Top 10 foods for women

I gather that there are health benefits to most women know each other.

Alaska salmon
อลาสกา แซลมอน
Here is that women are not to be missed in every way Because the salmon packed with omega-3. This is very good for the heart also improves your mood from depression. And help prevent cancer. Alzheimer disease in more than a salmon in a protein and vitamin D, which is that women often lack essential nutrients. And for that you have. I find salmon to eat immediately. Because the fish is DHA, a high level fat acid. The essential nutrients. For the baby in the womb as well.

American Heart Association recommends that you eat salmon. Fatty acids or fish that is similar to two meals a week salmon fishing, Alaska salmon, fresh salmon, you can not do it as well.
Alaska Wild Blueberry
If you've ever heard. Fruits such as berries and fruits that are rich in nutrients that are beneficial. "Wild Blueberry" from Alaska is that it's great gems. The food here is excellent and very high in antioxidants. You can help slow the aging women is surely desirable. In addition. "Wild blueberry" to prevent the symptoms of dementia. The control neurons to function normally. He was also lower blood pressure.

Then why. "Wild blueberries" or not? Because scientists from Cornell University, NY. Have been tested for antioxidant activity in each was found that the "blueberries" winner because it has antioxidants than one friend. It consists of. "Anthony Drug Companies," an excellent antioxidant. They are low calorie, you took her to eat without guilt to it.

Choose to eat fruits, berries and a variety of family types. A half cup or one cup a day is enough. And the berries should be wild blueberries. It can be bought from a supermarket.


We are known as "corn" can help reduce cholesterol. But a new study has found that. Oatmeal is rich in fiber. The water soluble. And insoluble. The fiber can help control your weight, so I do not remember to eat my oatmeal for breakfast.

Try to eat oatmeal every day. Alternatively, the host of the grain. By the American Heart Association recommends a daily fiber intake should be 25-30 grams of fiber, which is equal to the average amount of oatmeal for me.


Brock Broccoli.

A new study found. The dark green vegetables can help protect girls from breast cancer. It's going to help lower estrogen hormone that is produced too. In addition, Brock Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. It also gives your stomach as you can get by just 30 calories for energy. This is not to mention you can get fiber, folate, calcium, potassium, iron and potassium. As a bonus to me.

Do not forget to Brock was a change in your meal, 2 cups or more per week.



"The protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 and the other reason is that your daughter will not eat walnuts, like" Dr. David L. Katz of Yale's medical school.

If you eat walnuts every day. Can help lower cholesterol level. Sleep better. Manage stress more easily. Protect against heart disease, cancer, and more versatile. In addition. The latest study. Let us know that walnuts reduce the risk of breast cancer in mice with The girls then you have to cross to the other, or walnut.

I was eating walnuts 1 ounce or 28 grams daily.


Although you probably know her as "avocado" has fat, but that's not scary like me. The fat in avocados is incredibly good for your heart. It also helps to reduce your belly at the time, the avocado with potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamin B 6, and I have to get the vitamin K-fiber. And can help lower cholesterol. Reasons quoted. Then you will be fat in avocados is also why.

You choose one of four or half a day is enough.

Red beans.
The beans are a food with more nutrients in it. The beans have been ranked as the top girls in the diet of this is because the beans are full of antioxidants. It also contains protein, minerals, folate and fiber, and starch into sugar is difficult to digest (Resistant Starch) has recently been found to be useful goodies. And enhances the ability to burn body fat. Help control blood sugar levels. The stomach is full. And reduce the risk of cancer separately.

Eat red beans, cooked 3 cups a week, but I will not answer. I eat small portions of beans before you cook like a teaspoon a day and then increased steadily in the next week.

Greek yogurt is fat.

Greek yogurt is rich in calcium, which is good for bones and teeth, but just one cup of Greek yogurt. The amount of calcium as high as 1 in 4 women need per day. Protein than yogurt, 2 it is also a fat one. It's good for you girls who have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, and I still have high bacteria. Although not yet confirmed exactly. This bacteria is much healthier. But many experts have confirmed that. This bacteria helps increase the body's immune system. The flu outbreak in the seasons. Greek yogurt can help protect the health of women as well.

Eat at least three daily servings (1 cup three times the drink).

Olive oil

When talking about "oil" Many young people may be Kyad for "olive oil", which is often found in foods of the Mediterranean. Good health is good, especially the heart and brain, which is a graduate of Columbia University confirmed that olive oil can help prevent disease, Alzheimer York. It also helps to nourish the brain. The regulatory system is not to be a mess.

I never run out of Canandaigua. I studied in Spain in 2008 also indicate that extra virgin olive oil. (Extra-virgin olive oil), which is the best quality olive oil. The extraction of oil from the olive fruit. You can help protect girls from breast cancer, so I opt for bread, olive oil instead of butter. Or use olive oil instead of cooking oil, but it's not healthy.

2 tablespoons a day, just as it reduces the risk of heart disease then.

Dark chocolate.

I like girls who like to eat chocolate. I love chocolate, but you must be a "dark chocolate" is not only filled with cocoa. To help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke because dark chocolate contains magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and phosphorus in large quantities, which all of these nutrients to help your bones healthy.

In addition. The study also found that dark chocolate helps make skin look more and more water. Reduce blood pressure. Keeps the brain sharp on the right. It also helps to improve my mood.

Recommend that you take each day one of the 4 ounces is enough, but make sure it is the chocolate of your choice, it is a mixture of cocoa, at least 70% because it is dark chocolate then you can get the weight back.

Life balance.

Typically, the nature of man. Animals of all types. All the living creatures and all objects are in the yard of the earth and the universe are composed of four elements such as iron, one of my pieces, it has four elements. But it's rare to see this element only. If one piece of steel that has four elements also. I try to analyze a molecule of iron. Separation of gas molecules in thickness, hardness, iron, steel, we see that the meat is still moist. It is warm. Heat in the body. Strength - in the rough. Thus the four elements, it is everywhere. The area where we have four elements. Unless it is the only element which is _ It is the dominant element in all the time.

Or a glass of water and the earth is solid, but in a glass of water from the water. Water is also available. However, there are less than earth. It is so hard, so we must have. Water is the permeate flow is in contact with the cold, soft and smooth. Thus the four elements of it are everywhere.

The fourth element in the element or elements of nature in these four. The Buddha called Mhapot four.

The is a great Mhapot _ It covers all the infinite universe. What are the four Mhapot. There is a ground water as the wind was light, as it has in all things and all the living creatures of all - I certainly do not deny it.

The balance of four elements, both inside and outside. We need to - not one that If we know the nature or meaning of the Dhamma and eighty four thousand Trrmkants it. My belief that the realization of the Buddha in him. He did not come from me. But it comes naturally. Dharma is natural. Dharma is natural.

Dhamma is to act shall not be impaired and it is to maintain the natural balance is not impaired. Well known. Teachings of the Buddha. But it existed before the Buddha. Not as enlightened as the people who built it. So he took all the Buddha's already up to training, transfer and deliver to the other. We have a duty to preserve heritage and preservation, and it is intended to convey the ideas and the way in the back. And grandchildren to come.

Thus the Dhamma of the eighty four thousand, then the Trrmkants. My faith is one that Buddha preach all the Trrmkants. Aligned with the dependency. With sense and feeling like animals and citizens of the world nations and the world by itself and together with the dependent nestling. Is dependent on the self-aligned. It depends on the creation and aligned all the natural and living creatures. Inside and outside the body itself.

