DotA - what is Carry Hero

Many of you have probably come through the eye to the discussion in the replay. Or in foreign countries. Carry a terminology which will be mentioned frequently, often hear many people may be puzzled as to what that was. Many people may not know. But not in the true sense. This is a puzzle to me this terminology.

Carry in DotA means nothing.
Carry straight, then by definition it means to carry cargo in DotA is meant to come? It is portable as well. It means that the item for damage. The definition of Carry in DotA is "Hero to carry items for damage and can do DPS (Damage per Second), or the damage per second for a lot of killing Hero opponent at a time. 4-5 seconds to hit the enemy with a Hero of the normal complement of attack "(emphasis in the attack late in the game).
In summary, it is a Hero to inflict a high-end items for the damage. (This may be because I called Carry), which normally would be. Hero with a high attack and kill the Hero in no time.

The Attacker or Damage Dealer with it.
Although there is no clear explanation. But many of the Carry On Attacker or Damage Dealer is a Hero who has the ability to stand tall enough to be a Hero who has the ability to stand out in a tank or a link or shun the long-range attack. This need not be a Hero to inflict it. It may be that many of the Hero, not to inflict the origin. It can act as Carry it by virtue of the ability to survive high compensation. The next item was added to act Carry DPS as well.
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The ability to do damage from items. More than the basics.
The ability to do damage from items. More than the basics.

Best Carry Heroes.
In the country also are ranked Hero to Carry the best as well. However, it is difficult to determine whether it is the best. The advantages, disadvantages, it depends on the game. And with teammates. It has ranked top of the Hero to Carry both popular and they are as follows.

The STR.
Sven - with God's Strength damage was more than twice the speed. The tank is in very good here.
Skeleton King - has been critical of the violence. It also has a second life as well.
Dragon Knight - the dragon can attack the enemy group. And the ability to tank height.

The AGI.
Shadow Fiend - the game farm as severe damage to Nuke the game, it is a great Attacker.
Spectre - is a good supplement. The best assassin in the Late Game.
Terror Blade - may take some time to create a little bit, but with Metamorphosis + Conjure Image is a very high DPS.

For the INT line is typically not designed with that in the Late Game is incompatible with the concept of a Carry Hero of the killings inflicted by the attacks. It has some semi-Carry can act as Queen of Pain.
Treant ก็เป็น Carry ได้ ถ้าไอเทมถึง
Carry Treant if the item is reached.
Carry Treant if the item is reached.
Items for Carry Hero.
Items for Carry Hero mainly as items that add damage is so brutal, or add the ability to kill enemies faster the older Hero As soon as the portability is not an example to. I see four different pieces of it.

Monkey King Bar - for any damage to the Hero and the Str, Agi or Int because it allows the attacker to force it. To attack faster, too.

Buriza-do Kyanon - to inflict damage up to 75 at the time of the attack. With a chance to inflict a Critical Strike with.

Radiance - to carry the thing to do 60 damage plus 35 to Burning Effect inflict damage to enemies around and add another 8% Evasion with

The Butterfly - although that seems to be a line item of the Agi Hero, but other lines are available as well. It is important that the lines of Hero. This item really is, and Evasion 30% Attack Speed ​​30% separately.

Hero is the more important items.
As he goes by the name of this position is held Carry items are used to attack high DPS to the DPS to kill the opponent. Even so, the. Hero to some, is not caused by the Attacker was not good enough if the item is a Carry as well as Treant Protector of the Amgeded EHOME EHOME.Snoy from the team that wins the match. against. The firm, which was a tumultuous rush of the game, the game will slow down your opponent. I farm it. The item level. It was also concluded that the Carry Carry Hero The Hero The Hero of the atrocities by their ability to be even more brutal when you carry the items around it for damage.

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