Stir-fried minced pork with salted egg

Stir-fried minced pork with salted egg
      Songkran ago. The Song of sadness. Depressed very depressed. From the wacky wacky home town of some "little chef" did not go home, constantly monitoring the situation. But when they are hungry to find something to eat, restaurants, shops are often closed. They are not confident in the safety that I'm a red truck with a gas valve, open the home page. The burning bus. I was shooting people.
This "small weeks", so he picks up yonder with your fridge, I made a simple menu. "Stir-fried minced pork with salted egg," I eat it with a political home.
Pork 1.5 limit.
2 salted eggs.
Crushed garlic cloves 10-15.
Onion 1 tsp.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
2 tablespoons oyster sauce.
Soy sauce 2 tbsp.
1 tablespoon sugar.
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
A little water.
How to do it.
The first step is taken to be salted. Cut it into small pieces before then. In a wok over medium heat. Pour oil into a hot, wait until then. Crushed garlic and stir 2-3 times and then add the minced pork and stir. The salted pork is cooked through and put the slices into the prepared pan and season with oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, stir to combine. When mixed with salted pork is tough for me to add a little water. Be required to complete the ceremony.
The last drop by drop, ground pepper and serve slightly. And garnished with onion as they prepare and serve them.

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