DotA: depth to balance the old hero. What is the rainbow I will need bearings.

We also added a new hero. And the ability of the old hero, as seen previously. I can see that there are many heroes that I almost became a hero to a new one. This time, let's drill down and analysis capabilities to change it.

Keeper of the Light.

Improve the time Attack of the unit is very close. Increase the visibility, increasing the charging enemy. This is a new and balanced to match the skills of others.

Mana Leak.
The Mana Leak is now similar skill Bloodseeker Rupture of the target is running, it's a waste of mana in the rate is 3.5% / 4% / 4.5% / 5% of maximum mana. To run in the 100 Mana Leak For example, when I was a Level 4 and it would come in 1000 to 50% of maximum mana (spell has 5/6/7/8 second),. If the result of the loss of mana Mana Leak and exhausted. The hero is a stunt. 1.25/1.50/1.75/2 second level of skill.
Analysis of change: The Mana Leak will also be keen to cast a spell. Although the uptake was not as severe as the previous version. It has to be versatile. When it comes to the United States, it is quite interesting. A skill that KotL support in the run of your teammates better.

Range increased from 500 to 900 and reduces the cooldown of 19 hotels in all skill levels to 19/18/17/16 seconds cooldown and mana cost reduced to 40/80/100/120 from a 40/55. / 70/85, but there is no magic bonus damage and HP, and Regent.
Analysis of change: This Chakra is the skill to fill out in full. Restoration can come in a lot. Has cooled down a little less mana to use. That's a lot more.

Spirit Form.
KotL transformed into the same mental ability of almost all respects. What has changed is when the body does not need to Illuminate Channeling (the skill will be charged by the body, mind and body to another), and new skills to use them.
มีร่างจิตช่วยชาร์จสกิลต่อให้แทน เลยทำอย่างอื่นได้
I have the skills to replace the battery. I do something else.
I have the skills to replace the battery. I do something else.
Blinding Light (after using Spirit Form).
Casting light radius of 650 AoE damage around the blind. The attack is likely to miss 80% for 3/4/5 seconds to shift back to tag enemies in a radius of 250 with
Recall (after the Spirit Form).
In the hero's partner for rent KotL Town Portal skill like the current one is a hero to my opponent from the opposing hero. The teleport is canceled.


This skill is to just cast it instead. The rate of speed in opponent's attacks by 30% / 50% / 70% / 90% based on skill level.

The age of the creeps that come from just 120 seconds to 80 seconds.

This skill has become the Ultimate for the bonus damage of 15% / 20% / 25% of the level of skill (the skill is a bonus damage 4% / 8% / 12. % / 16% based on skill level), and mana mana 50/60/65 by level, skill level and a 0-second cooldown Also, because of the skill Ultimate skill. This can be shot through the magic resistance, such as Avatar of the Black King Bar.
The damage is pure damage bonus of this size.
The damage is pure damage bonus of this size.
Analysis of change: The Enchantress Of course, that it can have high pressure in the early game less. The game will not end up with Impetus Level 3 bonus damage and 25% thought it was typical of the Enchantress attack range is 550 forest stands, if the parties do not move. It has the bonus damage is estimated at 137 Pure damage which is not dependent on any item which is stronger than the Obsidian Destroyer Arcane orb again, but I do not use up too much. However, the vulnerability does not affect the resistance to magic, it has been deleted. Ultimate is a skill, it is a privilege. Shot through with magic resistance. It is very interesting.

Bounty Hunter.

Now every affiliate that is closest to the target, hit attack Track will receive a bonus 20% speed run as well as Bounty Hunter, and no matter who killed them. If the target dies, Bounty Hunter Track skill that bounty will be paid immediately. Bounty 75/150/225 rate is based on skill level.
Analysis of change: It is a very interesting performance. Both the Alliance and it killed Move Speed ​​bounty that we have. The hero is played as a team much better. Reduce the projected single or Steal Kill a greedy bounty to have it.

Brood Mother.

Spine Web.
Reduce the visibility of the Web and reduce cooldown from 90/65/70/45 to 90/70/50/30 Mana Cost reduced from the 140 m level in all the 50 mana every level. instead of

Insatiable Hunger.
The bonus damage from 60/75/90 to 60/80/100 but the rate of blood instead of 40/60/80% to 40/55/70% and reduces the duration of 20 seconds. down to 12 seconds.
Analysis of change: the event that a compromise would have. It is effective to reduce the time to 8 seconds, but the Insatiable Hunger is a skill. "Better than the" skill has a cooldown, then login to use the results to be even lower. But right after that.

Beast Master.

Call of the Wild.
45/50/55/60 seconds, cooldown reduced from 40 minutes to the skill level of all skill levels and the lifetime of 60/70/80/90 seconds to 60 seconds for all levels of skill levels. skills instead.
Greater hawk.
No Permanent Invisibility Invisibility spell, but with a run instead. Can disappear for a long time to fade 1 second, 5 seconds to 30 seconds and cooldown increased from 25 to 200 HP for the bounty from 100 to 40 and increase from 280 to 400 aircraft.
Greater Quillbeast.
HP reduced to 500 from 700 to fewer than 200 units.
Analysis of change: to make use of Hawk in the surveillance and the need to pay attention more to the HP Quillbeast reduced ability to decrease slightly with Jungling.
งานนี้ถ้าจะเล่น Beast Master คงต้องฝึกการควบคุมกันหน่อย
This will play a Beast Master would exercise little control.
This will play a Beast Master would exercise little control.

The hero is not balanced and there are many options if you and I can see that the hero was a fraud to light. The hero, almost no one to touch it and play it. However, this adjustment is balanced or not. I need to continue to monitor progress.

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