How to delete iMessages and text messages

Matt Egan explains how you can clear out whole
conversations and individual texts in iOS 7

You’ll have noticed that in the messages app,
the Edit button can no longer be found in the
top right-hand corner of any conversation.
It’s been replaced by a Contact button, which
takes away the ability to select a whole thread of
messages or a single message and delete it.
Delete text message conversations
On the plus side you can still delete entire message
conversations. You can do this by swiping to the
left in the list of all your text messages.
Delete a text message
When you can see a contact’s fi rst name at the top of
the screen, you know you’re in a text conversation.
Tap and hold on any one message bubble. You
should see a pop out message with two options
‘Copy’ and ‘More...’. Hit ‘More...’. You’ll now see a
little blue circle to the left of all messages. To the
left of the message you selected will be a fi lled in
circle with a white tick. Now tap on all the messages
you want to delete, and then hit the trash icon in
the lower left-hand corner of the screen. A ‘Delete
Message’ button will now appear. Hit it and you will
be able to delete all the selected messages.