We are living creatures. We are living creatures. We rely on nature. Our natural lives. The nature of our parents. Our retention of those parents. It must be full and filled with generosity and compassion Like the wind and sun. Karunis the man. December _ national origin. And a warmth to all things culinary. The sword was made in the course of the movement. Energy around the body and the life in the __ day of joy and entertainment to the process. Of life is.

On wind, sun, animals and caring nation _ December. _ I had the generosity to the wind and sun. I get the good stuff. From wind, sun, then change. Applied to the organic life that has flourished _ J. embracing bloom and grow out to sow the seed crops to flourish in the land _ J.. The moist earth. The scent of fresh rain. The process of Jericho _ grow. Embracing of all things at all the stores in __ objects around them.

Human animals has occurred. Because the process used in industry as a result of __. When he was breathing. Breath occurs because of a controller. Wind power is considered one of the so-called psychic - __ in the control of the emotions. __ In the language of the Dharma, it separates into a feeling of knowledge and emotion recognition. Consciousness Therefore, we feel that it will be lost to the wind.
I think there are two types. I think deep on the outside. I think it was so deep it is. But this is not right without a few pages, then remove. Insensible This will not be considered as control elements. Anesthesia is not deep. That wind, it will be lost.

Wind is used to control fire, wind and fire where there is wind, the fire is extinguished at the same. Therefore, the wind is to fire support. When the wind is light it off. Fire and Water. There are a lot of water in the body. The water, sweat seep out of the body that expresses the action of water or of water and process water to show good water - sputum saliva, nasal discharge, urine, water, blood pus, etc., are said to have. approximately 70% within the body.

Water in the body's functions. When the wind with the wind at the spiritual __ control fire, water, fire and burned ผla _ it's worth it to remove water. Water is water, sweat, saliva, blood pus of discarded food waste. _ A large part of it is controlled by a fire within us. When the water control. Water is still covering the ground.

Therefore, dead people and dead animals. We can see that there is no wind - breathing. Because he has no spiritual value at __. When there was no wind at the spiritual __ I - I. I do not have enough fire power to breathe fire, water operator. It will bloom. I do not have to press it. It will melt the soil. Dead animals and then the green sluggish dilated lymphatic flow for sensitive skin. This serum is water. Sensitive skin is earth. Soils in some parts of the body. The dam is a barrier to some. It will be a break out.

Composition of the body that has the elements earth, water, air, fire and water in the soil of each individual wind power, it also has elements of all its cells. As tens of millions to hundreds of millions of lives. Cluster and it is a cumulative process of life. And shape, we feel the need to prove it.

These elements, it has some good, some not decreased, it is the imbalance between what the balance is a function of our lives is to keep it to maintain a good balance. Maintain a low and accurate. A defect in the function.

The fourth element is what it is with the diet composition of four elements. Food, they are composed of four elements in common. The decision - support the promotion of alternative waste Repair the damage. It will enhance the growth of J. _.

The four elements of this when we have it completely, then it will be. My English was not sure what to call it. But my energy is a byproduct of combustion, as is the food we eat properly. Maintain the balance of the four elements. It is the power of the Chinese people, which he called respiration.

The respiration of this. It is caused by two species. The first is the balance of the four elements. The second type is caused by the mental state of equilibrium and peace. Balance of mind that is not distorted. These two, if it appears that the power of one is called respiration. Pran is the authority and power to control and determine the cause of death of the cells are in this body. Not sure if it was my fault by the doctor or not. But this is the knowledge of experience in the __, at their own research findings and proven experience.

On the respiration of cells that serves to nourish the body is. The doctor may be called a substance or material that the body has already absorbed. But that's my mental health, he called it a breath. But it is still the power of the mind. The balance of the body to heal, the power of the breath. Respiration and respiration are the result of the balance. The second type of mental agitation. Second only to maintain this balance of four elements. The nature of the four elements earth, water, wind power is to maintain balance.

Suppose, for example, cells in the hair cells in our body, it has only a minute, we do not maintain it. Fire is to burn it ผla _ cells in the hair or hairs of our lives, it is just half a minute. This body will have to create something that lives up to the cells. A new life. To replace it to go faster. Energy of the body will need more. Then we will have to enter my life _ it up. Respiration, it will be faster. Do I need to find a replacement when we fight _ and burn it to the ridiculous. We are cautious about where the hair cells of the line one minute before it died. We made it to the balance of his life until one minute. The ubiquity it. Then the new cells.

If you train yourself so you can control one of four elements. Train yourself to control the composition of the balance of elements. I trained myself to the life span of cells within the body. What is the lifespan of cells within the body. That is the formula to have a life. The life of the material. Or the life of the material. I used to have a good life is. To the benefit. That is another story. That is the nature of the physical body and to build relationships to each other in the next.

Naturally within the body and nature, the body must be balanced - media relations. The process has a good relationship together. So we knew right away that all kinds of water, every drop, every grain of rice dish with a lump of salt air every time we inhaled. It fit me like a far more natural as if the body temperature. It does not solve the physical nature of external heat. What to do at this time was almost blown. What is the nature outside the body. The air around the body. What is the nature of the body. The fire heated. So the wind will be invincible. It is reduced into recession. This is mine - it's part of life.

It is just like our children with tender love. With Tanu - preservation. We will monitor the behavior of the child care that he got hungry or cold to hot to do it better or not. If it's hot to heat up the cold winter to warm it up. It fills the hungry food. If it is a method of relaxation.

Creating a relationship with each other. Is the origin of the word. My say on this moment. Who can be an element in a control relationship to the outside elements, but this is important _ it is quite rare, but it is not difficult to find. It's difficult. Because no one thought to do it. It is difficult, but actually it is not difficult if we are actually doing it really, really study it. I researched it. It's really clear.

Before my time in Tibet. Many of you know the old lama. He trained in Florence, Art. Concentration is high. In an ice cave. His method is. Remove the cloth woven with yak hair. Then cover with water to wet the clothes agents. And then the stick is a stick made within a short stick to the cloth, then dry it is considered a major success.

This is natural in a control relationship to nature outside the body. The process, he and I live together with peace. That is the nature of the relationship between internal and external elements.

The food we eat. The water we drink. The drugs that we eat our clothing that we use. Bed we lie. Where we go. The people we meet. All of these things. What we do know that it works for us. It's not right for us. All of these things, it will tell us. We will tell them that. It should be with us, or should not be with us. It should be friendly or hostile to us.

Even the mood of love, greed, anger, struck me dumb, lazy or industrious, intelligent, this is a natural body. We need to maintain it. Do not let it be said we. We can then go on to have a relationship or a relationship with nature all around the body or not.

To study the nature of life inside and outside the body. It is to keep the natural balance of the four elements. We can not deny that it must be well balanced. I know that. Yep .. a little water to it. I have to add water to fill the light dims the lights down a little. I like the wind to wind down a bit to cover. Make certain to post something like this, life will look good.
I say that my best. It just looks good enough in our eyes. Do not let someone else do it for him. But to make ourselves look good. And we see it. When we see it then. It is a process. I had to laugh. We laugh with. I love people who we feel sad. We have freedom, independence. I suffered a lot. We are perfectly happy. Poor people are starving, homeless but not having enough to eat.

And two, it is necessary for Buddhists or people who are born and emerge in this world need to know to understand these things, it is the administration and management, we reject it, ignore it, run away from. it We have to find other issues and other things. __ In all of the other. All other objects to learn it to understand it is to manage it. We give away the nature of the body and the outside. _ And that it is not important if we are waiting for the auspicious time. Naturally within the body to deal with. Relationship to the physical nature of this what it is. I think that my past life and loss.

