New Nintendo licensed technologies. "Havok-Gameware" for the Wii-U.

Wii-U console version of the Nintendo Wii. It allows developers to create games using the technology behind the success of the game several Skyrim, Arkham City, Killzone 3 and Assassin's Creed.

The technology behind games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Batman: Arkham City, and Dragon Age II will be available to all game developers on the Soviet Union (Wii U) was used on the Nintendo Wii was announced. The company has agreed to license the Havok middleware and Autodesk is completed.

Agreement with Havok will enable game developers on the Wii-U to use Havok Physics and Havok Engine to create a game. The above two technologies have been licensed for use with all the games on multiple platforms, including Assassin's Creed, Killzone 3 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Agreement with Autodesk to allow game developers to use the technology on the world to create Gameware. The developer can use three products for a game of Gameware the Autodesk Scaleform (user interface development), Autodesk Kynapse (artificial intelligence), and Autodesk HumanIK (character animation), the portfolio of games based Gameware have been like Dragon Age. II, Mafia II, Lost Planet 2, Crysis 2 and Batman: Arkham City.

VU Wii-U console version of the Nintendo Wii will be available worldwide later this year. However, Title VI of the Wii-U. May not be a real game will be available. Questions about the Soviet Union, there are plenty, but there is no clear answer to. The new Nintendo Wii that will launch the forthcoming release version in E3 2012, which will be held June 5-7.

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