that strange things began happening such  as really horrific nightmares for him  and anyone who had stayed around or  touched the box and when he gave this  box to his mother as a birthday gift she  suffered a stroke the same day the Box  ended up in the hands of Zak Bagan who  is a Paranormal Investigator and it now  resides in his haunted Museum the box  also gained even more attention in 2018  when post Malone touched it and has  apparently been dealing with the  repercussions of that ever since in our  number seven spot today we have the  Iceman okay this one is not an object  because it is rather a mummy who was  once a real living person but I still  had to include him on this list because  this story is wild The Mummy of oatsi  who is referred to as the Iceman was  found in 1991 in the otso Alps in Italy  It is believed that oatsi lived around  3000 BC and his body became mummified  and preserved because of the glacier  that surrounded him post-mortem while  this is an incredibly interesting  Discovery the finding of oatsi may have  come in a package with an old curse just  waiting to be released here's the thing  the people who helped with the discovery  of otsi are all dying under very  mysterious circumstances I mean we are  currently at person number seven within  one year so that's very suspicious when  molecular archaeologist Tom Loy was  writing a book about oatsi he passed  away from a blood-related condition that  he was diagnosed with shortly after  becoming involved with the Iceman the  German tourist helmet sign men who  discovered the mummy fell to his death  while hiking in the same spot he saw  otsi Dieter warnek who was the head of  the Mountain Rescue Team that was  assigned to find the mummy died of a  heart attack at age 45 just an hour  after Simon's funeral to avoid this  becoming an hour-long list I'll stop  here but that is just half of those who  seemingly fell victim to the curse of  the Iceman I don't know maybe disturbing  a man who's been in the same spot for 53  centuries wasn't the best idea anyone's  ever had in our number 5 spot today we  have the ballista balls a Ballista was  used in the Roman military and it was  kind of similar to a crossbow but was  much larger and could shoot arrows or  stones in 1989 there was archaeologists  that were working by the Israeli Syrian  border when they found these large  Stones close to what seemed to be the  remains of a Ballista but around 1995  the stones ended up getting stolen but  it took a while for anyone to notice  fast forward to 2015 in the same stones  that were stolen ended up in the  courtyard of the museum in Israel with a  note left from the person who stole them  the note explained that ever since they  took them he had experienced terrible  luck and believed the stones were the  reason he had a very successful business  that suddenly began to fail after he  took the stones and later his family  abandoned him and he was forced to get  rid of almost all of his possessions to  settle all of his debts so as to not go  bankrupt he mentioned that he believed  the stones were cursed and that they  were the root of all of his problems  whether or not these stones are actually  cursed or this was just some pretty  heavy Karma I hope this guy's been able  to get his life back on track in our  number 4 spot today we have James Dean's  car okay this might seem like a bit of a  wild card but hear me out famous actor  James Dean passed away from a car  accident on September 30th 1955. he was  driving his silver Porsche 550 spider  which he had just purchased recently  this was only the beginning of the car's  curse however as after James passing the  remnants of the totaled car were bought  by a man named George Barris he decided  to sell the parts of the car to James  fans but when the car was being worked  on and taken apart and ended up falling  on the mechanic and crushed him to death  these two incidents are more than enough  to now consider this car cursed but it  still continues on once the people who  had purchased some of the car parts  began receiving them more strange things  happened three of the people who  received Parts ended up in car accidents  all of which were sadly quite severe the  shell of the car was also stolen and to  this day it has never been recovered in  at number two spot today we have old  Nick oldnick is often referred to as the  Swansea devil in history dates back to  the 1890s although he now resides in the  Swansea Museum so back in the 1890s  there was the prestigious Saint Mary's  church located right in the center of  town the church decided to do some  Renovations and they put out some ads to  hire someone when a local Builder  applied for the job and was turned down  he had a major overreaction and decided  he wanted to get some kind of Revenge he  went and bought the row of cottages that  lay next to the church and then  demolished them all in their place he  built large brick offices and then he  commissioned the carving of old Nick and  placed him right on top of the office  building looking down at St Mary's  Church Legend goes that he even placed  the curse himself by saying when your  church is destroyed and burnt to the  ground my devil will remain laughing  some years later during World War II a  German Blitz came through the town and  it left most of the Town including Saint  Mary's completely destroyed and burnt to  the ground but the office building with  old Nick was undamaged and remained  standing for a while old Nick seemed to  kind of disappear but once he resurfaced  there was a petition to put him back  where he was before as well as a  subsequent counter petition to put him  far far away from the rebuilt Saint  Mary's Church as of now old Nick resides  behind glass in the Swansea Museum and  it is said that he is enclosed in glass  more for our protection than his in our  number one spot today we have the  Blarney Stone own for hundreds of years  the Blarney Stone has resided within  Blarney Castle which is near Cork  Ireland this stone is a piece of  limestone and Legend says that those who  give the stone a smooch will then be  given the Gift of Gab this little smooch  can bestow the power of being able to  talk your way out of any situation which  would be incredibly useful but there are  always those who try to indulge in too  much of a good thing the issues start  when you attempt to take a piece of the  stone no matter how small away from its  home those who don't follow the rules  and take the stone end up being cursed  with bad luck every year the castle  receives Parcels from greedy tourists  who tried their luck at stealing  portions of the stone these Parcels are  returned with the intention of lifting  the curse of Misfortune it is said that  once the stone is returned the curse  will be lifted which is most definitely  good news I guess the moral of this  curse however is to not be greedy and  just follow the rules starting off this  list in our number 10 spot we have the  crying children paintings these  paintings were a series created by an  Italian painter who is known as Giovanni  but his real name was Bruno Amarillo  Bruno was born in Venice in 1911 and  fought in World War II which ended up  being the inspiration for a lot of his  paintings during his time in the war he  saw a lot of suffering children and this  is where he got the idea for the series  of crying children paintings after the  paintings were sold there began to be  reports of fires and all of the places  where the paintings were held while this  could have just been a strange  coincidence the weirdest part is that  the paintings always remained intact  while everything else around them was  burned this quickly became the most  talked about thing and was on the front  of every newspaper and the paintings  quickly gained the nickname Diablo it  caused these paintings to end up being  replicated and mass-produced but none of  the replicas hold quite the same power  as the originals in our number nine spot  today we have the Blarney Stone for  hundreds of years the Blarney Stone has  resided within Blarney Castle which is  near Cork Ireland this stone is a piece  of limestone and Legend says that those  who give the stone a smooch will then be  given the gift of the gab this little  smooch can bestow the power of being  able to talk your way out of any  situation which would be incredibly  useful but there are always those who  try to indulge in too much of a good  thing the issues start when you attempt  to take a piece of the stone no matter  how small away from its home those who  don't follow the rules and take the  stone end up being cursed with bad luck  every year the castle receives Parcels  from greedy tourists who tread their  luck at stealing portions of the stone  these Parcels are returned with the  intention of lifting the curse of  Misfortune it is said that once the  stone is returned the curse will be  lifted which is most definitely good  news I guess the moral of this curse  however is to not be greedient to just  follow the rules in our number eight  spot today we have the screaming skull  the screaming skull resides in the  Burton Agnes Hall in England and it is  thought to have belonged to Catherine  Ann Griffith they said that Catherine  was the youngest in the family and she  was the one who enjoyed wandering around  the property the most one day While She  Was Out strolling around she ended up  being surrounded by a group of robbers  who took all of her possessions and then  vicious harmed her and left her for dead  she was found and brought back to the  hall to be tended to but unfortunately a  few days later she succumbed to her  injuries before she died she was upset  about the thought of leaving her family  so she asked them to remove her head  after death and keep her skull so that  they would always have a piece of her  around the family agreed to her face but  after her passing they buried her body  head still intact because to be fair it  was an odd request after her burial the  family began experiencing some extremely  strange things around the house like  bumps and moans and horrible blood  curdling screams that they could not  find the source of this is when they  decided to follow through with the  request Catherine had left them and the  strange occurrences suddenly stopped  after this at one point a maid had found  the skull and in her surprise she threw  it out of a nearby open window and alas  the strange occurrences began again in  the end it was decided that the best  policy was to place the skull in a  secret spot within the walls of the  house probably behind some paneling in  the Great Hall so that its presence  could be be easily ignored and so that  Catherine's Spirit could reside in peace  in her beloved home I guess the lesson  of this one is to follow the wishes of  those who have passed because you never  know if their spirit is gonna stay  lingering around afterwards in our  number seven spot today we have the  haunted doll there's quite a few haunted  dolls kicking around out there  apparently but this one doesn't exactly  have a name the doll's owners say that  this doll is possessed and causes lots  of troubles at night the incredibly  creepy thing about this one is that it  is said that you don't need to do  anything in order for this doll to  decide it wants to haunt you you just  simply need to be around it and that is  more than enough for the torment to  start owners of the doll have reported  getting a bunch of strange scratches  which they believe are because of the  doll it isn't exactly clear where the  spirit or spirits that reside in this  doll have come from or what happened but  the doll was bought from its previous  owners by a woman named Deborah Davies  who is a psychic Deborah reported the  same scratches as the previous owners  but she also may have been able to  contact this beer residing in the doll  she claimed that the spirit was that of  a young girl who had her life taken from  her but she also reported that the nasty  evil energy within the doll is a male  and she believes that this energy is  that of the man who took the life of the  girl at the end of the day whatever is  haunting this doll is certainly a spirit  I would like to stay far far away from  in our number six spot today we have the  ballista balls a Ballista was used in  the Roman military and it was kind of  similar to a crossbow but much larger  and it could shoot arrows or stones in  1989 there were archaeologists that were  working by the Israeli Syrian border  when they found these large Stones close  to what seemed to be the remains of a  Ballista but around 1995 the stones  ended up getting stolen and it took a  while for anyone to notice fast forward  to 2015 and the same stones that were  stolen ended up in the courtyard of a  museum in Israel with a note left from  the person who stole them the note  explained that ever since they took them  he had experienced terrible luck and  believed the stones were reason he had a  very successful business that suddenly  began to fail after he took the stones  and later his family abandoned him and  he was forced to get rid of almost all  of his possessions to settle all of his  debts so as to not go bankrupt he  mentioned that he believed the stones  were cursed and that they were the root  of all of his problems whether or not  these stones are actually cursed or if  this was just some pretty heavy Karma I  hope this guy has been able to get his  life back on track in our number 5 spot  today we have the golden eagle this car  was a 1964 Dodge 330 limited edition and  it has been blamed for the death of  around 14 people which is 14 too many if  you ask me it was said that this car  started out as a police car originally  but then there were three officers  assigned to this car who all ended up  taking their lives and other people's  lives in horribly violent ways not in  the car but still super weird that this  all seemed to happen after they had been  using the car for work because of this  strange correlation it ended up being  sold off to another man throughout the  80s and 90s it was said that because of  the rumored cursed car it became a point  of interest for vandals people began  vandalizing the car only to meet their  own untimely Fates which were all met in  strange ways for example it was said  that one Vandal died from being struck  by lightning and another ended up being  decapitated by an 18-wheeler it is said  that the curse is so strong that one kid  decided to merely touch the car and it  sent him into madness as he went on to  commit atrocious crimes that I can't  even detail here on YouTube the card now  belongs to Wendy Allen who supposedly  collects and decorates haunted cars for  a living so it seems as though it's  finally found its home far far far away  from everyone else in our number four  spot today we have the Myrtles  Plantation mirror Myrtle's plantation is  located in Saint Francisville Louisiana  and it is said to be one of the most  haunted places in the