There are four elements of life to our potential to have - and maintain performance. Effectiveness, quality, performance and potential to get used to it, but these effects. I happen to know the truth I do not know how I know I know I need to know is yourself. Let's just say that my real self, we know it. Teachers love the sleeping area still. I continued working on his side - and the soul at __. I woke up and broadcast to all science, all we know. Let us know at the time of day. What element is preceded it. What are the elements we need to put this element. To live comfortably. This time element is what will bring the morning, we will not have to use this element, this element for the fire service.

The traditional medicine. He was poisoned. He will have to make sure that the patient's etiology of the disease caused by anything. The Pasadena Valley China, he is the only 4. Analysis that This element is missing. Element, it is defective. Element, it is lost. Do I need to find a drug or device to cause the element to replace.

The process of healing and medicine the doctor of the old _ It will focus on strengthening the balance of elements within the body. Traditional medicine doctor who invented a test to prove or try to touch that can not be regarded as a theory. Because some drugs used for this missing person. Another is the use of drugs is lost. But one that is so, but do not use drugs. Or another drug of this type have already died. The various results because I know it's poisoned. It was not clear. I understand that deep. The balance of elements in each, it is not the same.

I wonder if his sense of Color. Even so, humans and animals live on a hundred thousand years is like. University of influence in Color is important to understand is that the proxy persistence _ Chittagong scrutiny is focused on our loved ones feel more diligently. The problem __ the introspective _ in order to maintain the balance of the four elements to maintain the look is permanent, although it is not forever at all times, but it was the performance capabilities of its end of life of the cell. in an environment that is as fair a condition known as Dharma in this life we ​​are living longer with us as our spiritual body __ The skin is fresh - fresh, it is clear แchemchืen.

We conclude that That you are trying to balance the four elements. Or maintain a relationship between elements within and external to the body. I have to start from a recognition that it is not serious and I intend to concentrate and focus on how to learn. Get to know yourself. In the meantime, what do we think that our formula. I have to go through in life, moderation _ introspective consideration, we should have called.

When we have to consider _ introspective and analytical consideration, we will know. This time our body is deficient. What are the elements we need. The body needs to make a full composition. This time our body is very rare to see. What are the elements. What are the elements we need to destroy it. In order to maintain its balance. This is my life and call it art. It is an art to life.

There is no book or textbook or teacher. The classrooms where he taught. In addition, we need to perceive and feel a responsibility to prove the viability of that. We were then. It is our responsibility to manage it and develop it, then it is beneficial to it. Benefit to it. And at the end. Never stand in it.

That my writing Oslk that teaching children.

"My son ... the assumption. Let's assume you have the honor of assuming. Let's benefit. And finally, do not adhere to what is assumed. We are just four elements. When the case. The mouse works. Their excesses. The Takram them. The lack Snow fell in the trenches. It shall not be reduced to the recession and shrink.

If we understand all these processes are obviously We would love to have that. What a life he suffered. This administrative body is such a great burden. To live in this body I have suffered greatly. We will not be occupied without passion is not the ignorant slaves of sentient beings or living creatures - the department is well equipped, sound, taste, smell or anything, it all becomes just the right balance.

What I listen to this. It must deal with effectively. And effectiveness. Real life does not come from the ambitious and greedy, but tend to reach for something outside the body. Real life it is to learn to study the formation and promotion of creativity.

I told them that my end. On things. Generosity and support each other like this. We are living things. He was staring at me. Destructive things. The idea with the understanding that the way people understand the way of Satan himself is sympathetic. I reject others. What is it deny him what was wrong.

I teach my children to write a chapter that Oslk.

I love ... for smart people and have a glass of dirty water and broken __. It took a few drops of distilled water is good.

It is wise to have a problem with the way people think that __ is. I have a life like this. The way it should be done the way she is off and cold, it was wicked people die, they die. Nirvana and the way it is expressed. Let us know. All animals. Wise or foolish, whether it be good or evil, it will be given to whether it will be dead by the time all the action. I have a pretty rough classification of animals to be given him. Misunderstand it. It is the power of karma.

Here's a way to Nirvana. He is a world that conform to industry. He said that the world is in the process of their own actions and behavior are presented. It is a world with wards wards at the compassion to forgive, but I do not forgive him and help Karunis doped his way of thinking and living life the way it works is the way to fix it. I think you need to do to help these people see is a way of Nirvana. This is a way for people to attain.

#Total Health 02

22 Benefits Of Royal Jelly

- Royal Jelly is an important food for bees. Because it helps to accelerate growth As a result, the queen bee will be bigger and prettier than other bees, and it also helps the queen bee live 20 times more than that of worker bees! It also allows the queen bee to lay about 2,500 eggs per day to reproduce until the end of life. Royal jelly is produced from worker bees, excreted from the hypopharynx and salivary glands on the head of worker bees.

- The amount of royal jelly produced per hive is very small, with one nest able to produce only 2-3 grams of royal jelly per day and the physical characteristics of royal jelly are actually a thick liquid. Pale yellow, creamy, pungent smell, sour taste And quite a bit spicy The storage method should be stored at room temperature or cool temperature about 3-8 degrees, and for the main ingredients in royal jelly, water, sugar, protein, fat, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, various biomolecules. Which is considered very useful.

- Royal Jelly in the form of a supplement Available commercially as capsules and softgels. The amount of royal jelly is about 1,000 mg. For the recommended daily intake of about 300-500 mg. And in urgent cases to eat 1,000 mg per day. People who are allergic to bee products such as honey, bees wax should not. Eat because it will cause allergic reactions as well.

The benefits of royal jelly
1. It is a miraculous Ayurvedic drug with anti-oxidants that help to slow down aging and keep healthy.
2. Royal Jelly is a very complete source of nutrients. And humans need to eat it as well
3. Contributes to the radiance of the skin. Helps reduce the problem of acne, blemishes, freckles.
4. It helps in treating colds and asthma.
5. Help with appetite.
6. It helps in the growth of the brain and body.
7. Helps to strengthen collagen and slow down the aging process.
8. Reduces cholesterol in the arteries and eliminates residual fat in the liver.
9. It can help reduce blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels.
10. Help lower blood sugar levels.
11. Helps to build red blood cells to be healthy.
12. Helps to heal wounds to heal faster.
13. Help prevent the occurrence of diseases related to the digestive tract.
14. Makes the body able to absorb nutrients and have oxygen to serve different parts of the body better.
15. Helps calcium to be absorbed better Has an effect to help prevent osteoporosis. Increase bone mineral density.
16. Helps maintain healthy hair.
17. It helps relieve stress and help combat stress.
18. Helps resist radioactive substances and help inhibit the progression of cancer cells in the body.
19. Patients with metastatic cancer When eating royal jelly can help reduce the inflammation of the tumor.
20. Helps resist the growth of bacteria and many different drug-resistant bacteria.
21. Helps resist the growth of fungi around the skin well.
22. Stimulate and strengthen the work and balance of female hormones.

68 Benefits of Bai Yanang

Yanang, common name Bai-ya-nang (straight)
Scientific name area Limacia triandra Miers (scientific synonym Cocculus triandrus Colebr., Menispermum triandrum Roxb., Tiliacora triandra Diels) belong to the family of wormwood ( MENISPERMACEAE ).

In the central region, Yanang is called " Yaow Yanang " because this type of plant is a ivy vine connected with other trees.

Yanang leaves are various properties. Because it is a cool herb Contains fresh natural chlorophyll. It also contains many essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene in relatively high amounts. It is an herb that many people are familiar with. Because it is used as a seasoning to enhance the mellow food such as bamboo shoot curry, bamboo shoot soup, liang curry, sweet curry, etc.

