Bake Patatoes White Cheese

Ingredients: -.
- Potatoes, peeled and cut 4.

6 head.
- Water, boil it again.
- Fresh milk or cream.

1 cup.
- Butter.

6 tablespoons.
- The sandalwood paste.

1 / 4 tsp.
- Salt and pepper it.
- Salt to it.
- Brock choline burn it.
- Morgan Massage Arellano Cheese Plate.

2 discs.
- A modest white sauce.

Method: -.
1 boiled it in salt water until done but not soggy.
2 out of hot water out of the pot. Then put it in a pot to boil. To make it dry.
3, when it does, then remove from heat, moisture, and lift off the ground, grinding should be dried thoroughly, it looks like flour.
4, when it detailed. Warm milk and butter in a container. When boiling, slowly pour the milk mixture. Butter into the mashed potato and stir or beat them up.
5 is a little or a lot of butter and milk. Depending on the needs of eating. And requirements of the mashed potato. Is that if milk is a little hard. If I put a lot of liquid.
6 Season with salt, pepper, sandalwood powder and ball. It should taste like butter and milk powder. And cream, it's salty.
7 and mashed potato casserole that has been put into containers for baking. By Brock choline into the ground beside it lay the cheese over it. Topped with white sauce into the oven until the sauce, white and yellow pages.
8 removed from the oven. Spoon into serving dish. Garnish with crispy bacon and serve hot.

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