entire world one  of the reasons for this spooky  reputation is because of a mirror that  resides inside it is said that this  mirror holds the spirit of Sarah  Woodruff and her two children Legend  goes that woman named Chloe was a slave  at the plantation who drew up a plan to  get revenge on the owners of the  plantation Sarah and her husband Chloe  baked a cake full of poison for them but  it ended up only being Sarah and two of  her children who consumed the poisonous  cake when they passed away it is said  that their Spirits went into the only  mirror that was uncovered at the time  thus the haunted mirror was born people  who have since visited the plantation  have claimed to see the family in the  reflection as well as the handprints of  small children on the glass despite  continuous polishing in our number three  spot today we have the Surrey ghost car  on December 11th of 2002 A call came  into the Surrey Police Department the  caller reported that they had just seen  a car lose control and run off the road  and then presumably crash it was of  course an emergency call but not  necessarily anything out of the ordinary  that was until authorities got to the  location and realized that they couldn't  find any kind of evidence of a crash  they kept searching and ended up finding  a maroon colored car that was nosed down  in a ditch nearby but this car was  covered in so much on undergrowth that  it must have been here for months this  meant that somehow this crash went  undetected for five months and worst of  all so did the body that lay nearby  using dental records they were able to  identify the body as a man who had been  wanted for robbery since July of that  year it is said that the sighting of the  car leaving the road was a ghostly  replay of the events that had taken  place five months prior what do you guys  think let me know Down Below in the  comments if you think the witness saw a  cursed reenactment of the fatal crash or  if you think something else is at play  here in our number two spot today we  have the destiny ring Rudolph Valentino  was an incredibly famous silent film  star before he passed away at the  incredibly young age of just 31 years  old and there are many out there who  believe his untimely death was caused by  the destiny ring this ring was one that  he picked up from a California Jeweler  before purchasing it there were warnings  of the stories which claimed this ring  was cursed but Rudolph decided to go  ahead with the purchase anyway it is  said that after this ring came into his  possession his luck began to turn term  the movies he starred in started to do  poorly some even flopping and his career  began to struggle from there he felt  incredibly ill and when he passed away  he was wearing this cursed ring from  there after his death his lover ended up  receiving the ring but once it was in  her possession she too felt extremely  ill and decided to give the ring away  all the owners after that were reported  to have died in strange ways or under  mysterious circumstances which has led  the ring to now being placed in a bank  vault all locked up so that it hopefully  can never cause harm to anyone ever  again in our number one spot today we  have Letta the doll why do all the  cursed dolls look like they would be  cursed you know what I mean like there's  no cursed doll out there that is  surprisingly cursed they all look creepy  to begin with anyway Letta is a doll  that is said to be around 200 years old  and extremely cursed this doll is called  Letta for short as its full name is  letting me out of here really clever the  doll was originally found underneath a  house which definitely feels like the  origins story of a haunted doll This  creepy Discovery came 47 years ago and  apparently let us still lives with the  man who found him the hauntings of Letta  include things like the doll walking  around on its own at night the owners  finding objects around the house that  have been moved into odd places some  people have seen let him move right in  front of their own eyes and the owner  also reports finding little doll-sized  scuff marks around the house as well it  is said that this doll once belonged to  a child who passed away while holding it  thus their Spirit became trapped inside  of the doll Apparently one day in an  interview about Letta as the interviewer  was asking questions about the little  boy the doll began to move in her lap  yeah no thank you let it has his own  Instagram and Facebook page in case you  want to hear more about all the  creepiness surrounding this cursed doll  kicking off this list in her number 10  spot we have the crying children  paintings these paintings were a series  created by an Italian painter who is  known as Giovanni braglan but his real  name was Bruno Amarillo Bruno was born  in Venice in 11 and fought in World War  II which ended up being the inspiration  for a lot of his paintings during his  time in the war he saw a lot of  suffering children and this is where he  got the idea for the series of the  crying children paintings after the  paintings were sold there began to be  reports of fires in all of the places  where the paintings were held while this  could have just been a strange  coincidence the weirdest part is that  the paintings always remained intact  while everything else around them was  burned this quickly became the most  talked about thing and was on the front  of every newspaper and the paintings  quickly gained to the nickname Diablo it  caused these paintings to end up being  replicated and mass-produced but none of  the replicas hold quite the same Powers  as The Originals moving on to number  nine we have the stoop chair that once  belonged to Thomas Busby Thomas was a  man who lived in thirsk North Yorkshire  and wasn't known as a very nice man but  he really loved his chair in 1702 he  found his father-in-law sitting in it  and it sparked in argument between the  two the father-in-law threatened to take  his daughter back and that's when Busby  kicked him out of the house after this  Busby ended up going over to the  father-in-law's house and actually kills  him with a hammer and then hid the body  in the woods of course the body ended up  being found and this led to Busby  getting convicted and sentenced to death  it is said that on his ride to his  execution he asked to stop by his  favorite Pub for a beer and this request  was fulfilled apparently as he finished  his drink he said May sudden death come  to anyone who dare sit in my chair I  really don't know what it is with this  guy in his chair but while it currently  resides in The Thirst Museum it has been  recorded that many terrible Fates have  been met by the people who have sat in  the chair in 1972 it was decided to hang  the chair from the ceiling so that no  one could sit in it again which is  probably for the best would you have sat  in the chair if you had the chance  moving on to number eight we have the  anguished man while it is unknown who  and when it was created this painting is  set to carry some kind of curse it is  rumored that whoever created it mixed  his blood in with the oil paint and when  it was finished being created he ended  up committing inside when a woman who is  referred to as Mrs Robinson originally  took possession of the painting after it  was given to her by a family friend she  immediately knew that something was  wrong with it she ended up passing it  along to her grandson Sean Who currently  still owns the painting The Robinson  family has reported many different  strange events that have happened in  relation to the painting such as hearing  screams and groans coming from it Sean  has even uploaded videos to YouTube  where he shows these paranormal events  I'm not sure why the family has decided  to keep the painting but I guess as long  as it's not hurting anyone it's okay  continuing on to number seven we have  the real life Annabelle doll when I saw  the 2014 Annabelle movie I had no idea  it was actually based on a real life  doll the doll now resides inside of  Warren's occult Museum where it  absolutely belongs there was a college  student named Donna who received the  doll as a gift from her mother who had  purchased it from an antique store Donna  and her roommate started to notice some  pretty creepy things happening and swore  that the doll was moving they said it  would appear in different places and  positions throughout their apartment  before things began to escalate Donna  began to find notes that said help in  her apartment and one night found the  doll in a different position and covered  in some sort of red substance the girls  then decided to contact a medium who  solidified all of their beliefs and told  them that the doll had been possessed by  the spirit of someone who was killed in  their apartment building for some reason  the girls didn't immediately get rid of  the doll and The Story Goes that their  friend Lou Who was at the girl's  apartment heard strange noises one night  and went to investigate and he was then  attacked and killed by Annabelle the  girls finally contacted a priest who  told them that the doll was possessed by  a demon Straight From Hell and then put  them in contact with Ed and Lorraine  Warren who are paranormal investigators  they tried to do an exorcism on the doll  but it apparently failed and now it is  kept in a glass box in the museum I  didn't know that a glass box is the  safest place for a paranormal item but  as long as it isn't hurting anyone  that's the important thing moving on to  number six we have the ballista balls a  Ballista was used in the Roman military  and it was kind of similar to a crossbow  but much larger and could shoot arrows  and stones in 1989 there were some  archaeologists that were working by the  Israeli Syrian border when they found  these large Stones close to what seemed  to be the remains of a Ballista but  around 1995 the stones ended up getting  stolen but it took a while for anyone to  notice fast forward to 2015 and the same  stones that were stolen ended up in the  courtyard of the museum in Israel with a  note left from the person who stole them  the note explained that ever since they  took them he had experienced terrible  luck and believed the stones were the  reason he had a very successful business  that suddenly began to fail after he  took the stones and later his family  abandoned him and he was forced to get  rid of almost all all of his possessions  to settle all of his debts so as to not  go bankrupt he mentioned that he  believed the stones were cursed and that  they were the root of all of his  problems whether or not these stones are  actually cursed or this was just some  pretty heavy Karma I hope this guy has  been able to get his life back on track  halfway down the list in our number five  spot we have the goddess of death statue  who is also known as the woman from the  Lem this artifact made out of limestone  was created sometime around 3500 BC and  was found in Cyprus in 1878. over the  years it has belonged to many different  families who all have been ruined and  dismantled by death after the first six  years of ownership all seven members of  The First Family died it then moved on  to a second owner and after four years  death began to come to him and his  family there was then a long period  where it was unclaimed but once the  third family got a hold of it several  members of that family began to die as  well the third family ended up turning  it over to the Royal Scottish Museum  where it's thankfully still resides  moving on to number four we have the  Hope Diamond the Hope Diamond was most  likely cut from a mine in India and  placed in a statue it is a huge 45  carats and has a beautiful rare blue  color it is one of the most famous  diamonds in the world partially for its  beauty but also because of all of the  mysterious happenings surrounding it one  day a thief stole the diamond and is  said to have died quite soon after from  then on anyone who owned or even touched  the diamond was said to have met an ill  fate whether it was side a massacre or a  pack of wild dogs the diamond seemed to  have placed a curse on any and everyone  who got near it in 1958 it was  fortunately donated to the Smithsonian  and has been safe there ever since I  wonder if it got moved from the museum  if the curse would continue moving on to  number three we have the dibbuk box the  box which was originally just a plain  old wine box is said to have been  possessed by a dibbuk which in Jewish  mythology is a malicious demon the Box  began to gain attention in 2001 when it  was being auctioned off on eBay the  seller explained that he had bought it  at an estate sale of a woman who had  survived the Holocaust when he first  opened the book he found two 1920s  pennies a lock of blonde hair bound with  a cord a lock of black or brown hair  bound with a cord a small statue  engraved with the Hebrew word Shalom a  small golden wine goblet one dried  Rosebud and a single candle holder with  four octopus shaped legs since he bought  the box he reported that strange things  began happening such as really horrific  nightmares for him and anyone who had  stayed around or touched the box and  when he gave the box to his mother as a  birthday gift she suffered a stroke the  same day the Box ended up in the hands  of Zach Bagan who is a Paranormal  Investigator and it now resides in his  haunted Museum the box also gained even  more attention in 2018 when post Malone  touched it and has apparently been  dealing with the repercussions of that  ever since coming on to number two we  have the dark mirror the dark mirror now  belongs to the traveling Muse Museum of  the occult who got it from The Mirror's  original owner the mirror is said to  show some pretty unsettling images when  you stare into it the original owner  said that they purchased it from a  psychic fair in the Columbus area and  were shocked with the Visions they saw  when looking into the glass visitors to  the traveling Museum have claimed to see  some pretty crazy things such as their  own corpse when they gaze into the  mirror it's pretty creepy stuff in our  number one spot today we have the cursed  portrait of Spanish military leader  Bernardo de Galvez Bernardo was born in  Spain in 1746 and died under strange  circumstances in 1786 and was famous for  helping American colonies in the war of  independence the painting is on display  at the Galvis hotel in Galveston Texas  which is said to be one of the most  haunted hotels in part because of this  portrait the portrait is at the end of a  hallway in the hotel and guests have  reported the eyes following their every  move people also report a cold or  uncomfortable feeling when they get  close to the painting and and this is  said to be bernardo's Spirit some people  even swear they can feel him following  them around the hotel it is also said  that any picture you try and take of the  portrait will come out blurry and  distorted unless you ask Bernardo for  permission  foreign  [Music]

Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools

Terrifying Urban Legends in Japanese Schools
however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools well what's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes [Music] and welcome to let's ask shogo it's summer in Japan and in Japan summer is often said to be the perfect season for spine chilling ghost stories I get tons of requests for a video of this theme and it's a little scary but I'll do my best so today I would like to introduce you to the seven horrifying mysteries of Japanese schools the Mysteries I introduce will get more and more terrifying towards the end so please enjoy this video till the end the seven Mysteries differ depending on the region of Japan and some people say that there are actually more than 30 if you count them all so the seven I'll introduce today are the ones that I heard growing up as a child in Japan I hope you can search for more mysteries of Japanese schools if you are interested and also please let me know about your favorite Yokai and ghosts in the comments after watching this video and this channel you can take closer look at Japanese traditional culture tips on traveling Kyoto as social problems in Japan so Learners lovers of Japanese culture be sure to subscribe to enjoy more content [Music] one the 13 steps so let's start from something that's slightly less scary there is a rumor that stares the Japanese schools with 12 steps will increase the 13 steps when you climb them late at night and if you accidentally step on that 13th Step you will be taken to another world there are others who say that there will be a rope that'll drop from above the 13th Step for hanging Yourself by the way I've actually purely counted the number of steps of my school when I was young to see if this rumor is real but it had 15 Steps so I wasn't able to see the end of the story [Music] appears in many stories but when she counts as one of the seven School Mysteries there is a specific way of summoning her first you go to the bathroom on the third floor of the school then you knock on the doors of the girls restroom three times each and ask are you there then from the third compartment of voiceful answer yes and a girl with a red skirt and a bowl cut comes out to drag you into the bathroom once you are Dragged In You will never be able to come out is probably the most popular School ghost but how was her story born there are many theories but I'd like to introduce the most common one hanakosan was actually a victim of a horrific crime in 1937 there was a forced suicide incident in an elementary school in iwatin prefecture a woman jealous of her cheating husband decides to commit suicide and take all the children along with her however one of her daughters noticed something wrong about her mother and stayed at school without going home there she was cornered by her angry mother and was eventually killed in the third straw of the bathroom off the third floor there are various other Original Stories a girl caught by a pervert in a school bathroom a girl who jumped to her death and so on in any case they're all very horrifying and scary stories by the way hanako was a popular name around two generations ago and was probably a nickname because the real name was not known that's why she looks like a typical school girl from my grandparents generation [Music] three the music room then next let's head towards the music room you'll be able to meet a lot of ghosts at night here too the most famous ones are the moving portraits of famous composers and the piano that plays on its own Japanese school urban legend music rooms generally have portraits of Mozart Beethoven and other famous composers hanging on the walls it is said that these portraits start to move at midnight it's not just the eyes moving but some say that they smile or frown or even cry while it's even more crazy is that some people believe that there will be laser beams coming out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects within the music room there is probably not much of a reason to this bizarre phenomenon children were probably simply scared of seeing someone's face in the dark late at night there's also a well-known mystery in which a piano plays by itself even though no one is supposed to be there some say that it's a ghost of a female student who loved playing the piano or just some floating wrists while there is blood Dream from the ceiling for some reason the most famous Theory suggests that borlise is played it is sad that you will die if you hear that song four times the number four is considered to be bad luck because it is a homonym to death in Japanese but I have a question for you why on Earth would you stay in such a horrifying place to listen to the song four times you've probably been enjoying the performance haven't you thank you so much for listening to my performance the concert fee will be your life [Music] four the moving statue of uh sugar can I ask you something who the heck is it seems that there are fewer and fewer schools now but until about my parents generation there are many schools that had a statue of nomya kinjiro in the schoolyard the school that I attended did not have one but I have seen one in a nearby School in the community is a Statesman agriculturalist and philosopher from the late Edo period who is well known to all Japanese it is said that he rebuilt his fallen family by studying and fighting against social norms as a peasant and even helped rebuild 600 more Villages throughout his life it is said that as a child he studied hard even while supporting his poor family and his hard work was displayed as statues at various schools as a role model for students while Nino Mia is a very much respected figure among the students in the past he was actually why another horror story was born many students believe that at night the number of firewood on his back will change the pages of his book will churn or Worse the statue of ninomia itself will be walking around the schoolyard the worst thing you can do is count the number of firewood he carries because it is believed to kill you or get you cursed just like the music room we went to earlier children were basically scared of things with human figures but this mystery is starting to be forgotten because there are hardly any more ninomia statues in schools what happened unfortunately the image of the hard-working minomia didn't seem to suit the modern way of thinking anymore as it was criticized as we shouldn't Force our children to work and walking while looking down and reading a book is dangerous because it might promote texting while walking even if you're a statue that can freely move around at night you you cannot beat the angry parents we might not have the statues of nomia as schools anymore but I really hope his stories of hard work will be passed down to the Next Generation [Music] 5. the cherry blossoms of blood I'm sure many people associate Japan with the beautiful cherry blossoms however you have to be careful of the cherry blossoms blooming within the schools it's because there's someone's body buried under the tree and that person's blood is what dies the petals pink it originally came from a Horror Story titled under the sakura tree by a writer who was active from the Thai show to the show up periods by the way there is a way to find out if there is a dead body buried under a cherry blossom tree at a school on April 4th 4 44 PM if you walk counterclockwise around the tree the petals will all fall off and turn bright red but strictly speaking what changes the color of the petals isn't the soil but it's actually the change in temperature though [Music] 6. the white and red hands and the red and blue paper listening to so many horrifying stories I'm pretty sure you want to go to the bathroom again just now we set our greetings to hanuko-san but this time let's actually use a toilet to meet a different horror it is the hands coming out of the toilets the white hand red hand are ghosts that suddenly touch your bottom when you're sitting on the toilet these pervert ghosts are believed to appear in the bathrooms on the Northern side of the school just like the number four is considered a cursed number North is also associated with bath luck because it's believed to be the direction which Buddha's head was facing when he passed away after doing your business on the perfect ghost hands you notice that there isn't any paper this is when you'll be meeting another ghost the red and blue paper a voice out of nowhere will ask you if you would like to have red or blue paper if you answer red you will die losing too much blood and if you answer blue you will be suffocated to death this mystery is believed to be born from the rituals in the past of making paper dolls of men and women with red and blue paper to worship the toilet Gods by the way there are some theories in some regions that say you must answer yellow paper in order to survive I have no clue why though do you have any ideas [Music] seven take a ticket finally the last mystery although she is very famous I still wanted to introduce her last as the most overwhelmingly terrifying being yes the the kid a female student with only her upper body she is so called because of the picky thickest sound she makes as she crawls around the ground with her two arms what's crazy is that despite having only an upper body she will chase you at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour there is a very famous story about her when a male student was walking through the schoolyard to go home she saw a girl smiling down at him from the window of the school building because they thought that she might be our girl that liked him he was encouraged by his friends to go back to the school building to see her but when he got to the floor where she was he found out that she didn't have the lower half of her body the moment he realized this she attacked the male student with unbelievable speed despite the fact that she was only using her elbows no one saw the male student thereafter how however it is said that ticket herself has a very sad past a high school girl was run over by a train in mid-winter in Hokkaido Japan's northernmost Island she was split in half upper and lower body when the police officers were collecting her body parts they were surprised to know that she was still alive only with her upper body winter and Hokkaido can go as low as 30 degrees Celsius the cold kept her alive without losing too much blood however the frightened policeman put a plastic bag over her upper body as if she was dead so she is still driven by feelings of grudges and is still searching for the lower half of her body but this Horror Story is just a Onibaba Japanese urban legend if you're hit by a train running at full speed you will actually be torn into pieces and minus 30 degrees Celsius is not enough to completely freeze a large wound but the part of the story where the policemen get rid of her because they thought she was creepy sounds oddly realistic by the way if you'd like to learn more about pick of the game there are movies and video games about her so I hope you can check them out however I will not take any responsibility if you get cursed then lastly today's conclusion I introduced the seven horrifying School mysteries in Japan I grew up listening to 1. the 13 steps at night the stairs of a school that only has 12 steps were turned into 13 and those who step on it are believed to be taken to a different world is a young girl you can meet in the third compartment of a third floor bathroom if you knock the doors of each room ask me if she's there she'll drag you into third stall and you'll never be able to come out three the music room Japanese urban legend school music rooms generally have portraits of Baja Mozart and other famous composers hanging on the walls and at night it is believed that their eyes move and facial expressions change there's an even more crazy theory that says that laser beams will come out of Beethoven's eyes which moves the objects inside the room also there is a piano that plays on its own while there's blood dripping from the ceiling 4. the moving statue of statue used to be placed in many schools in Japan as a role model for children because he was a hard worker and saved many people's lives 5. the cherry blossoms of blood It is believed that the cherry blossoms growing within Japanese schools have someone's dead body buried under it and their blood is what makes the pallets pink 6. the red and white hand the red and blue paper if you use the toilet facing north in schools at night there will be hands touching your bottom also you will hear a voice asking you what color paper you want red or blue and you'll be killed no matter what the only way to survive is to answer that you want in yellow paper seven is a ghost of a female student with only her upper body and her name comes from the tequite sound she makes as she crawls along the ground with her two arms with only her elbows she will chase you as beads up up to 100 kilometers per hour so that's it for today thank you very much for watching if this video gave you some nice Goosebumps.