Properties Bai Yanang
1. Yanang leaves in herbal textbooks are classified as elixirs.
2. It has a lot of anti-oxidants. Thus effectively reducing and slowing down the aging and aging.
3. Help strengthen the body's immune system.
4. Helps to add freshness to the body.
5. Help restore cells in the body.
6. Help in balancing the body.
7. It is an herb that helps in reducing obesity effectively and safely.
8. It helps to burn fat and be used as energy.
9. Help prevent and reduce the incidence of various types of cancer.
10. It is a cold-acting herb suitable for people suffering from cancer.
11. Helps relieve sore tongue.
12. Help prevent and treat heart disease.
13. Help prevent and treat asthma.
14. Help treat hepatitis.
15. Help treat diarrhea Because it helps kill germs that cause.
16. Helps relieve acute abdominal pain.
17. Help relieve constipation Reduce the symptoms of burning stomach.
18. Helps cure gastroenteritis.
19. Helps reduce spasms in the intestines.
20. Helps treat acid reflux.
21. Help treat toxic thyroid.
22. Help treat kidney stones Bladder stones Gallstones.
23. Helps treat burning urination Hot discharge in the urinary tract.
24. Helps relieve symptoms of dark urine, frequent urination, or symptoms of urine coming out of blood.
25. Help treat symptoms of enlarged uterus Uterine pain, possible bleeding.
26. Helps to treat an enlarged prostate.
27. Help prevent hernia.
28. It helps in treating herpes zoster.
29. Help prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
30. Help treat the symptoms of vaginal discharge.
31. Help prevent gout.
32. Helps to cure the poison from insect bites.
33. Helps treat skin disorders like burns.
34. Yanang juice when mixed with chewing gum or betel nut mixed until liquid can be applied to acne, blemishes, itchy bumps, clear rash, itchy pus and pustules as well.
35. Help prevent and treat cracked heels, sore heels.
36. Helps treat symptoms of nail decay, fingernails By treating the symptoms of fingernails, toenails, transverse, short, decay, tear easily, or the nails are brown, black Inflammation of the root of the nail.
37. For the benefits of Bai Yanang other aspects such as being processed into various products, for example, Bai Yanang capsule , Bai Yanang soap, Bai Yanang shampoo. Herbal drinks, etc.
38. Hair shampoo from Bai Yanang Helping my hair grow black Slow down the occurrence of gray hair.
39. If drinking Yanang leaves water on a regular basis The cancer lump will atrophy and shrink.
40. Help treat high blood pressure.
41. Help prevent heart disease.
42. Helps in the maintenance of liver and kidneys.
43. Help heal and treat paralysis.
44. Help relieve fatigue Exhaustion of the body that, even when rested, will not heal.
45. Helps to treat spasms, spasms, or frequent cramps.
46. Helps relieve pain like an electric shock. Or has a needle stabbed Or is hot like fire.
47. It prevents the capillaries in the body from breaking easily under the skin.
48. Helps treat freckles on the skin, brown, blotches on the body.
49. Help cure tumors.
50. Helps treat dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting.
51. Helps prevent allergies, coughing, sneezing, mucus and phlegm.
52. Dried root is used to cure all kinds of fever and reduce body heat.
53. Yanang root can cure all kinds of fever, including pox, measles, fever above, wrong manifest fever, etc.
54. Tao Yanang helps to reduce heat and neutralize Than Sang poison.
55. Contribute to inhibiting the growth of malaria.
56. Helps cure heat but no sweat.
57. Help treat the symptoms of diabetes Helps to lower blood sugar levels.
58. Contribute to pain and stiffness Muscle pain Pain in different areas.
59. Help treat allergies.
60. Yanang's root helps relieve symptoms of drunkenness.
61. Helps to relieve severe and chronic gingivitis.
62. Help relieve drowsiness after eating.
63. Help relieve nosebleeds.
64. Helps in the maintenance of eyesight and treatment of eye diseases such as red eyes, dry eyes, blurred eyes, stinging eyes, eye pain, dizziness, etc.
65. Helps to cure dry mouth Cracked or peeling lips.
66. Helps to solve the problem of sticky, thick, white, cloudy, yellow or green Or symptoms of phlegm.
67. Helps treat symptoms of sinusitis.
68. Helps reduce snoring.

How to make Yanang leaves juice
1. Properties Bai YanangThe first is the preparation of ingredients: 10-20 Yanang leaves (according to the desired concentration) / 3 pandan leaves / 1 handful of Asiatica / 3-5 Peking grass / 1 handful of benjarong leaves / 1 handful of Esldpagpon leaves / Aloe Vera. 5 leaves.
2. Take the prepared herb leaves and cut them into small pieces.
3. The leaves are pounded or blended with a blender until smooth (blending for about 30 seconds to preserve the maximum amount of herbs).
4. Finished with a lot of water through a thin white cloth or a colander again.
5. Finished, Yanang juice water.

1. For some people who find it difficult to eat and feel uncomfortable, they can bring Yanang juice to a boil and bring it to drink or mix it with other herbal juices such as ginger, lemongrass, turmeric, or mix with coconut water, lemon juice, sugar. Or even Hell's Blue Boy water as well.
2. Drink Yanang fresh water before meals or on an empty stomach, about half a glass 3 times a day.
3. Should drink only If drinking and feeling sick, it should reduce the concentration of herbs added to a lesser until it suits us.
4. When done, drink immediately. Because if left too long, it will cause a bad smell. But can be refrigerated And should drink within 3 days.
5. Reliance on herbs alone may not be the answer to health problems. Therefore, you should do something else in addition to help make the treatment even more effective.

Krachai Khao an anti-COVID-19 Herb

Can help prevent infection. With interesting properties.
Research has found Krachai Khao has 100% activity against coronavirus infection, so good properties I want to know a little bit of this antiviral herb.

Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai It is a very familiar herb that is used in many Thai dishes. Whether it is stir-fried, spicy, stir-fried, stir-fried, or dishes like wild curry Some types of curry with coconut milk are added to add aroma, spicyness and smell of meaty smell. But in addition to being herbs for health , research from Mahidol University also found that Krachai Khao has 100% anti -COVID-19 activity ever.

What is White Krachai?
Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai A kind of krachai There is a scientific name that Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Is in the ginger family. (ZINGIBERACEAE) is an annual plant that originates in Southeast Asia and South Asia. There is an underground trunk which is called a rhizome. When the roots accumulate, the symptoms will become bulging. Look like fingers Krachai in English is therefore called Finger root or Chinese's Ginger.

Krachai Khao or Yellow Krachai It is an herb with a spicy, hot, bitter taste. Thai traditional medicine uses rhizome and root to be used both for treatment of disease and body maintenance. It is also considered as an elixir.

Krachai, extraordinary properties
Krachai, the properties of this herb are spread in various parts of the plant, such as leaves, rhizomes, roots and underground rhizomes. Each part of Krachai has different properties as follows.

Underground rhizomes
The underground rhizomes have a bitter and spicy taste. Helps relieve abdominal pain in the stomach, flatulence, indigestion due to the substance Cineole (Cineole), which has the effect of reducing the peristalsis of the intestine. Thus easing stomach pain This is also a drug to treat hemorrhoids. It also has properties to help strengthen. And nurturing sexual desire Disease treatment, he does not bowl.

Rhizomes and roots
Rhizomes and roots can be used to cure dysentery. Bloody discharge Help diuretic And relieve urinary disabilities It can also be used as a treatment for ringworm.

The leaves are another part of Krachai that can be used to nourish the body. Which can be eaten to nourish the elemental leaves Treat diseases in the mouth and in the throat Cure blood poisoning And help neutralize various things.

