"mackerel salad leaves Chaplo"

"mackerel salad leaves Chaplo"
"Fish," a little place in the basket. There will be fried and eaten with sauce, then. Fish can also be prepared to create a menu to suit any taste. More variety.

The meals in this "small cook" the fish that is very much present. The menu is called. "The tuna salad Chaplo" that the formula we have come from "fish lighters" that have taste to taste, then it's mouth. I have to sneak to the kitchen to get recipes from the restaurant. I do not have to go back home to see. And we can not forget to bring a family recipe for this generous support of our fans as ever.

For the ingredients to be prepared as follows.

1 or steamed fish.
Three-headed sedge.
Chaplo choped 5 leaves.
Sugar, fish sauce, lemon pepper (as much as they pleased).
Roasted nuts and roasted coconut (for Garnish).

When preparing the ingredients are ready. The process of making it to the Chaplo mackerel salad. The easy way to do that. The steamed fish was fried to a golden enough. Then remove the bone out and cut into bite pieces and then leave the room.

I turned to water and mix with lemon pepper, fish sauce and sugar mixed together. (According to taste preference) and add shallots. With the Chaplo down. Put the prepared fish and then into the salad mix with the water tell them that shall be done. Remove from heat and plate. Then sprinkle with roasted coconut. Roasted nuts and more. Just as it is. "The tuna salad Chaplo" to eat with steamed rice. Stomach to a meal.

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