Bad breath

Bad breath is through the mouth, bad breath is occasionally seen. Or is it all the time that has it. Most people know that bad breath. Can test yourself by using a hand covering mouth and nose. Then exhale through the mouth. Followed by inhaling through the nose will have bad breath.


Oral hygiene is poor. The food left in the mouth is the most common cause of tooth decay, gum disease and tooth brushing does not clean. Do not use dental floss after eating. The food remains in the niche of teeth can also cause dental plaque from the teeth, gums, tongue, island and corner teeth, dentures and dental devices. When bacteria grow larger. Cause a bad smell. Bleeding by Arฟan is one cause of bad breath.

Cigarettes, nicotine and tar residue (tar) in cigarettes that are coated with adhesive on the teeth and gums, mouth and lungs, making breathing a foul odor.

General health, bad breath can be caused by diseases such as tonsillitis, lung inflammation, inflammatory diseases, flu, sinusitis, oral ulcers of the stomach of certain medications.

Particular food, alcohol, spices, garlic, onion, sweet lips, which is about 1-2 days in milk and butter, they have a bad breath.

Dry mouth caused by saliva sounds less like a professional. Or patients with allergies, mouth breathing through the mouth while sleeping berth. Chewing to salivate more.

Age, although their oral hygiene as well. A higher age has contributed to changes in the salivary glands produce less saliva.


Bad breath can be cured with good oral hygiene. If it's not good to see a dentist.

The best way to fix bad breath is to brush teeth after every meal. And using dental floss daily. And I see your dentist every 6 months for oral health.

If there is bleeding while brushing their teeth, according Arฟan. Use dental floss or after a period of more than 3 weeks may be caused by gum disease. Should see a dentist.

Should brush your tongue to the tongue with a soft brush every day. The tongue is an accumulation of bacteria as well. Found that brushing the tongue, bad breath than those who do not brush your teeth by brushing the tongue.

People who smoke should stop smoking immediately. Breath will stop smoking after two weeks.

Drink plenty of water to prevent dry mouth.

Eat fresh vegetables and fruit fiber. It helps to clean teeth.

Avoid foods with strong odors such as onion, garlic and spices.

Mouthwash lozenge and spray deodorant mouth. To obscure or suppress bad breath temporarily. Should not be with a sweet lozenge. This causes the bacteria to grow. As a result, tooth decay, bad breath and more.

Clean dentures every night, according to the instructions of the dentist.

The meal should not be fasting. Because chewing increased salivation and treatment.

Oral examination to determine the cause. And treat the cause.

Send it to your doctor if the cause of bad breath is not caused by problems in the mouth.