In addition, studies have found that In the rhizomes of Krachai there are essential oils which are rich in vitamins. Both vitamin A, vitamin B12, as well as calcium and iron are also found in curcumin. That has anti-inflammatory effects as well.

In the root Krachai also contains cavicinic acid (Chavicinic Acid), which has the effect of inhibiting the growth of many types of pathogens. While there are also many antioxidants that help prevent free radicals from damaging the cells in the body. Which is the cause of aging And some cancers.

White Krachai can resist COVID 19 effectively.
Above all The properties of Krachai Khao are also exciting. When research from Mahidol University found that extracts from Krachai Khao It has the effect of inhibiting the COVID-19 virus, the cause of COVID-19 in the in vitro up to 100%, that is, it has the ability to reduce the number of infected cells from 100% to 0% and can also inhibit the activity of cells. Increasing the virus Causing no new viruses to be added from the cells.

The researchers found that There are two active substances in Krachai Khao that have anti-corona virus activity, Panduratin A and Pinostrobin, which act as a mechanism to inhibit the growth of the virus that causes COVID-19. Antiretroviral therapy in humans Still need to study more research.

White ginger against COVID 19, how to eat it?
The research team also suggested that Eating correspondents White hopes to benefit anti- Claude David, 19 should eat white correspondents in the form of extracts. Because it will be able to definitely determine the quality and quantity of important substances of white krachai In addition, we can eat Krachai Khao in the amount that is not too much. But can be effective in inhibiting the corona virus.

However, while waiting for research, White Ginger can effectively fight COVID-19 in humans. We can also eat a menu that includes white ginger a bit often. At least he had other properties of the white Krachai in itself.

Health Benefits of Parsley

Until you know, you probably have used it as a garnish, not knowing that parsley possesses a number of medical properties. One of the most popular, this herb can significantly improve your overall health. You can get all your health benefits of parsley by consuming it in the form of a tea! Parsley tea!

Health Benefits of Parsley
1. Prevents cancer
Parsley contains myristicin, a natural compound that can effectively reduce the rate of growth of tumors in the stomach and lungs. According to one study, parsley leaf reduced tumor growth in mice due to its powerful natural compound, myristicin.

2. Treat nerve damage
In most cases, neurotoxicity is the cause of nerve damage, which means damage to the brain or peripheral nervous system caused by toxic substances such as pesticides or heavy metals. These toxins are extremely harmful to the brain and can alter or even kill some nerves. And the nerves are essential to transmitting and process information in the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

3. Reduces inflammation
Regular consumption of parsley can help in the treatment of gout, arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Parsley has a rich vitamin C content and can reduce the levels of CRP (protein c reaction) in the body.

How to prepare parsley tea:
Ingredients Needed:
4 to 5 sprigs of parsley
A quarter or a half of a lemon
1 teaspoon honey 3 cups water

1. First, boil the water.
2. Add the parsley and lemon in a cup and pour the boiled water into it.
3. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.
4. Then remove the parsley and lemon, and add the honey.
5. Enjoy your tea!

Group of herbal treatment of skin rashes, eczema, ringworm.

Scientific name: Crateva adansonii DC. Subsp. Trifoliata (Roxb.) Jacobs.

Common Name: Sacred Barnar, Caper Tree.

Wong: Capparaceae.

Botanical characteristics: medium tree 6-10 m high, leaves, combined with the fingers of the third leaf petiole 7-9 cm long, leaves small elliptic or broadly ovate 4-6 cm long, 7.5 to 11. cm sharp or pointed. The bishop pointed out that the narrow flat edge on the side of the leaf distortion. Leaves rather thick. The side lines of the 4-5 lines long, the petiole 4-5 mm, a bouquet of flowers will be. By forked out close to the top of the stem 3-7 cm long, sepals 2-3 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, oval dry as an orange. Petals greenish white, then gradually Change to yellow or pale pink, 0.8 to 1.5 cm long, 1.2 to 1.8 cm wide, elliptic cone as a line segment 3-7 mm long rod-like stamens with purple anthers 15-22 held a long stick. 4 cm long rod held about 5 cm long, females, the ovaries are round or oval with a 2 to 3.5 cm diameter circular field of the shell is tinted reddish brown. On the smooth bark of the stem, 5-13 cm wide, 2-4 mm long, shaped like a horseshoe or kidney-shaped seeds about 2 mm long and about 6 mm wide, flat surface.


Leaves - kill parasites

Bark - a hot wind, the calm an upset stomach diarrhea Cumtatu.

sapwood - the wax to dry out.

Core - Cure hemorrhoids.

Bark - the use of topical skin disorders.

Scientific name: Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd.

Common names: Galanga.

Family: Zingiberaceae.

Botanical characteristics: 1.5 to 2 meters tall herbaceous plant roots are clear and articulate Leaves lanceolate to oval or nearly parallel to the 7-9 cm wide, 20-40 cm long, flowers, bouquet of flowers from the top of a small sub. petals white base with a short tube into the third largest petal petals red stripe. Bract ovate to round the result is dry.


The bloated stomach bloating is a driving wind.
The food poisoning.
The cure hives.
The treatment of skin diseases, eczema, ringworm, bacteria, fungi and the Ekืg.

The method and amount used.

Expel the diarrhea treatment stomach indigestion (also called sprue disease), abdominal pain, vomiting, a twist.
Use the fresh galangal root, about 1-1 ½ inch long (about 2 Agculi) falls to the addition of lime water solution of ½ cup of water 3 times daily after meals.

Treatment of hives.
Address the root to the stem 1 pound fresh carefully fill with enough alcohol to wet it. Both meat and water. In the vicinity of the hives frequently. It will be better.

Eczema, ringworm and skin diseases.
To address the roots. Thumb. Work carefully blending plant. Apply to skin several times until it disappears.

1 - acetoxychavicol acetate oil. Which monoterene 2 - terpineol, terpenen 4 - ol, cineole, camphor, linalool, eugenol.

Scientific name: Curcuma longa L.

Common Name: Turmaric.

Family: Zingiberaceae.
Botanical characteristics: plant height, age 30-90 years underground rhizomes cm elliptical cylinder that has branched off to the side opposite the meat into 2 stalks of yellow, orange flavor, only a single plant was placed into a band overlap. and 12-15 cm wide, lanceolate 30-40 cm long, placed a bouquet of flowers from the stalks. Inserted between the stem cylindrical, pale yellow petals. The decorative light green or cream colored flowers bloom 3-4 times per round with three lobes.

Part used: rhizome and fresh and dry.


The internal medicine.
- The flatulence.
- The diarrhea.
- The stomach.

As external.
- The skin rashes, skin sores.
- Drug treatment and scalp Channatu inflammatory tablets.

Method and amount of use.

The internal medicine.
The fresh rhizome is grated, about 2 inches out from the shell. Rinse thoroughly with clean water, juice keeps pounding water. Dosage 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

As external.
The dried rhizome is limited. Ground into a fine powder. Apply the seed with a rash. Very popular, especially in children.

Roots and rhizomes are tumerone, zingerene bissboline, zingiberene, (+) - sabinene, alpha-phellandrene, curcumone, curcumin.

Scientific name: Rhinacanthus nasutus (L.) Kurz.

Common name: White crane flower.

Botanical characteristics: branched shrub 1-2 meters high, is a bouquet of flowers to the square leaves, axillary white flowers with a base of the tube into the mouth 2 mouth with the color of Kaeng break.
Part used: root, fresh or dried leaves to keep them.

Indication: Treatment of chronic skin rashes, eczema, ringworm.
The method and amount used.