6 Japanese Urban Legends

6 Japanese Urban Legends
yokoso peeps it's oz happy halloween and welcome to my halloween video in this video i'll be telling you about six monsters to look out for in japan so awesome this video is brought to you by all my patreon supporters go team awesome before i begin talking about these stories please make sure to subscribe to my channel because i'm almost at 24 000 subscribers also please join my free newsletter i send it out once a month the link is in the information section below if you subscribe to that newsletter you will get videos that are not available on youtube as well as our free articles to read that are about japan both the dark and the bright side of japan now as you know japan is famous for monsters like godzilla or ghosts like the the girl in juwon or sadako in the ring but i'm going to be talking about ancient japanese ghosts from japanese urban legends and folklore there's actually hundreds of these monsters ghosts beasts and mythical creatures but i'm going to be talking about six kuchisaki so the legend of kuchi sake ona actually started an edo period in the 17th and 19th century but it became really popular in the 70s in the 1970s these stories of this monster lady hit newspapers and weekly magazines and it was such a cause such a panic in japan at the time that a lot of kids were scared to walk alone to school and back so the pta the parent teacher association had to escort them or accompany them there's different variations of the legend but according to some of the stories i read it starts with a woman who was the wife of a samurai however she cheated on her samurai husband and she was caught being adulterous as a punishment for infidelity her husband the samurai slit her face for her mouth from ear to ear she was shamed and disfigured and when she died her ghost became a vengeful ghost her ghost continued to haunt japan and she would be out and about and she'd be wearing a surgical mask kind of like what all the japanese people were now and the world wears now because of corona she would also carry a large metal object some people say it's a knife other people say it's scissors or skype and usually she'd be walking around the town looking for victims most of whom were children she'd walk up to a victim and she would ask am i beautiful and if the person replied no she would slash them and kill them if they replied yes she would then remove her mask showing her disfigured mouth and open bloody wounds and gashes and all her like nasty teeth then she would ask again am i beautiful and if they answered no she would of course once again slash them and kill them however if you answered yes she would spare your life but she would use her weapon to slit your mouth from ear to ear however there was a way to escape kuchisaki onna legend when she asked am i beautiful instead of saying yes or no if you kind of did something that was kind of like an ambiguous answer she would get confused and that would give you time to run away another version of the story says that instead of answering if you give her caramel candies or throw caramel candies on the floor or money on the floor when she reaches down to pick them up you have a chance to escape either way because kuchi sakiona wore a mask it was hard to tell who she was until it was too late kappa are these weird mythical creatures that live in rivers and ponds across japan they are part amphibian and part human their skin is green and scaly they have webbed feet and arms and they also have a large shell on their back similar to a turtle they also have a dish indentation in their head where they place water this is the source of their power and must remain wet at all times though they're the size of children they're actually powerful much stronger than even men they thrive in the water they're excellent swimmers and for some reason they have three anuses they're known to be weak on land which is why they mostly stay in the river according to japanese legend kappas are actually very intelligent and very mischievous they love eating cucumbers and the innards of humans they do a lot of weird things like sometimes they make loud farting noises in public or they look up girls women's kimonos but other times they hate cows and horses and they usually like attack them so although kappas are are not that dangerous outside of water it's in the water where they're the most dangerous so if you're swimming in the water they will attack you especially children and women they love to attack them and eat them while someone is in the water or while they're swimming they'll come up from underneath and they'll bite your anus and they'll pull you in underwater until you drown and then they will eat your remains but despite being so violent against humans they can also be very loyal and friendly so it's said that if you meet a kappa on land the best thing to do is to greet it and to bow politely as low as possible and because kappas are so honorable and loyal they will bow back and when they bow down the water that's in their dish in their head will fall out and they'll grow weak this gives the humans the upper hand and if you offer them water and you offer to hydrate them again they will forever be loyal to you and japanese people really believe in the kappa so much that even to this day in the summer festivals they offer cucumbers as an act of kindness toward kappa [Music] akka means red and manto means cape so akamanto is a creature that wears a red cape it's actually a male spirit and he wears a mask and apparently he's a very good looking spirit when he was alive he was a good looking guy and he was a serial killer even after his death he continued to be a serial killer and he haunts bathrooms especially women's bathrooms and school bathrooms and he always waits in the last stall so it's recommended to not use the last doll if you don't want to come in contact with akamanto this story was actually quite popular in the 1930s especially with school children so the story goes once you're in the last stall akamanto approaches you and he gives you an option kind of like morpheus in the matrix with the blue pill or the red pill he gives you the option of the blue toilet paper or the red toilet paper if you ask for the red toilet paper he'll take out his knife and he'll slash you to death spraying your blood all over the entire stall however if you choose the blue toilet paper he'll either strangle you to your blue or he'll suck out your blood until you're drained and you're blue now the story says that some people try to trick him and try to use another color like white or yellow or purple or green or something but they say that if you do that he sucks you into the toilet into the into the mouth of hell apparently the only way to really escape him is once again not to answer and just try to get out of stall and escape however it's not a guarantee sometimes he'll block the exit and then you'll be killed anyway unfortunately facing the akamanto usually means death [Music] literally means like a mountain hag or mountain lady old lady so you might be able to spot yamauba at various mountain areas in hokkaido or shizuoka or nagano places like that across japan and the yamauba are old ladies that were originally cast away either they were single and they didn't have a husband or they were widowed or because of financial situations in the past the family couldn't take care of them anymore and they were kind of kicked out of the house and they were forced to live alone and so they made their way up to these mountains and they live alone in these huts and over time they've become monsters they're kind of like these sinister witches who prey on travelers or merchants or passing by their mountain area they usually have like disheveled hair disheveled kimono really wrinkled skin and a lot of them even have fangs and horns so what they'll do is when you're passing by they'll be nice to you they'll invite you in for dinner or if it's getting late at night they'll offer you shelter but eventually they'll attack you they'll poison you and they'll attempt to eat you there's no real method to really escape them except just by luck so people who escaped the survivors escaped have spread stories about the yamaouba even to this day a lot of parents when their kids are being disobedient will say go to sleep or you better not be a bad boy or a bad girl otherwise we'll send you to the yamauba out of all the creatures that i heard about this one seems to be the weirdest literally means ass eye and basically it's like a man-shaped creature without a face who has a giant yellow like shining eye that is in his anus so shirime is like i said has no face but has like a man like body and wears a kimono and kind of just waits around town for his victims they make strange noises and try to get someone's attention and once they can get someone's attention and they stop they suddenly rip off their kimono they're naked underneath then they bend over and they stretch out their anus and just show that person their giant yellow eye they don't attack they don't say anything and really there's no real reason why they do that except for the shock value i guess they're like today's versions of perverts who just go up to people on the street and then just flash them no one knows their real reason or origin or anything about them or why they have an eye in their anus of the toilet so similar to acamanto hanako also haunts the toilets specifically the girls toilets in schools this legend actually began in the 1950s after the war and they said that hanako was actually a little girl who died while she was hiding during a world war ii raid other people say that she was killed by either her family or somebody in a toilet which is why she haunts the toilet she's a young girl probably of elementary school age she has like a bobbed haircut and she wears a red dress or red skirt the difference between akamanto and her is where akamanto is waiting for victims hanako only comes when she's summoned to summon hanako you go to the girl's bathroom and you go to the third stall and you knock three times and then you ask are you there hanako-san if she's there she'll reply and you'll see a bloody hand come out and pull you into the toilet pulling you into the toilet will bring you into the mouth of hell there's alternative stories and in some stories when you say are you there she replies and a hand comes out but other times it's her who changed into a three-headed lizard and the lizard swallows you whole so there you go that's just six of the evil creatures or monsters that i found from japanese folklore or urban legends.

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend

Watch Out For the Kuchisake Onna Urban Legend
during the Japanese hey on period around a thousand years ago a samurai was married to a beautiful woman she was the object of everyone's affection and she knew it she would walk around town and ask those who stared am I pretty the samurai was not happy with the attention she was eliciting and when he discovered she was being unfaithful he wanted her to pay one day armed with a knife he attacked her he pressed the blade into her cheek and slit her mouth ear to ear leaving her with a bloody - aesthetic grin who will think you're beautiful now soon after she died and returned to earth as an angry spirit named kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman in the late 1970s a countrywide panic broke out after numerous people claimed to have encountered could she sought the owner more police officers are assigned to night duty students were required to walk home in pairs after school people took extra precautions to avoid this vengeful spirit because any encounter would be deadly if you were walking alone she will appear around a corner wearing a trench coat in a surgical mask in Japan her attire would not seem out of the ordinary since it was common for people to wear such masks to prevent the spread of germs you will assume she is just an ordinary woman then she will approach you and ask am I pretty if you say no she will pull out her long pair of scissors and kill you on the spot and if you say yes she will bring her face closer and peel back her mask to reveal her disfigured mouth really now no matter how you respond afterwards your fate or remain the same however a few school children discovered a way to trick kuchisake-onna when she asks her question responding with an ambiguous so so would confuse her long enough for you to make your escape do you dare to try your luck beware the wrath of kuchisake-onna urban legend thank you for listening to my tale like and share this video to warn others and don't forget to subscribe to snarls and our sister channels hissy fit and slay tricks.

Top 10 Convicts Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence

Top 10 Convicts Who Freaked Out After Given A Life Sentence
hey how's it going oh your most amazing top tenors I'm your host for today land in Dalit Singh and welcome back to a brand new video let me know the comments section below how long do you guys think a life sentence should be okay so there are a lot of criminals who commit horrible crimes and evil crimes so when it is their time to face a verdicts a lot of these criminals have different intense reactions to their sentencing so here are the top 10 convicts who freaked out after given a life sentence starting off this list number 10 with the mother and daughters desperate plea an eighteen year old teenager was sentenced to 20 years in prison after she used a dating app to set up a robbery that resulted in another teenager getting shot when the judge handed down her sentence the girl's mother dropped to the floor crying out of extreme grief the teenage girl was screaming for her mother and begging the judge to give her a lighter sentence and oh yeah I have a video clip of this watch [Music] headbanger comes in to number nine brandon spencer is serving a life sentence for opening fire at a Halloween party store and this took place at the University of Southern California he was charged with four counts of attempted murder and this is his reaction to his arraignment to 40 years to life after he was convicted of shooting a rival gang member at a 2012 Halloween party on the USC campus number eight brings us the two females who freaked out after american urban legends receiving a life sentence these two women collapse in court after they were both handed life sentences for the death of a three year old girl shortly after the judge are read their sentencing they fell to the floor with emotional out cries and they had to be wheeled out of the courtroom I'll get moving into number seven definitely unlucky number seven for this one Jaleel Hoskins pleaded guilty to second-degree murder after tampering with evidence after he violently murdered a mother of five and dumped her body in a trash dumpster when the judge ordered him to serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole he threw the podium towards the judge and he had to be dragged out of the courtroom by the deputies take a look at this man fights with deputies comes in to number six a 19 year old received a sentence of life imprisonment after he shot and killed another man in an attempt to rob him the convicted killer was still hopeful that he would at least get the chance of parole but when the judge said that parole was out of the question it sparked an aggressive outburst you guys won't believe this take a look number 5 takes us to a man threatening to kill the judge I mean come on is this real life right now during his trial Wanda Rodriguez was being convicted of murder for stabbing a nurse at a mental health facility instead of making any last minute please he threatens to kill the judge if he didn't let him out of jail like as if that was going to work I'm done yeah that's probably not the smartest thing to say to a judge who literally has your fate in her hands a 19 year old man went into an aggressive rage after a jury sentenced him to death for a murder and this comes in to number four he began knocking down chairs before he was tackled by dozens of courtroom officers who eventually dragged him out of the courtroom take a look at this outburst [Music] [Applause] stun gun shocked its way into number three Andrew worth was charged with first-degree murder after he shot and killed a police officer his bail was set at 1 million dollars and after the judge sentenced him this is how he reacted the officers had to use an electric stun gun to calm him down before they carried him out of the courtroom ok moving on and number two brings us to Michael Marin after he was found guilty of arson and almost facing a life sentence behind bars he placed his hands over his mouth and swallowed something a few minutes terrifying kidnappings later he began gagging and he died in the courtroom a toxicology report discovered that he had poisoned himself with cyanide after he heard the verdict of his sentencing this is insane first to swallow something after the verdict is read notice as he reaches down and appears to get something from his bag he then wipes his face swallow something and appears to swallow again but eight minutes later Marin starts convulsing and collapses a violent man makes its way into number 1 a drug sentence marshal iguana to 40 years in prison for aggravated assault after he cut his niece with a butcher knife after he heard the sentencing he use a thin blade from a safety razor and he slit his own throat in an apparent suicide attempt he did survive and he'll probably receive more time for sneaking contraband into the courtroom well there you guys have it that is the end of this video thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys all is an excellent.

