DotA: packed tightly with the basic science of the control area.

What is the "space power".
It refers to the amount that your hero can attack and damage on the boundary or the area where each hero will have the power to do the same. Depending on the type of hero is a hero to remote attacks (Range) in the area will have power over them at close range (Melee), but also with other elements. Involved with.

Age ranged attacks. It has more power than the adjacent area as basic.

I need to learn. "Space Power".
When we play DotA, many people may never have that problem ...
- I take it as well.
- Know how to be safe.
- I do not have time to help a friend.
If you ever have this happen, then. If you have no control over the area and understand this well enough. If we understand and learn how to do it where we can reach a skill you have to play immediately without wasting time. The hero and his skill. To play it well. Need to learn about the basic things well.

Use of the area.
For example, Skeleton King and Nevermore.

Skeleton King is a hero to attack at close range, but a skill that can be attacked remotely is the Hellfire Blast the target with Stun up to 2 seconds, the display area, the far end of the Skeleton King is located at about 600 Range of distance. Hellfire Blast attack, which some players believe that this is the skill to play. And used it to attack it from a distance. But that is not the actual area of ​​the Skeleton King, because they will attack in the 600 Range, but the damage actually done is to attack the Skeleton King is at a distance of only 128 Range only.
Nevermore is a hero, attack range 500 Range, but it is a skill that can attack the very Shadowraze distance of attack up to 700 Range the area show the power of Nevermore and the skills and attacks. It is very similar. And this means that in the 500 Range, it can attack fully mobilized.

Of the room to see that even though Skeleton King will attack the 600 Range, but the area the real power is only 128 Range only with Nevermore's attack on the full length of 500 Range Advanced Nevermore advantage and asked. Another disadvantage of the Skeleton King is attacked with Hellfire Blast to take me to walk towards the target and then attack. So if I use the skill players do not try to approach as much as possible before I get 2 seconds of Stun Hellfire Blast can only shorten the distance of the target only.
One other aspect is the Skeleton King and Nevermore are the same. They have a dangerous enemy because it has 600 Range is the Hellfire Blast can attack suddenly and Nevermore little, and then moved to attack targets fully. What I would say it is. This is the basis for a combo attack it. Combo skill that it does not know any of the mobilization. Attack a target until the end. It is learned that the hero can both support and complement each other rather than the full model. And if you do not have a hero. You can not hit it good. The technique is also used to play for example.

Nevermore will I attack with the hero in your lane. You should do. Nevermore to be able to support you as soon as they show, the Skeleton King is attacking you, you're just trying to close with the enemy in the 500-600 Range and the term itself. It also means that you are ready to attack at any time. And do not have to wait to see Nevermore even know how to attack it.

Skeleton King from a distance and can be shown to the right.

Nevermore will I do if it attacked. It can support your needs.

On the other hand, if you are Nevermore and is waiting for a friend on the team sneak into the enemy's attack. You may be the same as the Skeleton King suggested that I change the phase of the attack. Be sure to get the most good. This area shows the power of Nevermore up to 500 Range is assumed that you can approach the target in the 200 Range, which means that the enemy takes a few seconds to escape out of the 300 Range and in the meantime, you can attack freely without losing. rhythm track.

To increase the amount of "space power".
Many people see this and think that the hero may also lose their melee attack range. But there are ways that you can add your own in the area. It is to pick out items to Kelen's Dagger to the skill Blink is Blink to up to 1,200 Range means you can add the power of the hero and another 1,200 Range is assumed that the Skeleton King use. In 1200, it can approach and attack the enemy immediately. Without having to worry about Nevermore is Hellfire Blast, it means that it will be used to attack targets up to 1,700 Range longest ever, and this is one reason. That's why players like the Kelen's Dagger.

Blink is a Centaur with a tiger escape.

"Space powers" in team play.
Hero, some of the skill Blink or The Faerie Dragon as they have shown the way, it is not surprising that it has been popular with the players always have Tidehunter the skill Revage it can create. space power to the team as soon as it became more than 1,000 Range is open to watch.
But if the enemy knows ใta return. In this regard, it is good. And do not cross into the area of ​​the simple. The hero has the power not to be tried in front of the Skeleton King or Centaur's teams always play. To increase the chances of reaching the enemy more, but it was a Faerie Dragon where the team ever.

The hero of the open space and less power should be in front of the group. Followed by a space hero, a higher authority.

The psychology DotA.
DotA is the psychological distance or away from areas that are much more dangerous. Most players will reduce the time taken to play down. So far the area is a hero to use, it is more likely to kill or beat a team approach is only one example of thousands of immigrant POTM shooting arrows. Always been popular with players frequently. It is a skill that we have so far.

The hero who has the authority area.
In addition to affecting the area and power. The width of the damage would affect the same area. It is an AoE attack, the attacker would have a long and wide enough to cover the area. To all. For example, Pit Lord, Queen of Pain, Zeus, Silencer, if you look at the issue of violence. But look at the coverage area. This is a hero. "This area is the area".

For this area, that power is not new. But it is not that DotA is a release version. It can be used to play at any time. So I can understand and exercise your power to control the display area. It is the foundation of a real team play.

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