Green tea cupcakes

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Green tea cupcakes
Ingredients of green tea cupcakes.

200 g cake flour.
2 ? teaspoons of baking powder.
Green tea powder, 20 g.
200 grams of butter.
200 grams of sugar.
Ingredients 4 eggs.
Milk 2/3 cup.
Whipped cream.
100 g cream.
Milk (cold water) 1/3 cup.
Green tea powder 1 tsp.

How to make green tea cake cupcakes.

1. Sift flour, baking powder, green tea powder together.
2. Beat the butter and gradually add sugar alternately with egg completely.
3. Mixed flour into the butter. Alternating with milk, until well combined convincingly.
4. Shovel into paper baking cups light 170 degrees 25 to 30 minutes when the cake is cooked, remove from heat and set aside.

How to make green tea cream cupcakes.

Beat cream until thick, gradually add milk, beating until well into the effects of green tea together.

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