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends That Will Curse You

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends That Will Curse You
starting up number 10 now we have tech tech this is the urban legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half she then became a vengeful spirit that moves using her hands and elbows dragging herself while making the sound tech tech if you hear that noise you're supposed to just run for your life those who are caught by the tech tech will receive a fate just like hers she's said to slash her victims in half so that they look like her and possibly also become wandering vengeful spirits just like she is at number nine now we have the slit mouth woman you may recognize this one from a number of japanese movies and tv shows the traditional name for this being is kuchi sakiona and dates back over 300 years ago she's a woman who was brutally murdered by her husband after he found out that she was having an affair with another samurai this left her in death as a restless vengeful spirit she is said to cover her mouth with a cloth mask a fan or a scarf if you approach her she'll ask you if you think she's pretty if you answer yes she will then remove the mask and when the victim screams they will be slashed from ear to ear until they look like her even if you say no to this question she said to just follow you home and then brutally murder you that night at the lose-lose situation next up at number eight now we have daruma-san this urban legend of Japan is more of an old game that's been passed down through the years so here's how it goes you shower in a bath you turn off the lights and you chant daruma sand fell down while you wash your hair it's said that you will then see a woman in your mind she is daruma-san she'll be standing up in a bath you will see her slip and fall onto an old rusty tap it goes straight through her eye and kills her then you will feel her ghostly presence somewhere behind you now if you turn around there she will be black tangled hair rotting clothes one eye is bloodshot and the other is just a bloody hollow eye socket the game continues even further than that if you dare but i think that's enough for you guys to understand just how creepy this Japanese urban legend is okay at number seven now we have the girl from the gap this japanese story comes from people's natural fear of what lies lurking in the cracks of a home do you guys ever see something move past the hinge of a door when the door is open is that someone looking out from inside your wardrobe have you ever pictured a hand reaching out from between your bed and the floor well it could be the girl from the gap a spirit that lives both physically and metaphorically between worlds it said that if you ever see her she will ask you if you want to play hide and seek at that point the game is on when you see her between a gap again she'll drag you to an otherworldly hell moving on to number five now we have the human pillars this legend dates back to ancient times in japan where it's known as hito bashira back then there was a belief that a human sacrifice sealed inside a structure would make the foundation more stable this means that many old japanese buildings are said to contain the spirits of the people who were sacrificed during their construction one famous example is matsu castle where a woman was sealed inside the foundations during its construction now her spirit is said to haunt the castle and whenever a woman dances there the castle shakes violently many building owners in japan are actually quite open about their buildings being a human pillar next up at number three now we have oni baba she is a demon woman that often appears in japanese folklore she will often appear as an old woman asking for help but if you get too close she will slice you open with a knife and eat you she's said to be the tormented spirit of a woman who accidentally killed her own pregnant daughter and unborn grandchild in an effort to find a cure for her friend's child being sick she was told to bring back the liver of an unborn child but when she finally killed her victims she found they were actually her own family okay next up at number two now we have the dream school this one is extra creepy because apparently if you don't forget this story within a week of hearing it it will happen to you let's see if that's true one night a boy had a dream about a school the hallways just looped forever bringing him always back to the start staircases led back to the first floor as he got quite scared he heard footsteps behind him he ran until he found an emergency exit with a glass box and a key next to it the glass had been smashed and there was no key just a note saying that it could be found in room 108 when he found that room it was empty no students but there were backpacks hanging off every single chair then there was a pounding on the door he opened it terrified to find the hallways covered with dead children it said that he never woke up from his dream and if you don't forget this story in one week you will meet the same fate don't worry though guys i don't think this is true although if you don't see me on the channel next week sorry next up another night now we have aka manto in english this one is known as the red cape it's said to be a malicious spirit who kills people at public and school bathrooms the spirit will always ask them if they want red or blue paper if you say red you will suffer a bloody violent death if you say blue you'll be suffocated until you turn blue and die you can't trick the spirit either if you try and say you just want normal white paper ghostly hands will appear out of nowhere sometimes right out of the toilet you're sitting on and drag you down to hell that's right if you do something as simple as asking for white paper you'll be dragged to hell through a toilet i always suspected toilets were portals to the underworld this confirms my theory there is one and only one way to avoid this grisly fate they say you have to actually refuse anything the spirit offers you if you do this he will leave at least for now i guess you can be dragged to hell through a toilet another day moving on to number eight now we have tomino's hell this has become a pretty famous urban legend of the internet in recent years you may know it as a creepy pastor but its history actually dates back over a hundred years ago according to legend tomino's hell is the name of a story that was published in a 1919 collection of poetry titled sarkin the poet was saijo yasso a university professor whose work was filled with strange symbols and wordplay that some people found very disturbing the story is based around the buddhist concept of hell and recounts the story of tomino and his sisters being tortured in hell sounds interesting i'm sure you now want to hear me read it out well here's the thing according to internet legend the poem will curse the reader with misfortune and even death if read out loud it should only ever be read in your head now i'm not a particularly superstitious person but uh yeah i'm not going to read it out unless i absolutely have to and i don't you can see excerpts of it on the screen now and of course you can find the full version of the poem online just remember don't read it out loud don't want anything happen to you you know i've grown quite fond of you guys coming at number six now we have inunki village many japanese villages are famous for their beauty not this one this one is one you never want to visit legend says that society abandoned this place and lawless people moved in many years ago outcasts of society who sought a chance to live somewhere where good people could never stop their wicked deeds they had their own set of laws which legalized incest cannibalization and murder as the rumors of this village grew people wanted to know what happened why did everyone originally leave well they say the villagers were killed off by a serial killer with an axe another explanation is that a terrible disease made everyone rot as far as details about this dark place go that's pretty much everything many people trying to visit it but they say that those that succeed are never heard from again the fact that you can't get a phone signal there only adds to its scare factor moving on to find now we have the okiku doll while many of the stories i talk about in this series are of spirits or things from thousands of years ago that you can't visit or touch this is a very real doll that you can actually go and see for yourself it's on display at a religious temple it has its very own section there and tourists come to see it why would a doll deserve all this special treatment well how do i put this the doll grows hair yeah that's what they say perhaps even creepier is that the hair growing from the doll's head is human so where did this creepy human hair growing doll come from well according to the story it was originally given to a two-year-old girl by her brother in 1918 the girl died a year later and the family kept the doll in memory of her some sort of strange soul fusing appears to have happened because that's when they noticed the hair growing the parents were freaked out and brought the doll to a local priest he agreed to keep it there for a few months and observe it to confirm if their story was true he said it was a doll has remained on display in the temple there ever since the door was named after the girl who it belonged to and this year marks a hundred years since it was bought for her perhaps someone should keep an eye on it just for this year moving on to number four now we have kuni kuni now some say this is basically the japanese version of slenderman kuni kuni will always appear far away at first in the distance in the shadows his white body twisting in the wind it's a good thing that he appears at a distance from you because that's exactly how you want it to stay they say if he ever does get near you you will go mad forever there is no cure there is no coming back from this if you step near him your mind turns to permanent jelly now according to japanese legend he has claimed many many victims over the years but you often won't hear about them because the victims are left wandering alone going nowhere fast