Use fresh leaves or roots, pounding Liquor or alcohol often applied.

Leaves the police to thoroughly mix the oil. In areas where the eczema was one of only three days eczema cure.

Nasutus root, root, and 6-7 on the box of matches. The same low profile. I put oil or vaseline. (Not the drug) and apply the eczema. Or frequent skin diseases.

The root of the nasutus. Mix tamarind pulp and lemon juice. The grease paint.

Scientific name: Clerodendrum chinense (Osbeck) Mabb.
Synonyms: Volkameria fragrans Vent.

Common name: Glory Bower.

Family: Labiatae.
Botanical characteristics: low shrub stems 3-5 feet high, leaves are in pairs opposite to the leaves as the Po. But no one pointed protrusion. The jagged edges around the leaves. A bouquet of flowers. I will huddle together in tight clusters. Inflorescence of 4-5 inches wide, about the flowers resembling small white double flowers. Full bloom about 1 inch flowers with a purple red calyx tube-shaped flowers, the short end of the 5-6 and the home is not available for several days. Very fragrant flowers all year round, day and night.
Part used: leaves and roots.


A - a skin rash.

- A menstrual diuretic.
- I Bronchial inflammatory bowel disease.
- The skin beriberi beriberi and nervous pain and swelling.
- Fever in the abscess.
- A hemorrhoid in a poke.
- A chronic inflammation of the spine.
- Pain and lumbar pain Duration nephrosis.

And drug use.

Beriberi pain.
Eating chicken soup with roots 15 to 30 g 2-3 consecutive days.

Lumbar pain, joint pain, swelling, bruising and beriberi.
30-60 g of dried root, boiled water.

I leucorrhea, high blood pressure. Of bronchitis.
15-30 grams of dried leaves and roots boiled water.

Hemorrhoids in a poke.
The dried roots of mod cooking water, then soak it in water for a moment.

Skin rashes, herpes.
The leaves were washed at a moderate boil.

Chemicals that have Flavonoid glycoside, phenol, saponin and Tannin.

Scientific name: Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer.

Common Name: Morning Glory, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose.

Family: Convolvulaceae.
The botanical characteristics of wood vine up to 10 meters, all with white rubber. And hair color were the leaves are alternate, heart, wide 9-25 cm long, 11-30 cm sharp cone concave bottom is soft, soft like silk silver gray flowers, purple, pink, a bouquet of axillary stems. Bouquet is approximately 20 centimeters long, hard, long oval bract 3-5 cm 5 calyx lobes of unequal size. Flowers about 6 cm long conical tip and roll out on the shallow notched a point about 6 cm in diameter, stamens 5, about 2 cm in diameter of the round end of the projection.
Part used: leaves.

Indications: treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.
Method and amount of use.
2-3 fresh leaves for the police to thoroughly wash the skin with a skin disease that is contagious 3-4 days, 2-3 times a day to see results.
Chemicals, seeds (white seed coat exterior) and cyanogenic glycosides.
The herb is used externally only. Do not eat the leaves if you eat the seeds out into the wild, psychedelic trance blurry.

Scientific name: Croton stellatopilosus Ohba.
Synonyms: Croton sublyratus Kurz.

Botanical characteristics: tall shrub or tree 1-4 m Deciduous Leaves lanceolate to switch to a 4-6 cm long, 10-15 cm flower bouquet out of the axillary branches. And the late King. A bouquet of flowers, a small bouquet of the same sex in a creamy white petals and dry with three lobes.
Properties: The root treatment of skin itch, ringworm ringworm.

Method and amount of use: Use fresh leaves or roots to pound the water squeezed out of the paint area.

Scientific name: Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl.
Synonyms: Acanthus ilicifolius L.

Common name: Sea holly.

Botanical characteristics: a shrub 1-2 meters high, medium spiny stems and leaves. The stiff spines are curved and have a sharp edge. Leaves are opposite each other. A bouquet of flowers from the top. Purple and white flowers with 4 petals separate. The result is a 4 seed pods are brown, like the man in the water. Canal estuary.
Part used: root, stem and leaves, both fresh and dried seeds.


From both fresh and dried - the abscess is often a negative ulcers.

Leaves - a traditional medicine to treat arthritis pain, various skin diseases. A serum free.

- Pituitary nerve tonic, cough, asthma cure.
- The Mutkid leucorrhea.

- Mask off the boil.
- Tom is a lymphatic disease a bad cough.

And quantitative methods are used: leaves, stems and 3-4 handfuls of chopped boiled water to wash the rash may take three to four consecutive times.

Scientific name: Ardisia polycephala Wall.

Botanical characteristics: small tree 2-3 meters high is the Leaves. The alternating pairs of leaves as the leaf is oval pointed leaves, the leaves are thick and smooth, no machine has a green glaze. A bouquet of flowers along the branches. Or by section. The flowers are pinkish white. The grain size in the cotton. When the light is red. The result is a purple-black.

The uses and benefits:.

leaves - a liver disease, diarrhea, cough for the wind.

Flowers - a parasitic disease.

Seed - the hives.

Root - the venereal disease gonorrhea mask and neutralize snake wound.

Tree - a skin disease, leprosy.

Compounds were: α - amyrin, rapanone pharmacological activity - anti-bacterial inhibits platelet activating factor receptor binding.

Scientific name: Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels.

Common Name: Star Gooseberry.

Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Botanical characteristics: small to medium tree height of 3-10 meters, the trunk upright branches near the top. Branches are brittle and break easily. Bark rough, gray to brown leaves and the leaves are divided into two rows to sort through the shaft sub-20-30 in parallel with the edges rounded or relatively sharp diamond tip blade. The circular base, smooth or rounded edges, a bouquet of flowers to the King. The pale yellow and brown flowers on a pale green. When to change to yellow or white meat succulent seeds Yellow sphere a solid light brown seeds.

Part used: leaves, roots, male and female person.

The male - a toxic poison I solve my bright red Akghaw dry ingredients in green medicine And used as food.

The female - as food.

Root ID - a skin disease, fever and rash resolved Pradg the grain. A serum to dry.

Method and amount of use: Use a male or a male root boiled water.

Of the tannin, dextrose, levulose, sucrose, vitamin C.

The root contains a beta-amyrin, phyllanthol, tannin saponin, gallic acid.

Scientific name: Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC.

- Eating a toxic disease black poison poison off heat.
- The cure herpes Akgpiษ drowsiness.

- Menstrual drive.
- Pounding head and body sores, or herpes zoster over the cooled neutralize the burning.

Method and amount of use.
Leaves 5-6 leaves of fresh clean water. Work in a clean container. Borneol a little.
5-6 leaves of fresh leaves, pounded, mixed with alcohol, water and applied as a poultice to the affected area.
Note - In order to treat herpes and shingles that when I go back with a new, less than the white wine.

Scientific name: Clerodendrum serratum L. var. Wallichii CBclarke.

Botanical characteristics: small shrub height 1-4 meters Leaves opposite edges parallel edges parallel shaft scams leaves. Scams or lanceolate to broadly ovate 4-6 cm long, 15-20 cm jagged sawtooth leaves a bouquet of flowers, Petals branches out at the end of the five petals, dark purple petals. The four petals petals Blue Live. The somewhat rounded. The wide oval back. Dark purple or black when ripe.
Part used: The dried leaves and roots.
Both the - ringworm ringworm treatment for leprosy.
The method and amount of use: The leaves and lower body ringworm treatment ringworm cure leprosy mask chronic headache. And put under water and swamps.

The herbal treatment for parasites.

Common Name: Andaman satin wood, Chinese box tree, Orange jasmine.

