Coconut mousse topped with mango sauce.

The British came to see me today. As the coconut mousse topped with mango sauce. Cool sweet taste delicious. The weather is very hot today so I love it here and the weather is hot like this. Sitting in air cool. I eat this dish with coconut mousse and a comfort to me to see coconut mousse recipe is better than me.

What needs to be prepared.
Gelatin 50 grams.
Nestle 200 g cream (heavy cream).
400 ml coconut milk
Batitda de Coco 2 tablespoons (a Brazilian liquor Liqueur. Smells like coconut).
Icing sugar 40 grams.
Broccoli, cooked meat, cut into pieces 250 grams.
120 ml pineapple juice
Lemon juice 1 tsp.

How to make mousse, coconut and mango sauce.
- Mix the icing sugar, coconut cream and Nestle. Raise into the pot to boil. Keep them all the time. When hot, add the gelatin powder into the muzzle until the next hand.

- It takes about 3-5 minutes of cooking smoke rising from the pot, lift it up to 5 tablespoons pineapple juice and stir well with batifa de coco.

- Spoon the mixture was put into print. Set aside and keep warm. Then entering into the incubator and left to cure a cold.

- So we do not make the mango sauce. The ripe mango flesh into 2 parts: the first part of the blender with the remaining pineapple juice. Add lemon juice into. Blend until fine. I have been here mango sauce.

- The mousse was then knocked out of the printing plate. Garnish with mango slices cooked. And topped with mango sauce again. This is done successfully. Serve now.

Pitchaya's Food.

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