until their mind and body collapse for good next up at number three now we have the purple mirror i'm quite happy with this story because it involves a creepy curse that doesn't affect you if you're over the age of 20. i am but for those of you that aren't here's a warning from this japanese urban legend Kuchi sake onna a young girl was given a mirror by her mother for her birthday and spent many hours a day staring at it the girl wanted more than anything to be beautiful and ended up developing an eating disorder in order to be thinner it took its toll she became weak and frail and not the beautiful figure she was once chasing one day she threw her mirror on the ground in anger it smashed everywhere a little while later she was making arrangements for her coming of age party on her 20th birthday she got into a horrible car accident though and died at the scene her last words were a whisper purple mirror purple mirror her grieving parents searched for this mirror but they never found it now they say that if you do not forget the phrase purple mirror by your 20th birthday something bad will happen to you so forget those words maybe i never should have said them in the first place and finding number one now we have the tokyo terror taxi great name isn't it this is a story of a taxi driver's paranormal experience in tokyo many years ago i'll read the most popular version to you now it was a stormy autumn night near ayo yama cemetery where he picked up a poor young girl drenched by the rain it was dark so he didn't get a good look at her face but she seemed sad and he figured she had been visiting a recently deceased relative or friend the address she gave was some distance away and they drove in silence a good cabbie doesn't make small talk when picking someone up from a cemetery when they arrived at the address the girl didn't get out but whispered for him to wait a bit she stared out of the window at a second floor apartment ten minutes or so passed as she watched never speaking never crying simply observing a solitary figure move about the apartment suddenly the girl has to be taken to a new address this one was back in the cemetery where he had first picked her up the rain was heavy and the driver focused on the road leaving the girl to her own thoughts when he arrived at the new address a modern house in a good neighborhood the cabbie opened the door and turned around to collect his fare to his horror he found himself staring at an empty back seat with a deep puddle where the girl had been sitting just moments before mouth open he just sat there staring at the vacant seat until a knocking on the window shook him from his revere the father of the house seeing the taxi outside had calmly walked out bringing with him the exact change for the fair he explained that the young girl had been his daughter who died in a traffic accident some years ago and was buried in aoyama cemetery from time to time he said she hailed a cab and after visiting her old boyfriend's apartment asked to be driven home the father thanked the driver for his troubles and sent him on his way and number nine we have the curse of colonel sanders that's right the king of fried chicken has put a hex on the land of anime the curse is that every fifth person who eats fried chicken will spend 400 on hello kitty merchandise no i'm just kidding i made that up but there is actually a colonel sanders curse but it's on a baseball team apparently back in 1985 the japanese baseball team the hanshi tigers won the entire series and the fans went crazy like any fans of any sport they rioted and they took a statue of colonel sanders and they threw it into the river i have a couple of questions of why there was a statue of colonel sanders hanging around in the first place but i'll save that for another video apparently after they did this the team has never won a series i like the idea that the dead mascot of a fast food chain has used dark magic to control sports in japan that's amazing at number eight we have kokuri-san let's step away from the modern legends and move all the way back to the 18th century way back then there was a game called kokuri o kokuri-san which started spreading like wildfire this game involves a few things you need a pen some paper a coin and a few friends you put your finger on the coin while you write questions to kokuri i think you can play this game by yourself but it would just be you alone with your finger on a coin writing messages to the air so i don't think it would be that fun there's a couple of legends about this game but the scariest one being that kokori will only answer the question of what day you will die i mean it might be comforting knowing how much time you have left but knowing also might be like a self-fulfilling prophecy also after you're done playing the game you have to spend the coin within a certain period of time or kokuri will bring you death at number 7 we have the 1932 kimono fire back in 1932 there was a brutal fire in japan who took the lives of many people now it's rumored that while this fire was burning there's a bunch of women trapped on the top of this building in kimonos firefighters put out nets for them to jump out safely but they refused the reason that the women didn't want to jump is because they weren't wearing any underwear underneath their kimonos which is tradition so they thought if they jumped everyone would see their lady bits and they would have been super embarrassed so they decided to burn to death rather than having the shame of showing your kuchi on tv and then this was so brutal that it made japanese people change their customs and make it okay for women to wear underwear underneath their kimonos now here's the truth in reality there was actually a fire and a lot of people did actually die but the whole thing about them not wanting to jump because they weren't dressed for the occasion was made up by western countries rumors were spread that exaggerated the intensity of japanese traditions and number six we have the sony timer companies get a lot of rumors spread about them like the one that mcdonald's is feeding poison to the nation's youth oh wait that one's true but there was a fake one spread about sony that all of their products had a built-in timer inside them that would cause the product to break down shortly after the warranty was up it was of course false i've gotta launch ps4 and the baby still works it might sound like a jet plane taking off because the fan is so loud but it still works so this one was scary for your wallet what do you want from me it's part three i promise the rest of the ones on the list are very spooky and number five with the kyotaki tunnel this tunnel is considered one of the most haunted places in all of japan and there is a bunch of different legends that have circulated around it most people see the standard ghost in the tunnel haunting like a ghost standing at the end of the tunnel and just stares at you while you're in your car but some people have had much more intimate encounters with ghosts ghosts appearing right in their cars some people say that they get so frightened that they've even crashed their vehicles i mean that's what i would say if i got into a car accident like it wasn't me it was the ghost he spooked me also i don't have insurance there are many reasons why people think this tunnel is haunted some people believe that the area was once a battleground for many soldiers others say it's haunted by the souls of men who died building the tunnel either way if you want to avoid a head-on collision maybe stick to the highways at number four we have gasha dokuro or the hungry skeleton a giant skeleton man who is trying to take your bones this is like the trixx rabbit if he was a murderer you'd be like hey silly skeleton bones are for people and then he would rip your throat out with his massive claw hand this demonic bone dude is supposed to be the combination of all the people who died from starvation and were never found their leftover bones come together to make a beast that has a never-ending hunger and a hobby that involves taking your femur right from your body they only come out at night and hang around the woods and honestly if you're walking around the woods at night you deserve to be eaten by a skeleton monster these monsters are very silent and they attack you without warning the last thing you will hear is a ringing in your ears as the beast closes in i wonder if you carry around a bone you can distract it like a dog like oh go fetch boy leave me alone at number three tenome hey here's a tip don't go around killing old people and you won't have to worry about a crazy ghost coming back to kill you and all your friends and everyone else it runs into for the rest of time the legend of tenome is about a regular old man minding his own business and a bunch of little hoodlums ran up to him and attacked him they beat the poor dude so badly he laid in the street slowly dying with his last few moments he cried out he made a wish that he had eyes on his hands so he could see in whatever direction he wanted this way no one could ever sneak up on him he was in a blind fury and he got his wish he came back as a ghostly figure that had eyes on its hands and the power to kill anyone who he saw with his eyeball hands urban legend Yuki onna and number two we have no pedabo or the faceless ghost there is a couple versions of this ghostly story one involves it waiting under a bridge like some sort of troll when people pass by it will kill them and leave behind animal hair on the body to make it seem like it was an animal attack but my favorite version is about two fishermen who visit a pond they were warned that they should never fish there because with the burial ground for a woman and her ghost haunts the area but they didn't care while fishing the two men were approached by a young woman who asked them to leave they just brush her off and then she decided to go full psycho because she was a ghost and she removed her own face they scared the two men so badly that they ran back to their homes to their wives they told their wives about their story and their wives chastised them for bringing dark energy to the home and then removed their own faces and then they said chris angel mind freak.

