Duck Chinese

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Duck Chinese

1 tablespoon Chinese spices
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon of sea salt
1 duck ready for the oven
1 orange into quarters
1 piece of ginger the size of a thumb, peeled and sliced
1 cucumber, cut in half and seeded
1 bunch of spring onions
2 carrots
1 can of Hoisin sauce or plum
24 pancakes cinesei (in Chinese shops or in the frozen food section of large supermarkets)

Preheat oven to 180 ? C.
Shuffle the Chinese spices, paprika and salt and rub it all on the duck, making sure to spice up the interior.

Farcisci the duck with orange quarters and ginger slices.

Disponila on a roasting tin with the breast down and arrostiscila for 40 minutes.

Now remove the duck from the oven and remove the excess fat on the bottom of the pan.

Turn the duck breast up and arrostiscila for another hour and 20 minutes, until the skin is golden and crispy and the meat well cooked.

Meanwhile, fragments cucumber, onions and carrots. Shred the duck with a fork, removing the bones.

Serve the duck as a filling for pancakes Chinese with vegetables in slices and a tablespoon of Hoisin sauce or plum.

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