A simple delicious " Fried ham cheese wonton"

A simple delicious " Fried ham cheese wonton"
Time there will be a small party. Or have friends come to play at home, one "small weeks" we will be able to make it easy to figure out the menu. It tastes delicious, everyone was prepared. I think that it is not desirable. The menu is simple. Some of the ingredients, I was busy until the end.
But "Cook and" get to see the "dumpling wrapped in ham, cheese," the shop "just me", it was found that this menu it is best suited for parties, small, simple, or even made me play it when it was not. need anything more. There are only three ingredients.
Wonton sheets, 10 sheets (more or less as required).
Cheese wrapped in a sheet.
Ham a limit.
How was the ham was cut into small squares. Then remove the cheese plate was cut into three parts wrapped in ham, cut into small pieces, then took another piece of cheese dumplings were wrapped to look like a shuttlecock. Maul a few minutes to the time it took to fry the dumplings in the pan to loosen it.
The gas is turned into the pan. Add enough oil to bring down the fried dumplings flooded. Oil until hot. And then into deep water. Let's say that the oil is hot, really. Otherwise it makes the dumplings are cooked slowly and with too much oil. The dumplings are cooked, then yellow, then scoop out the oil drain or mop. Then serve it hot. Eaten with sauce chicken was delicious.

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