International Peru Cuisine tasty dishes.

funny menu for you
On July 28 the National Day of Peru is that many people think of Peru, I close my eyes I see the ancient Inca empire arose in the mind. If the food of Peru. I believe that most people would see a picture of the grilled onions floating in front of smelly.

Vegetables of Peru.
Although Peru is a small country in South America, which has a boundary with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile, but the food and the contrast of your sight. I have the opportunity to visit Peru, will experience a colorful variety of state intervention in many of the dishes offered at the art of decorating with modern style. That's because the influence of nations. The immigrants to the land of the rich Amazon jungle larger. Desert and coastal areas.

Cebiche de Pescado that the name of Peru.

Peru is known as the tribal land of the Incas, rich, sweet potato, tomato and corn crops, and seafood from the coast in a straight line. When Spain took possession. All of the Moorish influence with the garlic, onion, pepper and lemon fused with the Incas, a tribe is a mixture of old world and new world known as the Spanish, native Indian.

Until the 19th century, Italian and Chinese immigrants to this land. Followed by the Japanese, resulting in the kitchen of Peru's modern world, seafood is an important component to the dish. And a diet with a variety of cultures come together in all menus.

The oldest of which is 1,500 years old Peru's Inca tribe and is still popular today is "Pachamanca" which means to cook underground. Is the meat. Grains wrapped in leaves and buried. The above are random, with so many layers of hot rocks heat the food is cooked underground.

Lomo Saltado delicious dish made of meat.
But if I go into all the regions of Peru. I do not know "Cebiche" The food of Peru is a popular flavor is "worse" in our food consists of fresh seafood mixed with onions, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. Tomatoes and corn.

"Purple corn" is one of the pride of the people of Peru. Because there is only one of the world. The Peruvian corn would be to do with black and purple. Here are some of the tomatoes to the 4000 strain, which is considered the largest in the world as well. The tomato is the most important ingredient on a plate of Peruvian dishes.

New World wines from North America has been recognized around the world. Believe it or not, Spanish is the first grapes planted in Peru in South America since 1540, standing in line with the grapes invisibly there's a scene in the hillside. Takashi's car to the Oasis.

Pisco Sour mix of brandy, lemon juice, Peru and the famous who came to this country to find a drink.

The national drink is Pisco Peruvian brandy, white, fragrant, and the degree of force. Pisco is made from grapes, white or a "little bird" comes from the name of the valley to the south of Peru, which has a large vineyard. It is plain there is a liquor Pisco mixed cocktail recipes and much more.

Next time if you have the opportunity to visit Peru. Hope you enjoy and appreciate the diversity of cultures on plates of Peruvian

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