! Valve Software will prepare develop console "Steam Box

America's technology news site. The company said valve software development team FPS games such as Half Life and Counter Strike. Preparing development plans for their new game console in the "steam box" to compete with the big three console manufacturers.

After a month before the "gabe newell" said the major studios valve software has been out of the interview that the team will then develop its own console when needed. And if that's the only way to make innovation in the video.

Latest News on The Verge IT Website of the United States. The report indicates that the source is not allowed to disclose that its valve software was developed to console himself as a "steam box" (Steam Box) and will become a producer. console at the camp next to the giant New Nintendo Sony and Microsoft.

The sources claim that the platform is this new operating system that looks similar to an Android, Google, or the operating system of the 3DO valve will work with partners like Alienware in the development of the steam box. this. For an overview will be built with a CPU Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM and a Nvidia video card, although it is primarily used for playing PC games through Valve's Steam. But it will be able to play the game is on the origin of the rival camp with EA.

In addition to the steam box also comes with a controller, the USB allows players to shift parts on the joystick to match their aptitude or modified to vary the type of game. The controller also has a feature that can read the bio (Biometric Readings) to send the game to a real-time by the user's heart rate.

For the steam engine box. Sources have speculated that it could be launched at GDC 2012 (between March 5 to 9 ), or it may be postponed to the later in the E3 in June 2012, it is anyway. the steam for the air box. Sources have speculated that it could be launched at GDC 2012 (between March 5 to 9 below), or it may be postponed to the later in the E3 in June 2012, it is anyway. the valve did not release any comment on the matter did not come to any opinion on the matter.

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