The botanical characteristics of wood from a small height to 10 meters, deciduous leaves the leaf surface is dark and glossy as the flower bouquet is a bunch of white hair is very fragrant and fresh, round, oval or elliptical. a little late. The shell glands, apparently 5-8 mm long, 0.8 to 1 cm wide and pale green. Ripe red and orange. The eggs of the seed coat with a short around the seed, 4-6 mm long, 6-9 mm wide, white with 1-2 seeds per fruit.
Part used:.

Stems and leaves - a full year. Use fresh or dried for storage.

Root - in the winter. I cut into the soil to wash, dry stored.

Leaves and ripe fruit.


Stems and leaves - spicy, bitter wisdom as an anesthetic, analgesic. The rash caused by damp. A painful wound caused by a concussion water rinse with a toothache.

Root - spicy, bitter wisdom to resolve the inflammatory lumbar pain caused by damp. And from insect bites.

A - a tapeworm cure dysentery diarrhea.

Roots, leaves - as a month.

Flowers, leaves - to help the arthritis, cough, dizziness.

Ripe fruit - eaten as food.

Help and amount of use.

By eating a tapeworm cure dysentery diarrhea.
- The stem and leaves 10 to 15 grams of boiling water, simmer for 2 cup to 1 cup, 2 times daily after breakfast - dinner.
- Or use pickle liquor drink a cup at a time, but I use MF as a month.
- The dried root of 10-15 g (30-60 g fresh) 2 cups boiling water, boil it to a glass beaker 2 times daily after breakfast - dinner.

For external use.
- The stem and leaves lower body paint is water or juice.
- The dried leaves ground into a powder into the wound.
- Fresh or dried roots or lower body wash and boil the water.
- Fresh leaves and stems were extracted by alcohol, 50% used a local anesthetic.

When the leaves by steam distillation of essential oils to a dark-colored 0.01% fragrance oils from the leaves contains:.
1 - Cadinene (sesquiterpene) 32.5% bisaboline 18% betacaryophyllene 14% carene 3.5%.
5 - quaiazulene 1.2% methyl anthrailate 1.5% euhenol 5% citronellol 4.5% geranoil 9.1% methylsalicylate 3.5%.

Scientific name: Punica granatum L.

Common Name: Pomegranate, Punica apple.

Family: Punicaceae.
Botanical characteristics: perennial shrubs or small trees, peel the stems are gray. The King or soft spikes are a square or a long blade-shaped leaf Yayri at the end of a narrow pointed leaves behind a smooth surface, as it is. Under the leaves, the vein is clear. The width of approximately 1 to 1.8 cm long, 2.5 to 6 cm flowers, flowers from the bouquet. Or a single flower or a forked branch of the amount of white flowers with an orange or red flowers with petals of the flower petals, about 6 are separated from each other. Male and female flowers have stamens in the center, with yellow anthers. Full bloom with a diameter of about 2 to 3 cm of the cortical thickness is relatively smooth, rounded surface. When the OR. Fully ripe yellow to red. And the results will be out or I will have seeds inside the polygon, there is a lot of pink flowers, a bouquet of flowers. Or a single flower or a forked branch of the amount of white flowers with an orange or red flowers with petals of the flower petals, about 6 are separated from each other. Male and female flowers have stamens in the center, with yellow anthers. Full bloom with a diameter of about 2 to 3 cm of the cortical thickness is relatively smooth, rounded surface. When the OR. Fully ripe yellow to red. And the result will be, or on the inside of the seed lot with a pink triangle.
Part used: leaves, flowers, bark, bark, roots, seeds and dried fruit.


Application - moisten with a eyewash.

Flowers - the bleeding.

Shell and dry.
- As a cure diarrhea, dysentery diarrhea.
- I like the city of Luxembourg has opened.

Bark and root bark.
- Used as a tapeworm, roundworm.

Seed - it's the city of Luxembourg has opened.

Method and amount of use.

Tapeworm and roundworm has taken effect.
The shell of the fresh root, from the new collection of 60 grams or about 1/2 hands with cloves or cardamom down a bit to taste, cooked with water, 3 cups of glass, boil the remaining 1 1/2 cup Dosage 2 tbsp. (30 cc) After about two hours taking photos, as well as it should be 2 tablespoons salt diet before treatment.

Diarrhea cure diarrhea (not dysentery or cholera).
The bark of the sun to dry for about 1/4 of the rain water or water with lime to thicken it. Dosage 1-2 tablespoons curry or boiled with lime water. I was drinking water to a boil.

Torque (with pain and often with mucus or blood).
The dried fruit of the pomegranate was one of a handful (3-5 g) was boiled with water 2 cloves or cinnamon may be used to flavor the drink also.

The bark has astringent taste of tannin 22-25% gallotannic acid yellow-green color. It is the root of alkaloids and derivatives of a pelletierine pelletierine.
Value of food.
Pomegranate fruit is eaten as a sweet taste. Or sour vitamin C and several minerals. Prevent scurvy. And maintenance of teeth.

Scientific name: Diospyros mollis Griff.

Common Name: Ebony tree.

Family: Ebenaceae.
Botanical characteristics: medium to large tree 10-30 m tall, stem diameter, rounded shrub canopies, as well as stem Pooopoon. Surface of the shell is cracked and scaly skin in black, white, yellow Krapig branches are soft and dotted with small leaves are oval or oval-shift arrangement. The leaf tip toward the base of a circular or rounded leaves 3.5 to 4.0 cm long, 9-10 cm wide, glabrous leaves, green leaves are hairy on both sides of the axillary flowers from the bouquet. I was a different gender. The male flowers are small, pale yellow flowers, a bouquet of flowers, female flowers with three singles. The flower petals of flowers that are 0.1 to 0.2 cm long was connected to the cup-shaped flowers. The flower petals are yellow, about 4 times overlap. Flowers with pollen in the middle of the round, about 2 cm in diameter, smooth skin and pale green to black, and the result will be dry. The calyx lobes of the rail system on the 4 June - August, seeds flat, brown seeds, 4-5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide and 0.5 to 0.7, propagation by seeds.
Part used: root, and grow fresh and green and ebony. (Do not use ripe yellow or black).


Root - the rain water from washing rice The throwing out the wind.

Ebony and fresh fruit and green - are the best herbs to get rid of dog tapeworm or hookworm Nematodes parasitic pin

Method and amount of use.
Fresh fruits and green and grow. As a result of age but less than 25 (only 25 of patients aged 40 years) compared to coconut milk, coconut juice only. To drown out the taste unpalatable. It should be eaten on an empty stomach three hours and still have not taken a laxative, such as a salt, 2 tablespoons melted into the water.
Chemical - phenol compounds diospyrol name which is easy to oxidize.

Do not use in children younger than 10 years old, pregnant women. Or the new birth. And patients with other diseases.

Be careful not to overdose.

If symptoms are diarrhea and the eyes, immediately see a doctor immediately.

Scientific name: Tamarindus indica L.

Common Name: Tamarind.

Family: Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae.

Botanical characteristics: medium to large tree branches out. Bark thick, rough and brown leaves of small branches to the leaves in pairs. The sub-parallel to the edge. The leaf blade and the small flower from the bouquet to the King a bouquet of flowers, the flowers are small, 10-15. Flowers yellow and red dots in the middle of the fruit is 3-20 cm long, rounded or elongated shape ฝakyaw young pods are green, gray bark. Brown scorch. Meat to the shell. When the pod is the shell is broken, brown meat in a brown seed coat. Meat, sour and sweet.
Part used:.

Seeds in the bark off. (Must be roasted before. The bark removed).

Seed coat texture.