10 Most Urban Legends Meet The Best Here

10 Most Urban Legends Meet The Best Here

Discover in this interesting article the most popular urban legends . Be captivated by a series of fantasy stories, beliefs and fears that are led into tales that may perhaps come true. A myth that walks in various cultures of the current civilization.

Before starting this fascinating section; narrating several of the urban legends, let us first explain what they are. So that you understand in context the symbolism and mythological aspect that they keep in their history. The urban legends are tall tales of an event, narrated mysterious and phantasmagorically. These stories are made up of characters and events that are real, with details that alter their content a bit.

The word urban is used because these stories are closely linked to the city. Its protagonists and settings take place in a metropolis full of streets, buildings and shopping centers. Specifically, urban legends are defined as fictional stories, and they are usually transmitted between people, and you tell the event truthfully. For some, they may have absurd and unusual characteristics. But for others these can be believed in their entirety, although there is no proof of what happened.

As a predominant feature in these stories, the narrator usually adds elements such as: the father of my neighbor, or the uncles of a colleague from work. This play on words adds some credibility to urban legends. At this point you can already deduce that perhaps you have heard a story. An example of these would be the one we listened to when we were little. When they told us, be careful with the white truck that circulates through the streets, since it is kidnapping children. Even though you never knew of a confirmed case, let alone seen it on the news.

So below we will tell you several urban legends that are very popular, no matter the culture, much less the language. There is always someone who brings out these fictional stories in a meeting. So get ready to meet them, orienting them in the same way that their content may be somewhat disturbing.

The ghost highway

It has been heard for years, passed from generation to generation. One of the most famous urban legends . Over time it has had alterations, these are due to evolution, changing the style of transport. The ghost highway is about a vehicle that stops in the middle of the road to give a ride to a young woman who asks to be transferred.

She is a young woman of few words, who gets into the car and sits on its back. Further on, the driver comes across several signs that warn of a very dangerous curve. As he passes it, the driver looks in the rear-view mirror and the girl has disappeared. Leaving him astonished at that situation, he continues on his way, and then at a crowded stop, he learns from the locals that he is a ghost.

