Buns omelette
2 eggs.
Big Dipper.
OilProcess and how to do it.
Once we have completed all the preparations of the egg. Then the big dipper grease set fire to prepare it. Power is very strong around the middle. Wait for the oil.
Here, we will attack the eggs into a bowl. Then add soya sauce. This can be put with the other vegetables, but do not put anything, such as corn, garlic, onion or chopped chicken or pork.
Pour enough oil to heat the eggs was not put into the fire by about one egg begins to form the shape of a dipper. We are impatient to just wait, because if the egg is cooked on the outside. But inside the egg is cooked on the outside will burn before it gradually returns to the rotation. This procedure may be used as a dipper, a small start was good enough to bring it up.
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