Banana: reduce wrinkles. Preservation of the facial skin.

Did you know that banana looks very simple. The real miracle is not quite hidden. First of all we know, banana and a little bit better.

Bananas contain three types of sugar Suk Coast fructose and glucose (sucrose, fructose and glucose) but also rich in dietary fiber. When I eat a banana. It provides the body with the right to use it. The example illustrates the power of two banana leaves, the energy has to be large enough to allow us to work up to 90 minutes, but this really is a wonderful addition. Effective in preventing disease. And various disorders of the body.

Formula: reduces wrinkles. Preservation of the facial skin.

Banana: 1.
1 cup honey.

How to mix.

The bananas are blended with honey and more. The homogeneous cream is thick and sticky. The mask used for clean up. Before going to sleep mask and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Routine for about 3 - 4 times a week. Within a month, it will feel. The skin soft and fresh bananas, which is rich in vitamins. To the skin as well. It is also easy to find fruit.