A girl who died long ago in a fatal car accident, caused by the steep incline of the curve. And it appears to unsuspecting drivers, causing them to stop before taking the fatal angle. These urban legends are heard in almost all regions of long roads, in some it is a gentleman and in others a woman in a wedding dress.

But they all leave the same message, causing the unsuspecting driver to stop so as not to be surprised by the failure of the road that will be found later and can cause a tragedy.

The Lady in white

Marked by tragedy the spirit of a lazy lady in some rural areas, crying after the tragedy of having lost her children and husband. In search of revenge, he walks sobbing in the dark and cold nights. According to all list urban legends , this ghostly figure, in a white dress and long black hair. It is common for him to see her in the villages, and they say that if she walks, or you hear her wailing, it is because she comes from the soul of someone who is sick and about to die.

Each community narrates the loss of its family in a different way. You can hear it was after a strong fire, others say they drowned on one side. In context, this woman loses her family and dies of pain, vindictive and envious of those who are happy, she walks in the longest, coldest and darkest nights in search of a neglected soul.

Pokémon suicides

Did you know that in 1996 a new version of a famous Japanese video game was released: Pokémon red and green 1.0. This brought with it one of the most emblematic urban legends in the world. As it turns out, many young people, whose ages were between 10 and 15 years old, committed suicide.

Cutting their veins, poisoned, hanged and even jumped from high floors. All for having fallen under the influence of the game, which contained a song that affected their subconscious and led them to commit the fatal acts. The tune was called Lavender Town, in fact someone invented the Lavender Town Syndrome disease.

An event that went viral on all social networks worldwide. Loading on this game a myth that endangered the lives of children who listened to his song. Many rumors were given, but none had scientific basis. Some analysts found that these boys carried out the deadly acts after being a victim of bullying. An issue that is still debated before some believers. Giving rise to the legend of pokémon suicides.

The call comes from inside the house

Urban legends that are a true suspense. Starting the story with a teenage girl who babysat at night. This he did in the children's parents' own home. One day, mom and dad go out to dinner, they leave the babysitter in charge of their children, who were already sleeping in the upper part of the house.

After several hours, as she began to fall asleep sitting on the couch, the phone rings. He is a man who threatens her with death, at first she ignores him. But after so much insistence, fear takes hold of her. Scared, she calls the authorities for help, a request that is answered from the other side of the receiver by the men of the law.

While waiting for the police patrol to arrive, the young woman goes up to see if the children were still sleeping. And it is achieved with an atrocious scene. They are dead in their beds, savagely stabbed. Suddenly the phone for the umpteenth time. She hesitates to answer, panic overwhelms her. When he picks up the tone, the policeman is on the other side and he tells him that the call is coming from inside the house.

Kidney robbery

A story that leans towards organ trafficking or joining the AIDS club. A story that there will always be someone who keeps knowing a case of these. The son of a friend or the nephew of a neighbor. Urban legends that tell about a cheerful and very confident young man, who goes out on a night out, and suddenly feels hooked on an attractive girl.

A whole night of dancing, seduction and alcohol. The next morning he wakes up in a bathtub, filled with ice, in a humble room in a cheap hotel. Naked and in pain, he discovers that he has a surgical scar right where his kidney would be, no money, no wallet, no clothes. They have stripped it of everything. He asks for help and after some tests he receives the tragic news that a kidney has been removed.

The insect bite

A fictional tale that ends up being disgusting. Among urban legends, she is one of those that has been part of some horror movies. In short, it is about a young man who returns from a trip after several days of hiking through a wooded area. On its body it has several marks given by insects and mistreatment of the branches that it encountered in its path. One of these bites begins to be somewhat disturbing, it becomes inflamed, takes on a color between red and black, in addition to giving you a lot of fever, delusions and pain.

You go to the doctor and he makes an incision in the area of ​​the affected bite. Being stupefied, the doctor warns the young man that his days are in danger. This is because the insect that bites him had left their eggs under the skin and larvae have already formed, which are inside his body and feed on him.

The hook man

A couple is in the most idyllic moments of their relationship, they move away to a lonely place inside the vehicle, with a little music they begin to unleash an instant of passion. Until the melody is interrupted by the announcer, who announces to the community that a homicidal maniac has escaped. Among his most notable physical features is that he has a hook for one of his hands.

The girl gets restless and wants to go home, this is no longer the time for love. The young man insists on continuing, but cannot. They decide to retire home, but nevertheless he gets out of the car to perform a brief physiological need. Minutes pass and the girl observes that it takes too long, something fearful gets out of the car to look for him.

When she discovers that her loved one has been murdered and a hook is stuck in the suitcase of the car. One of the many urban legends that we can find in various horror stories. With certain alterations, this narrative ends the same way.

The ghost waiter

In these urban legends the ghost does not hurt, much less does a ruthless homicidal being appear. It is known that a gentleman arrives in a city after a long road trip. It was a business trip. Tired, he goes to the hotel bar where he would be staying and has a few alcoholic drinks, an extended and very enjoyable night, thanks to the good conversation he had with the barman.

Very late he decides to go to sleep and says goodbye, the next morning he attends his conference and at nightfall he seeks to enter the canteen. As you sit at the bar, you realize that there is another waiter. So he politely asks about his partner. This gentleman is confused, and explains to the customer that they were closed the night before.

The traveler cannot believe it, his mind is disturbed, so he immediately describes the young man who had attended him and with whom he talked most of the night. It is here when the myth puts us on edge; He tells him that it was a colleague who passed away months ago.

Chain letters

Here many will feel identified, among urban legends this is one of the views today. The belief about the influence that chain messages can have. Those who deliver a message for reflection or talk about some life experience and then ask that it be sent to a certain number of people.

Doing so would receive some kind of health or financial prosperity benefit. One of the stories where many have fallen, and proof of this are the endless chain messages that roll and roll through social networks.

Adulterated food

Another of the most popular urban legends is the one that falls on companies that sell fast food. Where you can hear all kinds of stories of alleged employees, who maintain the hypothesis that dogs are used to produce meat, or that hamburger meats are from worms. Fizzy drinks that when mixed with some medicine produce hallucinogenic substances.

There really are many urban legends about adulterous foods, which can be turned into funny stories. They also tend to affect the credibility and quality of the stores that sell these products, being forced to carry out campaigns to prove that the stories are false.

17 Names of Demons and Their Meaning

Top 10 Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Canadian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Irish Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Jack the Ripper Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary British Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Hospitol Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Bloody Mary Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Indian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Disney Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Swedish Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Cemetery Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary American Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Mcdonald's Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary French Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Chinese Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Pakistani Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Australian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Haunted Train Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Viking Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Russian Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Filipino Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary French Urban Legends Part2

Top 10 Scary Korean Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary South African Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Ouija Board Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Malaysian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Mexican Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Californian Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Texas Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary London Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Vietnamese Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Swedish Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary Australian Urban Legends Part 2

Top 10 Scary German Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Toronto Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Argentine Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Turkish Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Polish Urban Legends

Most Famous and Terrifying Real Urban Legends

17 Craziest Urban Legends in Pop History

10 Creepy Urban Legends From Around the World

5 Creepiest Urban Legends

10 Powerful Chinese Gods of Mythology

7 Gateways to the Underworld

Debunking The Vampire Myth

10 Creatures Native American Mythology

17 Craziest Urban Legends in Pop History

The Most Famous and Terrifying Real Urban Legends

The 10 Most Known Greek Myths in the World

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Property Settlement

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Property Settlement
1. Insurance

Haven't organised insurance yet? Get it now! It can be a risky practice to rely on the vendor's  insurance cover (or lack thereof) if something happens to the property during the period from exchange to settlement. Having adequate insurance in place will give you peace of mind.

2. Keys, codes and passes

Make sure you organise who has the keys and when you can collect them from the agent or your legal representative. Also, make sure you have the alarm codes (if any) and instruction manuals. Some purchasers want to collect the keys that day from the agent; others have the keys delivered to their solicitor after settlement. By sorting out the logistics beforehand, you can enjoy your property sooner (without setting off any house alarms!).

3. Final inspection

This is probably the most important inspection you will undertake, so you should organise it during daylight hours as close as possible to settlement and really take your time with it. Has any debris been left behind? Do the fittings and fixtures remain? Are the contractual inclusions actually in place? Have the exclusions been disposed of?

4. Final Title Search

Just like a final inspection, a final title search will inform you if there have been any dealings with or new interests in the legal ownership of the property. After all, you can't buy something from someone if they don't own it. You'll also need to remove any caveat you've placed on the title to enable the change of ownership to take place.

5. Cheque directions

Your legal advisor and lender will organise the cheques on your behalf, but it's up to you to make sure the settlement amounts and payees are correct before property settlement. Also, make sure the cheques have correct spellings - incorrectly issued non-negotiable bank cheques can hold up and delay a settlement, and that's the last thing you want!