Vegetable fritters

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Vegetable fritters

สูตรอาหารไทย |  ผักชุบแป้งทอด
สูตรอาหารไทย | ผักชุบแป้งทอด

* wheat flour or batter for frying 150 g.

* Egg 1.

* Water 3/4 cup.

* Baking powder 1/4 tsp.

Fresh vegetables, cut into pieces.

(A preference for the deep fried baby corn,.

Carrots, onions, beans, etc.).

* Vegetable oil for frying.

1. In a large bowl, mix flour, egg and water together. Stir until all ingredients well. Then add baking powder and stir over again.

2. The vegetable oil to coat it with flour to keep it around.

3. The oil in a pan with medium heat. When oil is hot, add vegetables dipped in batter and then deep fried until golden crisp. Remove the drain.

4. The fried vegetables into the dish. Snacks served as snacks with chicken sauce, plum sauce or tomato sauce as you like.

(For 2).

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