8 How to manage a fresh brain.

When you feel tired brain did not try to run a simple brain exercise. Saab to face me.
A. A brain coordination number eight in the air with both hands next 2 to 5 times, starting from the left of the first. Then write the number 8 is to provide a way to improve read performance. And to understand better and to the left and right brain coordination.
Two. Water feeds the brain. Place the bottle of water nearby. Your desk on a regular basis. And one cup increments. This will help your mind and body alert. The brain is empty. The exposure or not. Because water is the key chemical in the brain and nervous system. If the stress due to lack of water, so drinking water for the body to get water to nourish your body.
Three. Massage point the brain. One hand on the navel. Other hand, the thumb and index finger is placed on the breastbone just below the collarbone and gently massage the second position for about 10 minutes, this will reduce dizziness or confusion. Activation energy and a bright idea.
Four. And shoulder muscles. The left hand holding the right shoulder. Squeeze the muscles tightly and inhale. Then it turned out, and they can look to the left of the left shoulder. Then breathe deeply. The left arm on the right shoulder. With a shoulder wrap, slowly turned his head back to the middle and go right. You can look over your shoulders until your shoulder stretch out the two sides fell down the stretch, chin, chest and inhaled deeply. To allow your muscles to relax. Switched to the right hand grasp the left shoulder it and duplicate it 2 times this way to help manage the muscles at the neck and shoulders, hearing, listening, and help reduce the tension of the muscles of my desk is. for another.
Five. Massage the ear to stimulate the understanding. This is done by resting comfortably. Tapping two fingers on both sides of the ears, moving to the top of the ear. Then drop into the crease of the ear and massage the two sides are gradually moving into other areas of massage, pull gently on the ear lobes down, repeat it two times, this method will encourage Hearing. And a better understanding. The release of the nerve connecting the ear and brain.
6. And stand up to it by the feet close together. Left foot back. By lifting the heel up. The right knee slightly and lean forward slightly. Your butt will be in line with the heel. Breathe in and pay out. While the breath is gently press down on the floor, place your left heel with your right knee up. Back straight. Breathe out and then back on again. From left to right leg. The exercises in this position three times all together, and it is ideal for improving concentration. The increase in speed reading. It also allows the thigh muscles. And calf muscles relax too.
7th. To relax the fingers two inches down on the forehead and eyebrows, and the second side, about halfway between the hairline and hold for about 3-10 minutes to help relieve tension and increase blood circulation to the brain.
Eight. And a brain. A doodle with the two sides at the same lines that may be so distorted. However, it has a positive effect on the brain is quite good. This will help to improve the coordination of the brain. With these two brain hemispheres working together. And spelling skills and a better and faster again.