Aftershave: 5 natural remedies after shaving

How to intervene after shaving to eliminate redness and heal any cuts? The common alcohol-based aftershave on the market could worsen the situation by increasing the redness or burning sensation. The use of a shaving foam too aggressive could be the cause of reddened skin or particularly dry. So better try experimenting with some natural remedies to keep on hand for an emergency after shaving.

1) gel of aloe vera

 The gel of aloe represents one of the most practical and effective remedies to be applied after shaving, both in case of redness that small wounds. In fact, it helps to heal the cuts in a few moments and relieve the redness or any burning sensation. The gel of aloe in fact has emollient, soothing and refreshing. Must be applied with care and in small quantities with the tip of your fingers on the affected areas. The skin will absorb it immediately and draw relief.

2) Essential oil of chamomile

 The essential oil of chamomile is another natural remedy to be applied after shaving, because of its anti-inflammatory properties and for its ability to reduce irritation in general. Six drops of chamomile essential oil can be added to half a glass of water and apply on the face or neck with the help of a microfiber cloth or a cotton swab.

3) Potassium alum

The potassium alum, or alum, a crystal is usually used as a deodorant, in so far as it is able to act by limiting the presence of bacteria related to sweating. It is a natural remedy that has, however, the additional beneficial properties. Among them there is a particular healing power, which allows to use it by wiping gently on the skin after shaving, to prevent the bleeding of nicks and rimarginarli in a short time. It 'better to moisten the crystal of alum before using it.

4) Essential oil of calendula

The essential oil of calendula has soothing properties that make it able to relieve redness due to shaving. A few drops of essential oil of calendula may be diluted in a vegetable oil base, such as sweet almond oil, or in half tablespoon of aloe gel, so as to obtain a gel aftershave natural in a few seconds. Essential oils should not come in direct contact with cuts or small wounds. Alternatively, it can be used an ointment herbal based on calendula with soothing effect and suitable to be applied on the face.

5) Jojoba oil

If the skin after shaving appears dry, you may need to use a natural remedy that is able to make a good nourishment to the skin, at the same time calming the redness. Here is an invaluable aid comes from oil, jojoba oil, considered particularly sebosimile and easily absorbed. It is sufficient to apply a few drops on the skin with your fingers, gently. Jojoba oil, like all oils or essential vegatali, can be purchased in herbal medicine, online or in health food stores.