Seeds - for taking worms. Threadworm

Leaves - pituitary.

Core - blood drive.

Meat - as a laxative, cough expectorants.

The method and amount used.

Seeds in a white bean soup with a little salt, 20-25. Eat all the meat in a roasting or yellow bark in water to soften. Eating, chewing the nut.

Mix salt, eat meat, drain the seed coat the stomach.

Cough, expectorants.
The texture of the pods or tamarind. Dip in salt intake.

- Wrap the meat in the shell with tartaric acid 8-18% invert sugar 30-40%.
- Seed albuminold 14-20% carbohydrate 59-65% semi-drying fixed oil 3.9-20% mucilaginous materal 60%.

Scientific name: Averrhoa carambola L.

Common Name: Star fruit.

Family: Averrhoaceae.
Botanical characteristics: medium tree 3-10 m high in the branches and the leaves stand out like a gooseberry. It is green. A bouquet of flowers arranged in a pair of opposite leaves, and forked out the purple, pink and white petals and a single five-pointed star shape light green, yellow, juicy, ripe seeds are small.
Part used: leaves, flowers and roots.


Flowers - a parasite.

The result - a decoction to stop vomiting.

- With oxalic blood coagulation.
- Drain.
- The scurvy.
- A twist on a diuretic, a salivary stone.
- Reduce inflammation.

Leaves and roots - as cold as fire hot fever toxin neutralization fever.

Scientific name: Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.

Family: Moraceae.
Botanical characteristics: tree 15-25 m high, stems erect, rough skin surface is brown to black. Or brownish gray. Skin of the trunk is cracked. And seep into the rubber tree Leaves alternate, oval or rounded concave base point Yayri 5-12 cm long, 8-15 cm wide, leaves, hairy leaves a jagged sawtooth small. The leaves are smooth. A bouquet of flowers, leaves, pointed ears, small round yellowish green leaves, small forked out by the male and female flowers on each inflorescence. But on the same tree. The female flower petals are rounded. Lobe adjacent to the base of the tube. The male flower petals along the edge of a 0.5 to 1 cm long, wavy petals bloom from February to April and a total diameter of 6-8 cm round key cortical surface roughness. When the meat is soft, green, yellow, brown seeds, each result is an oval fruit seeds March - May.
Part used: the theme from Mahad, age 5 years and a root shell.


Core - the floppy drive of the beach is a tapeworm. And helminth-soluble paint with a rash.

Wood core - the way the stomach slow inflation Kuk expel fart solve the malnutrition rash dog laxative Nematodes. Dog yarn. Taking a blood drive wind dog tapeworm is flat, the wasting disease for the tendons. Constipation was not.

Core - a wasting disease, kidney disease, a wasting disease stop wasting disease for the crowd.The wind wasting disease pressure tray. The wasting disease and constipation. The mind cure insomnia, depression disorder. The appetite. The hot dry The urine made it repeatedly canned dog tapeworm in the belly belly good. The solution Hukผammgamigai ฝiใntgag pain provoked the spread of blood.

Root - a fever, a wasting disease, tendon pathology a fever within the toxic water to boil.

Shell - a fever.

The method and amount used.

The powder was prepared by removing the beach. Mahad core boil, simmer until the water bubbles up. The bubble tea is dried. The yellow powder. To grind to a fine powder. 1-2 mg per teaspoon (3-5 grams) eaten with cold Ngmsuk. Before breakfast. After taking the unit on the beach, about 2 hours to eat the salt. Or by taking drugs. To drain the stomach. Helminth and tapeworm are taken out.

The dog tapeworm.
Mahad powder dissolved in 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons are once again two hours later to take the medication.

Use half a teaspoon for children. Melt 1 tablespoon of lemon juice are once again two hours later he was taken by clinicians.

Side effects.
Some patients are allergic rash on the skin, red itchy eyes, red face, fever, symptoms disappear within 1-2 days.
Caution: Do not eat the powder with hot water and the beach. It can cause nausea and vomiting.
Chemicals, found in Mahad.

Root shell.
- There are 5, 7 Dihydroxy flavone - 3 - 0 - L - rhamnoside.
- Galangin - 3 - beta - D - galactosyl - (1-4) - alfa - L - rhamnoside.
- Lupeol.
- Quercetin - 3 - O - beta - L - rhamnopy ranoside.
- Beta - Sitosterol.

The beginning - there are 2, 3, 4, 5 - Tetrahydroxystibene.

Tree - a 5 - Hydroxy - 2, 4,7 - trimethoxy flsvone.
- 2, 3, 4, 5, - Tetrahydroxystibene.

Bark - the Tannin, Amyrin acetate, Lupeol acetate.

In addition, the chemical If that is found in sections 2, 3, 4, 5 - Tetrahydroxystibene.

Scientific name: Quisqualis indica L.

Common Name: Drunen sailor, Rangoon ceeper.

Botanical characteristics: climbing shrub that grows fast. The short hair is thick, soft rust-colored leaves on the opposite. Or part of the switch. Circular loop or a switch. The edge parallel to the shaft 5 to 18.5 cm wide, elliptic, or 2.5 to 9 cm long, pointed leaf tip. Leaf, or rather round the head. Fragrant flower from the bouquet at the top and hanging axillary sub menu. Calyx lobes triangular tube ends short of the green. Petals 10-20 x 3-6 mm and edges parallel to the white flower is pink to dark red, oval fruit about 2.5 cm long, lobes 5, narrow red-brown glaze.
Part used: leaves, roots, seeds from the fruit of the Sweet Hand to dry.


- Pounder nourish the skin lesion or skin abscess.
- A headache, fever.

Tree - a cough.

Root - the dog's eyes and sang.

Seed - used as a roundworm, thread worms in children.

The method and amount used.
Seeds in the Sweet Hand of the dry seed 4-5 (4-6 g), cut and fried eggs for about 5-6 years old children can excrete parasites Nematodes.
Adults: Take 5-7 seeds (weight 10-15 g) bash boiled some water. Or, cut out fried with egg.
CAUTION: If excessive. Vomiting, dizziness, fatigue will.
Chemical: A substance that

Properties of Rosella.

Common Name: Jamaican Sorrel, Rosella.
Scientific name: Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.
Family: Malvaceae.


From a small shrub species. Plants of the same year. About 1-2 meters tall stems and branches are colored magenta.
Leaves: The leaves of many species into three serrated or smooth curved blade is sharp. For the shaft of the blade is about 5 cm long
Flowers: The flowers are pink with a darker color than the yard outside. I will reach out and shake the stem. The flower petals have a pointed tip, about 8-12 calyx lobes are well spread out into a dark red seed coat is broken. Approximately 6 cm in diameter
The result is a pointed oval and about 2.5 cm long, covered with the calyx.
Seeds: The seeds of the kidney. A lot of sugar.

Propagation: The seeds of the species will grow well in soil that is incoherent and clay absorb water well.

Part used: leaves, seeds calyx (tops and leaves are used fresh. Calyx using dried leaves, seeds and dried seeds).


Tops and leaves help digestion, dissolve phlegm diuretic lubricate the intestines. Element and a stimulant laxative used to mask an abscess, boil, lower to clean wounds by eating beef or boiled to remove the lower leaves, then bring to the boil, boiling hot water to clean the wound.
Calyx revitalize a good diuretic, a cough, fever, a dry stone method using hot water or boil drinking water facilities. Use dry for about 5-10 g.
Seed fat in the blood, nourishing blood tonic water elemental a conflict and pain, urinary diuretic, a laxative solution to grinding it into powder, mixed with boiling water, or eat it. Seeds dry.

Residents are native to Malaysia and India.