Chicken with apple mushroom sauce topped.


apple fruit of love and beauty. Eating a delicious dessert or a fruit dish.

This change of food in my house because my Chinese is not.
I need a way to get rid of the chicken and apple too.

Ingredients and how to do it.
Chicken leg with her ​​hip.
Ground black pepper.
Of fresh butter.
Finely chopped shallots.
Juice apple cider.
Straw mushrooms, cut into thin slices.
Whipped cream.
Par Lay chopped

apple chips.
Of fresh butter.
apple slices cut
Granulated sugar

1. Chicken, water absorbent cloth. Salt and ground black pepper, mix together thoroughly. Marinate at room temperature for about 15 minutes.
2. Set the pan on medium heat. Add the butter and oil. Put the marinated chicken, fried golden and cooked on both sides.
Add whiskey, then speeding up the power to fire. And the smell of alcohol vapor.
Dip chicken into prepared pan off.
3. Set the pan on medium heat. Add the butter and oil. Add shallots and fry until soft. Water and apple cider were all over each other.
Pour into prepared pan and add chicken. Simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes to take back the chicken pieces well.
4. Set the pan on medium heat. Add the butter, then add mushrooms and fry cooked. Spoon the mushrooms into the pan fried chicken.
5. Add the whipping cream. Simmer for about 5 minutes or until sauce is thick. Season with salt and pepper to taste to taste.
6. Make fried apple. Set pan on medium heat add butter, put apple into a yellow oil around it.
Gradually add sugar. Stir until the caramel off.

7. Spoon the mushroom sauce topped chicken pieces. Sprinkle with chopped Par Lay. Served with fried apple.

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