DotA: Combo with keen ears for the Games.

This is a cool combo for a good match to watch each other, which is roughly like a funny pair. But I do not like the idea. It's a great combo with the right skills. Can become a disaster for the opposition ever. For example, a pair of cool combos. The results make me a few pairs.

  Omni Knight &      Butcher.

For a combo that's perfect for hiding incredible. There is a combo of Butcher's Rot Repel Repel the Omni Knight itself, which is the Butcher without the use of HP Rot Rot runs to the opponent's HP to squeeze continues. As a result of Repel (Rot does not require mana anyway) and Repel the effects of magic with other so nothing was running, Butcher said that, your opponent will do nothing. The only escape was out of the Omni Knight Repel is filled with HP for Butcher Purification and will inflict on your opponent is in a jam with runners Butcher. This combo is one of the most difficult to deal with Hero in a few pairs that can not cope with this combo. Especially early in the game.

Rot + Repel was no longer burning.

  Alchemist &     Juggernaut.

This combo is equally serious. Although the course will be reduced slightly. The amount will be based in Houston for a long period of Alchemist's Unstable Concoction to charge before firing the Juggernaut to calculate the time for good. I ran into a nearby charge. Unstable Concoction is a time when I go out to stun the target for several seconds. It is the duty of the Juggernaut in the spin resolution by Blade Fury skill that DPS is highest early in the game (the Blade Fury have Damage to Physical, it reduces the armor opponent with Acid Spray for Blade. Fury to inflict damage as well) This combo requires a well know it. Difficulty at the time that I ran into a similar approach with Unstable Concoction to let them know each other too quickly. If the other party was aware that he ran away. The exact amount of the Blade Fury is a skill that is difficult to extract the highest DPS in the game. The goal is not to kill. But it was heavily damaged it.

The precise timing depends on it. If successful, it is dead serious as well.

  Clockwerk Goblin &     Dark Seer.

For this pair. The skill used to make the perfect combo quite a skill. I certainly could not do in the high. I can not spell combos, like the earlier start is with Battery Assault Clockwerk Goblin Skill has enough DPS and mini stun every second. This skill will help it overtake your opponent can not squeeze as hard. Which will be hit with Dark Seer's Ion Shell to increase DPS while the Clockwerk Goblin was jammed up again. In addition, there are cooldown Surge accelerated in the run up to the ultimate goal of a short squeeze to help Clockwerk Goblin was easier to overtake. The match will be held to the target with Power Cog is targeted to DPS from both Battery Assault and Ion Shell to fit, which was spread out with Power Cog can use Dark Seer uses Vacuum to suck the hero's character into. Power Cog will also be seen as both a skill combo is very versatile. The disadvantage is that this combo will not work when faced with a Hero who has run the Disable the Clockwerk Goblin was extracted from it is so devastating combos.

Reliability is high. But it must be raised to match it.

The third pair is also a hero to the many partners who can bring skills to create a cool combo for many players who have played together, they try to find cool combo. Own up to it. I love to farm and to ensure that any course ^ ^.

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